Space Blasters [I'm looking for alpha testers]


Jun 8, 2009
I'm looking for a handful of alpha testers for a game I'm developing called Space Blasters. It's basically Geometry Wars on steroids - bosses, 6 different guns, more achievements, online multiplayer, and dubstep music.
^ trailer and gameplay video

Edit: Alpha test is complete and the Facebook version of the game has been released - I also updated the video link to a new video featuring some of the features I've added lately (the first 5 seconds are NSFW if you have your sound on, but the rest of it is fine as it's just gameplay).

Thanks for the feedback so far and please keep it coming. I plan to keep updating this, adding new features, fixing existing issues, etc.
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and dubstep music.

Even my deep deep hatred for larger than life purple pac-man could be offset by something like this.

But honestly, it does look pretty sweet. This coming from a guy who bought geometry wars, and enjoys it for my quick arcade fix whenever im installing or downloading significant size software.
Haha yeah I thought about restyling the Pacman things. I want to keep all the enemy designs simple and I already used the basic shapes so if you have any ideas let me know.

jgoewert - don't know what that is.
Sorry, but I will PM you my info instead of posting personal information in full public view.

Edit: do you have proper license to use PacMan in your game?
Sorry, but I will PM you my info instead of posting personal information in full public view.

Edit: do you have proper license to use PacMan in your game?

Nope, and that's one of the reasons I'm thinking about changing it. It started as just a big circle and I got carried away, lol.
Wow, I almost had a seizure from watching that video.

Game looks awesome. :)
Wow, I almost had a seizure from watching that video.

Game looks awesome. :)

Thanks, I'm having trouble fixing some of the multiplayer bugs so I haven't been able to release it yet. There's a weird issue where enemies will spawn on one players' screen but not on another's in the same game, even though there should only be one set of enemies for both players. The extra enemies also can't be killed and bullets shoot through them, but they can kill you. The weird thing about it is that it happens 100% of the time for some players and 0% of the time for others, even when testing on fast connections with no other downloads running or apps open. So the player who doesn't see the extra enemies will see their friend randomly dying.
Love the concept and the music, but having the various "blocks" fade in from the background makes it hard to see them (especially with the purple trail behind the ship) and also allows them to essentially spawn on top of you.
Love the concept and the music, but having the various "blocks" fade in from the background makes it hard to see them (especially with the purple trail behind the ship) and also allows them to essentially spawn on top of you.

Yeah that's true. I'm planning to change it so they have an actual spawning animation and they can't move or kill you while the animation is playing.
and dubstep music.

I was so interested until this point. I can't stand dubstep music. Its like noise put into a patterned sequence like a child baging pots with a spoon. While the maker of the music, aka the child, seems to enjoy what he's doing and feel its music, I as the audience disagree.
I found the small little mini-mobs spawned too fast.... the small white dot enemies? Its quite hard ot hit them as they can fly inbetween the lazy blasts and when 20 spawn, they'lll trap you in a corner with nowhere to go and you being unable to kill them. You can use your bomb to avoid the 'trap' once or twice but as soon as you run out of bombs its game over.

Lose-Lose-Lose scenarios were no real amount of skill can get you out of them is not so much fun. Difficult scenarios were skill can get you out of a problem/situation is. That's my two cents anyways. It would be nice too if somehow you could have more 'area' to fly around in. The window felt kind of small.

Honestly, if I were you, I'd consider modifying this game a bit into one of those old side-scroller shooter type games that you used to play on a table-surface like 1942 except one of the space-ones.
I was so interested until this point. I can't stand dubstep music. Its like noise put into a patterned sequence like a child baging pots with a spoon. While the maker of the music, aka the child, seems to enjoy what he's doing and feel its music, I as the audience disagree.

I added a mute button just for you. Press "C" after starting a new game and it will mute the music but retain the sound effects.

I found the small little mini-mobs spawned too fast.... the small white dot enemies? Its quite hard ot hit them as they can fly inbetween the lazy blasts and when 20 spawn, they'lll trap you in a corner with nowhere to go and you being unable to kill them. You can use your bomb to avoid the 'trap' once or twice but as soon as you run out of bombs its game over.

Lose-Lose-Lose scenarios were no real amount of skill can get you out of them is not so much fun. Difficult scenarios were skill can get you out of a problem/situation is. That's my two cents anyways. It would be nice too if somehow you could have more 'area' to fly around in. The window felt kind of small.

Honestly, if I were you, I'd consider modifying this game a bit into one of those old side-scroller shooter type games that you used to play on a table-surface like 1942 except one of the space-ones.

Thanks for the feedback. The dots do get easier with practice. This video might help you - This is another good video showing how to maneuver around them if the boss is still on-screen when they start spawning- (dots appear at 0:31). I might make them slightly easier though so new players have more of a chance, or possibly just make them spawn a little later in the game so they don't overlap the boss. Let me know what you think.
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Looks cool but I think you should consider making the backgrounds more psychedelic. Have you ever played the indy game "i made a game with zombies in it" ? Kinda like that.
Looks cool but I think you should consider making the backgrounds more psychedelic. Have you ever played the indy game "i made a game with zombies in it" ? Kinda like that.

That's a good idea, I'll see what I can do. Maybe have it change when bosses appear, and as you progress.

Has anyone encountered any bugs?