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  1. R

    What's up with all the hacking in BF2???

    you guys. cheaters want/need attention. it's why they do what they do. when they make statements like the OP, they simply WANT your comments. they get off on it (as sick as that is). do NOT give them the satisfaction. IGNORE them. do the same thing in game as well. cheaters LOVE...
  2. R

    Viewsonic VP191 (Rev: MVA 8 ms)

    i just ordered five of these bad boys for the computers here at the office. when i get them in and set up, i will post my thoughts as well. one of these screens will be going home with me to replace my 19'' viewsonic crt on my gaming machine. i'm a HARSH critic on image quality, from a...
  3. R

    Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.................**~PC~**

    yea you're right. how dare society look down upon the worthless criminals that make our streets unsafe. lets glorify them in a game and defend their way of life. fucking idiot.
  4. R

    Meet the Xbox 360

    who cares what they LOOK like? let's see what they can do. someone photoshop an image of THAT!!
  5. R

    VAC2 next week or so.

    the way i look at it is: i play cs to have fun. i have fun regardless of my score. i could care less i get killed by a cheater. if they are trying to hide it, i'm good enough that their sneakiness puts us on a near even footing. if they are being blatant, it's fun to try to kill the...
  6. R

    Oh man, it was all true, steam = $#!+

    We should just start laughing at all the people that blame Steam for their problems. Pretty soon we are gonna see threads like, "fucking steam! because of how bad steam sucks, I lost my girlfriend, and my dog won't eat" You've heard hundreds of steam horror stories, but you don't seem to...
  7. R

    Weirdness in HL2

    The building floating by iteself (and the other buildings) are most likely the skybox.
  8. R


    I play cs source a fair bit, and I rarely run across cheaters. I've seen 2 speed hackers, and maybe 1 or 2 people that I thought might have some kind of wallhack/aimbot type thing, but other than that, it's usually pretty clean. The hitbox problems are what I assume makes people think there...
  9. R

    Valve, you are pathetic

    Too funny. He steals the software, then proceeds to curse Valve for not making a good program! haha. What a tool. How DARE Valve not make their software 100% copyable. Silly Valve. You'd think with all the time and money spent developing and marketing their software, they'd want more...
  10. R

    Half Life 2 = Meh, WT M8s

    You obviously aren't paying attention to what the people in the story are saying to you. There is a story there, you just have to LISTEN. Todays ADD youth just can't focus long enough. Perhaps you'd be better off playing the Sponge Bob Squarepants game ;)
  11. R

    Valve managed the impossible

    It cracks me up. Someone said "look at the steam forums, all the posts are people complaining about it not working". No shit? I know when I get a game to work and I'm playing and enjoying it, the FIRST thing I think of doing is posting on a forum about the fact that I got it working. Morons...
  12. R

    30+" LCD TV for under $5,000

    If you're able to spend $5k on a TV, you can get a whole lot of TV. You can EASILY pick up a 50-70'' Sony GWIV in that price range. Honestly though, Plasma screens are more suitable for hooking a PC up to, but you run the risk of burn in (I'm sure you know that, it's probably why you're...
  13. R

    EVGA step-up and your experiences?

    They're just going to flash your card and send it back to you :) j/k I hope everything works out for you.
  14. R

    Help: Silencer NV5 does not fit a 6800gt

    Did you take the rubber stoppers off the posts BEFORE you put it in place?
  15. R

    XP Firewall won't leave me alone!

    I already did that. In fact, I've done it every time that I restart Windows because for some reason it keeps RE-checking the firewall, and ONLY the firewall option. That's what has me so frustrated. I've told it to leave me alone, and it just won't! Any other ideas?
  16. R

    XP Firewall won't leave me alone!

    I did a fresh install on my rig this past weekend. I decided to upgrade to service pack 2, and see if it gave me the problems that some people are complaining about. Everything runs just fine. Machine feels like new and runs smooth. Only problem ... after EVERY restart, that little...
  17. R


    If you go to the front page comes up. Since most of the links look for the www though, nothing will really come up. Wonder if they got hacked?
  18. R

    Help me with RAM timings

    This probably should go in the RAM section, but as it relates to my overclocking situation, I thought I'd ask here first. I have my computer running stable at 3.2GHz (I should change my sig). I ran Prime95 for about 20 hours and got no errors. Ram is at 1:1. When I ran Sandra, it told me...
  19. R

    How is this wiring job?

    Looks good to me man.
  20. R

    Need Game advice...I love Call of Duty, what others would I like?

    CoD with the Anarchic Mod is the best online gaming experience I've ever had. No crosshairs, no on screen messages telling you who you killed (or who killed you). No gay radar. I'd recommend it to anyone looking to increase the intesity of their CoD experience.
  21. R

    Give Valve a break people!

    People just need something to complain about. Once hl2 is released, they will just find something else.
  22. R

    OC'd 2.4C - Prime95 question

    Sorry if I sounded snappy, it wasn't my intention. acascianelli:What is the normal voltage for the ram? is 2.8v giving it extra juice? I haven't tried that yet. Also, you mention that 1.625v is a little high for the 2.4? Hmm. I couldn't get it to post at 3.25 without raising the CPU...
  23. R

    OC'd 2.4C - Prime95 question

    I know it's not a diagnostic tool. If it told me what the problem was, I wouldn't be here asking you guys. What I'm looking for is if anyone has recieved this error before and knows what the likely cause of it is. Obviously SOMETHING is wrong with the overclock, but instead of spending hours...
  24. R

    OC'd 2.4C - Prime95 question

    P4 2.4C @ 3.25 Asus P4P800 Deluxe 1GB OCZ PC4200 Radeon 9800pro 128MB I have the CPU voltage at 1.625. A 1:1 ratio on the CPU:RAM. I have messed with nothing else. Temps are fine. Idle around 40C, load at 50C. (there abouts). It runs all my games, and runs them brillirantly...
  25. R

    Did I get a good system??

    That generic ram MAY keep you from oc'ing efficiently.
  26. R

    Guaranteed 250mhz fsb

    You should be able to get the 2.4C to 250fsb no problem, but your RAM may come into play.
  27. R

    Was I right or was I wrong?

    I have a 9800pro on a P4 2.4 running at 3.1. I can run Doom3 on 1280x1024 at high settings and I get 60fps AT TIMES. Usually it's 30fps (vsync is on). You should have NO problems getting it to run at 60fps at 1024x768 with that card. You'd probably get 60fps at 1280x1024.
  28. R

    CS course..

    Exactly. The obvious cheaters aren't the ones ruining the game. If you're playing on a regulated server, they are quickly gone. It's the skilled players that cheat that get to me. They are skilled at not getting caught, and it's REALLY frustrating. Half the people will defend them, saying...
  29. R

    P4 3.0C Northwood or P4 3.0E Prescott?

    Well today I ordered some new RAM. OCZ PC4200 1GB (2x512) to be exact. That should help me somewhat. Even if I don't OC the RAM (which I think I will be able to do a lot better with the OCZ), the extra 512 will help. I messed around with OCing my 9800pro and got my 3Dm2k3 above 6000...
  30. R

    P4 3.0C Northwood or P4 3.0E Prescott?

    Well I stole some time to research at work today and when I got home tonight, I did some more tinkering. I cleaned my system up first, to get rid of any spyware or other such things. There wasn't much, I'm pretty good about keeping a clean system, but I also did some other tweaks from...
  31. R

    P4 3.0C Northwood or P4 3.0E Prescott?

    I don't know how to set my RAM at 5:4. That's what I wanted to try next, but I don't know where to do that in the bios.
  32. R

    P4 3.0C Northwood or P4 3.0E Prescott?

    Well, I messed with some settings last night. First thing I did was reset the FSB to normal. No OC. Ran some benchmarks and recorded the numbers. It ran fine (obviously) and the temp never went about 40C. So then I put it back to where I had it (plus a little) and OC'd it to 2.7...
  33. R

    Games with a great story

    Just my opinion, but the original Max Payne has the best story line of any game I've ever played. Max Payne 2 had a great story, but it was too short.
  34. R

    P4 3.0C Northwood or P4 3.0E Prescott?

    Haha you guys have inspired me. Now I'm itching to get home from work and mess with it :) I'm sure I'll be posting a, "HELP ME PLEASE!" thread sometime this evening from my fiances laptop! Wish me luck!
  35. R

    P4 3.0C Northwood or P4 3.0E Prescott?

    I'm not very good at OCing things. I get scared that I'm gonna ruin my system, and it's the only one I've got :) I've had my 2.4 at 2.9 (or thereabouts) and it ran pretty good. I didn't mess with any of the RAM stuff though, so if I tried to go higher, the machine just wouldn't post. I...
  36. R

    P4 3.0C Northwood or P4 3.0E Prescott?

    I'm looking to update my gaming capabilities. What would be the better chip for that? I plan on matching the proc with 1GB Corsair XMS ram, and a GeForce 6800GT vidcard. I would like to OC the proc to about 3.2-3.4 or so, and I have a nice heatsink and fan (can't remember the name of it, but...
  37. R

    half life 2 multiplayer

    Believe me, I always got a kick out of it when I'd go to some random pub server and get banned because they thought I was cheating, but just because there are really good players WRONGFULLY accused of cheating, doesn't mean there aren't actually cheaters. Rest assured for every UBER l337 CS...
  38. R

    half life 2 multiplayer

    The people that say there aren't a lot of hackers in CS are just plain stupid. I didn't quit CS because of all the hackers (which there were a LOT of) but I quit because of all the retards that would SWEAR that there weren't a lot of hackers. If Valve could eliminate the cheaters, and...
  39. R

    Doom 3 prep: Do you have surround sound?

    Funny story here ... I've just recently finished my new Home Theater, and managed to talk my fiance into letting me build a new PC for an HTPC (money is a little tight, it took some ... convincing :)). Anyway, in the back of my mind, all this construction was so that I could play D3 and HL2 on...