just got a ps2...


Limp Gawd
Jan 19, 2004
Now based on my initial must have game purchases:

Mark of Kri
Devil May Cry 3
We <3 Katamari

what other games have I forgotten about that are ridiculously sweet? While typing this I just thought of one, Shinobi. Any and all help is appreciated, thanks.
I've beaten the first god of war, has god of war 2 been marked down at all yet?
First Devil May Cry, Guitar Hero games, star wars battlefront
First Devil May Cry, Guitar Hero games, star wars battlefront

I thought about the first devil may cry, but now after playing the 3rd, how enjoyable will the first be? It's got to have less depth. I was also very surprised to think devil may cry 3 is damn hard I'm stuck on the centipede monster thing atm.
I thought about the first devil may cry, but now after playing the 3rd, how enjoyable will the first be? It's got to have less depth. I was also very surprised to think devil may cry 3 is damn hard I'm stuck on the centipede monster thing atm.

I never tried the third, but the first was one of the very few games i played through more than once. I thought it was an unbelievably fun game.

Ico seems to be a favorite among people too. Only tried the demo of it and it seemed fun
Looking into getting a PS2 as well. :)

I'm buying mine because I'm a pretty big fan of Monster Rancher and have very fond memories of MR2 on the PSX. Gonna pick up Monster Rancher 4, Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, and God of War.
GTA trilogy, Hitman Trilogy. Most gamestops have the sets for $30, good deal for 3 brand new games. Also, if you're into thinking and group fun, Buzz! the Megaquiz
the list is huge for the PS2 I'll spit out some RPG's if you don't like RPG's stop reading now.

Final Fantasy X
Disgea 1 & 2
Mikia kingdom
Digital Devil saga
Persona 3
arc the lad the first one the second one kinda sucked.
grandia 3
Soul Nomad
Valkyrie profile2
Tales of the abyss

seriously there are like 2 or 3 times more these are a good start. If your new to RPG most people new to RPG's can get hooked on Final Fantasy X.
Watched Shadow of Colussus be beaten, not as intense as actually playing. Beat the GTA games on PC, ditto hitman, guitar hero on 360.

How was Digital Devil Saga it looks ridiculously nuts.

What about really really good platformers? likeee Rygar? I haven't played it, but I seem to remember that being the general feedback it got when it was released.

edit: and monster rancher 2 on psx was HIGH quality gaming.
Guitar Hero
Tekken Tag Tournament
Kingdom Hearts
Tony Hawk Series
Resident Evil Series
Gran Turismo 4
Ratchet and Clank Series
Burnout 3
Twisted Metal: Black
GTA Series
Metal Gear Solid Series
Shadow of the Colossus
Final Fantasy X
God Of War
Madden Games
"just got a ps2..."

Wow! Slow down!

J.K. ;)

God of War and God of War 2 are awesome. The Ratchet and Clank games are fun. Any of the Burnout games are addictive. Metal Gear and Splinter Cell games rock.

Try Gamestop/EB Games. Ebay, and Craigslist for used games.
You're going to have enough incredible games to satiate your gaming thirst until the next batch of next genners come out!

I recommend Amazon.com for buying games. The one-click buy button can be dangerous, but the BEST deals are always there, on both new and used games.

*Rogue Galaxy* *cough cough*
Do you like the old-school sidescrolling shooters?

R-Type Final and Gradius V are the best 2.

I don't think Soul Calibur 3 was mentioned..or Viewtiful Joe.

Otherwise, my other votes were already mentioned. Odin Sphere, Kingdom Hearts, Katamari Darmacy, Final Fantasy X, God of War, Devil May Cry, GT4, Okami
Intelligent Qube (yes I know it's a PS1 game)
or the even more elusive Intelligent Qube Remix Plus (IQ Remix+) for the PS2
I know it's not exactly an original choice, but get Final Fantasy X. I was more addicted to that game than any other game, ever - except maybe Socom 1 and Socom 2 online. I've never poured 120 hours into a single player game before. It was also my first FF and really my first RPG so the epicness of it was overwhelming.

I've heard FFXII is good too, but I haven't played it. Still playing FFIX and Morrowind, after those two I'll be burnt out on RPG's so FFXII won't be for a while :p
If you like final fantasy and disney get the kingdom hearts games, they are a blast.
Here are a few to get ya started:

If you're new to RPGs
Final Fantasy X

More experience to RPGs
Star Ocean 3
Valkyrie Profile 2
Disgaea 2
Persona 3

Devil May Cry 3
God of War 2
Ratchet & Clank Up Your Arsenal

Guitar Hero 2 (don't get 3 if it's your first...and 2 is the best anyways)
Rock Band (ONLY if you have the cash and are planning on getting a PS3 down the road, since the instruments are compatible with the PS3 Rock Band)
FFXII, absolutely.

And Okami.

But seriously, just getting a PS2???? You have a gigantic library of "must play" games ahead of you. You best get crackin'.
I finally got around to buying a PS2 a couple weeks ago. Picked up Shadow of the Colossus, FF 10 and 12, Killer7, Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3. Just finished Colossus and absolutely loved it. So I'm also working my way through the massive back catalog of PS2 games.