Have you ever seen someone go crazy?

i cant bear to watch more than a few seconds of that.. annoying kid dont know wtf hes saying...

btw, aweful lot of t&a on that page.. not all that proper of a link for the youngsters in the house :/
Thanks to 4years of German in highschool I can understand most of what he's saying, which is totally inappropriate for his age! It's funny, but more than likely staged. IRL my friend punched through his wall's sheetrock and hit a stud, breaking his hand. Nub missed like 3x shots with the awp and caused his team to lose a cal-m match
I know what I would do if that was my son. I'd send him into confinement somewhere very remote.
that was ridiculously staged, there was a blatant 5 second pause at the end where if he had been describing what he was doing, he would have said "Look at me, I am turning off the video camera."
And the winner of the scariest language when yelled award goes to........


::band plays::
according to my brother (has his german minor at BU)

bro: at the beginning he keeps yelling, i want to play, i want to play
bro: and then "jetzt geht's los" which is sort of like here we go
bro: start the god damned game....staaaaarrttt theeee gaaaammmmmm you whore, isn't that your home? STAAAARRT...what the fuck is this this then.....ohh my god, what the fuck is this, I want to play...yes, fast start....here we go, here we go, here we gooooooo.....PLAYYYYYYY.....you jack off, plaaaayyyy, (gibberish), it's frozen, oh man, its frozen....when it freezes, then I have to wait even longer....i don't want to wait, i just want to plaaaayyyy.....think positive, just think positive, it will start soon, yes....here we go!!!! laughter, yes here we go, more laughter...here we go....ahhh you whore, eat that, eaaat thaaaaaaat, ahh I've killed him....woooooo, go go, eat that, you little shit, shit, you asshole....yelling smashing keyboard....whaaaat the fuuuuckk (in english)....
bro: the escape key is missing, the escape key, where is it, where is the escape key, screaming/crying, where is it, where is it (finds the key)....so... I don't need any help or anything, I don't need any help, I don't need any help, laughter.....get going....the button, where is the spacebar, its not working...I'll kill you, i will simply kill you....aahhhh eat that you whore, i will kill you....I've killed him! ahhhhh I will kill all of you....ahhhhhh eat that you whore, I will just kill you with the sword! Oh no, now someone is shooting at me, now someone is shooting at me....(gets shot) yells a lot, smashes keyboard, runs off, the end
I think you link your video to the wrong place because I see no video...

See where it says "Launch in external browser" Thats what you click. :)
Wow.... I didn't even see them ladies on the site
*turns off adblock and head back to the site*

I wonder what game it is.

If that's staged, the kids a great actor.

Otherwise, i want to take that keyboard and smack it across his parents' face
The game is UT he is unpatiently awaiting to play.... also this video is wicked old and wicked fake.

I found it 0% funny because of the 100% shitty acting and the 100% annoying dork yelling factor. Seriously.


Another video that came out the same time though, which is 100% funnier.... is this. http://media.putfile.com/MikeyLanguage

Ha-lare-e-us. :D I can't not laugh... never gets old.
@ work, cant watch the thing.

BTW been in germany for 8 months now, german people are more open than americans, IMO, you can be at the bar or club and see 16 year olds drinking and smoking, and its ok, they are allowed to drink beer at 14, hard liquor at 18. The thing is that you dont see them get in trouble by driving drunk or fighting. I guess they have some comon sense and just want to have fun.
STANG22GT said:
to drink beer at 14, hard liquor at 18. The thing is that you dont see them get in trouble by driving drunk or fighting. I guess they have some comon sense and just want to have fun.

Yup, that's europe for you. Governed by common sense instead of laws.
If I ever see another one of these staged pissed of at a video game videos again it will be too soon.
How does anyone know this one's fake? Anyone have proof? This one seems pretty real. Either it's real or this kid's a DAMN good actor.

PLUS: the video of that kid cussing is pretty much innapropriate...I am Jewish, so, while I was watching, I got pretty irritated and stopped the video. Be more careful with things you post, it could get you in trouble.
Actually the second video of the little kid is not fun at all, where i live its a felony called Child Perversion (compared with giving alcohol or drugs to minors) and is punished with some years in prison...thats why the adults in there didnt show their face

OldMX said:
Actually the second video of the little kid is not fun at all, where i live its a felony called Child Perversion (compared with giving alcohol or drugs to minors) and is punished with some years in prison...thats why the adults in there didnt show their face

I hope those bastards go to jail forever. This thread's getting pretty rediculous, I say lock it.
Start the game or I will start Holocaust Version 2 on your SCHEISSER!!!

Yeah.....that kid's mental