Did I get a good system??


Aug 15, 2004
Hey guys,

I went out and bought the following today, tell me if I made a good choice or not.

- Pentium 4 3.2E GHz. (Prescott)
- MSI 875P Neo Motherboard: 8 USB 2.0 ports, Firewire port, integrated LAN/7.1 Audio, IDE round cables provided as well.
- Clear Case, with neons :cool:
- 512 MB Ram Bo (i guess this is Generic) CL 2.5 PC3200
- 80 GB Seagate Barracuda SATA drive.
- Vid Card, will be using my old Radeon 8500 LE temoprarily as I didn't want to buy a budget card, so I will save up some money and get the latest Radeon I can within 1 month.

1) what do you think of the basic setup?
2) How overclockable is that P4 3.2E? it is made in Costa Rica BTW.
3) Do all SATA drives have 8MB cache like the shopkeeper told me?

Thanks in advance
Looks fine to me (except for the vid card :eek: ) but personally I would have gone with a Northwood processor instead of the Prescott. Still....it should do everything you ask and then some after you upgrade your video and maybe get another stick of ram. :cool:
yup, like i said the Radeon 8500 LE is temporary.....

I will be getting a Radeon 9800 within a week's time....

And will upgrade the RAM to 2 GB later on :cool: