Orange box causing problems on comp?


Limp Gawd
Jan 19, 2004
Just got orange box, and after about 10 minutes in portal, computer goes black, and wont turn back on, 10 minutes later I can turn it back on. I try TF2 now and maybe 5 minutes in, comp goes black and wont turn back on.

It's a laptop, and it got rather hot during both games, but not any hotter than I've thought its gotten before. and this had never happened before.

stats: intel core 2 duo both@ 2.00ghz, 2gigs ram, and an nvidia geforce go 7600
running vista.
any ideas?
bump, is it obviously overheating and I just suck? or is it some other thing no one has any idea about?
could be overheating. have you tried propping up the laptop on something so its off of the table making it so air can pass underneath it? wouldn't hurt to give it a try