XB 360 general hardware failure: halo 3 related?


Limp Gawd
Jan 19, 2004
So my roommate and I go and get halo 3 at 12:15am, and we play for probably 8 hours then another 4 hour session the next day.

The next time we tried to play, the 360 beeped and froze, it continued to do this everytime we tried to play halo. So we tried skate. and it worked perfectly, we play for an hour and try halo again, still messed up.

So at this point we think its just halo, but we tried to play skate. again in about 1 hour probably and it froze up. Now the 360 does not function, and we get the 3 red lights.

Halo 3 related? Anyone had any similar experiences and chalked it up to coincidence?
Just checking, cause this sucks so bad =/

edit: we have the regular version
No, its Xbox 360 related.
You must have read some reports about them failing?
its just coincidence, just phone up MS and tell them you have the red ring of death and theyll help you out :) 3 year warranty FTW!
it could have been any game played long enough to make it overheat, call them up (800-4-my-xbox) you will be without your 360 for at least two weeks or longer, you'll end up with a newly refurbished unit which should have improved cooling inside in the form of an additional heatsink, and then you should be good to go
My 360 is about to die as well. I got a 'disc unreadable' error this morning while playing Halo 3. And now my 360 is making strange clicking type noises. Oh well, it's been a good run since I got in May as a replacement for one that broke, which was also a replacement of my original one - but that one broke, too. 360 number 4, here I come!:p
My 360 gets dirty disk alot. With Halo 3 though my dvd spins down a lot which means i got some time before i get dirty disk. I couldnt load a map because my dvd drive wouldnt spin back up at one point.
My xbox kept crashing last night when I tried to send a message, but when I played halo it was fine, I think it was just strange live related tech problems.
A lot of people are logging on with a free 48hour XBL trail that came with Halo 3. SO live is a tad laggy
My xbox kept crashing last night when I tried to send a message, but when I played halo it was fine, I think it was just strange live related tech problems.

Same thing happened to me, the blade would get stuck in the open postion.. If you just let it sit it would unfreez after a minute.. Live was just laggy last night..
Its kindda funny, beat the game last night and after exiting to the dash it wouldnt let me load the game anymore. "unrecognized disk". My wife looks at me and goes, thats figures, you beat it once and theyll never let you play it again lol

It was funny, never had an issue with it til i beat it :p
I had a couple of issues with the store. I tried to see if there was anything new...and I guess Live is getting hit so hard, the store won't open at all. On the 2nd or 3rd try (in 2 days), it started freezing if I waited for the store to load.
Live must be getting hit HARD this week.
Ya, Live is having some issues considering all the gamers on at once. Heck, usually my friends list has like 5-10 people online...the last few days I have had 15-25!

They are doing well though keeping it up...the beta just killed live for like 12hrs a couple times :eek:
Same thing happened to me, the blade would get stuck in the open postion.. If you just let it sit it would unfreeze after a minute.. Live was just laggy last night..

Yea I let it sit for a while but I got impatient so I restarted then I tired again and it stuck so I restarted, finally I tried something else in the blade and it stalled but unfroze after a little bit so I just started up halo.