Probably one of the best trailer's I've seen in awhile.

It's a good commercial... love it how people don't understand who Michael is... LOL :)
I'm not very fond of sony as of late, but that ad really impressed me.
Holy f*** that was a waste of 2 mins. How is that a good commercial?

It's a good commercial because many people thought it was a good commercial. Of course not everyone will agree.

I think that Geico ad with the stack of money with eyes is retardedly bad but lots of other people think it's good.... :rolleyes:
Pretty cool commercial! You have to be pretty slow not to understand what's going on there.
Great commercial, saw it on IGN. Some people just don't understand what the commercial is about.
Great commercial, saw it on IGN. Some people just don't understand what the commercial is about.

Actually I think everyone understands it, but instead it's just they are so rabid in their hate of Sony and/or the PS3 that they can't bring themselves to admit that anything even remotely connected to it is good.
I still find it funny that people hate on consoles they don't own :p

Reason I don't own a 360 is they had too many RRoD reports in their lifespan, I'm simply not interested in having a console die on me.

My PS3 is a 80 GB, the last of the phats.
Awesome commercial. I love the ps3 commercials so much more than the 360 commercials.
9 days an 9 million + views now..:eek:

It's one of the few genius moves that Sony has made in the last few years. I like the trailer a lot.

Now only if the Sony execs get their heads out of their asses and stop saying stupid shit. They need more of this kind of positive publicity, especially in face of the PSN farce earlier this year and as of this week.
They've got multiple good ad campaigns. I like this commercial a lot, also really liked the Sony Businessman guy who quit recently. All very funny as far as commercials go.