30+" LCD TV for under $5,000


Mar 28, 2002
Ok, I am looking for a nice flat-panel TV. will be running it off of an HTPC (http://codeflux.com/mods/sleeper/ - or an upgraded version, rather). requirements:

- under $5k
- over 30"

and my options are?... :)

p.s. anyone wants to buy my HTPC? seriously.
If you're able to spend $5k on a TV, you can get a whole lot of TV. You can EASILY pick up a 50-70'' Sony GWIV in that price range. Honestly though, Plasma screens are more suitable for hooking a PC up to, but you run the risk of burn in (I'm sure you know that, it's probably why you're looking for an LCD). You COULD get a DLP easy enough with 5k. They are good for hooking up a PC to, and they don't suffer burn-in (some will say they do, but they are wrong). I'm just not sold on DLPs yet. The tech just isn't QUITE there yet, but if it looks good to you, the color IS amazing.

Good luck.
i would like to just comment that now that i have an HTPC going i am really glad i got a DLP television specifically because of the burn-in issue. i obviously leave the HTPC going all the time and i leave the room a lot with the tv on only to come back a couple minutes later or whatever. i just don't have to worry about burn-in.

there are other reasons i love my DLP as well, but i would strongly suggest sticking with DLP or LCD. you can find a LOT of great TVs way bigger than 30" for much less than $5K.
must have light control. 120 for 800 is a bad investment if you can only use it in vampire hours (night time)
Thats what window treatments are for... Blackout cloth from joanne fabrics or others is extremely cheap and very effective.
thats what I used. I put blackout cloth behind my current windows treatments. put all the lights on dimmer switches. works well.
but if it is your main tv (not a dedicated theater) then, well, sometimes people don't want to have to go into total darkness just to turn on the tv :)
big daddy fatsacks said:
but if it is your main tv (not a dedicated theater) then, well, sometimes people don't want to have to go into total darkness just to turn on the tv :)
for sure. I usually only recomend projectors for dedicated theatre rooms.
Why not go CRT? I have a 36" JVC flat screened HDTV and the picture is stunning. Also, no matter where you are sitting in the room you still get a perfect picture. Downside? Very big, very,very heavy
Thanks for everyone's input.

- Projectors are out of the question
- CRTs are out of the question - has to be light and easy to move.
- No Plasma's either - no for me burn-in, thank you very much.

And hell no, I am not buying that Apple monitor. ;)
How can you argue with 2560 x 1600 optimum resolution and 0.250 mm dot pitch? :)
You really should read up on the 30" Dell LCD TV, if a 30" isn't too small. (I can't believe I just recommended a Dell... :rolleyes: ) Picture in Picture, Picture by Picture and Picture on Picture, HDTV, detachable speakers, many types of inputs, AND $300 off for a while. $2000 for all that isn't a bad deal. Dell 30" LCD
ProphetSix said:
uhm... damn?... $2000?! and i can actually go and look at it at Dell store in San Jose... 30" is fine - i can definitely deal with that for $2000.

check it:

1280 x 768 & RGB/DVI
35 pounds!
detachable speakers - YEY! (off they go!)
25ms response - works fine for videos!

uhm.... $2000?... definitely have to look at that one in person.
Gettin yer frag on in 30" LCD goodness HAS to be a bonus too...

(You just KNOW someone's gona have DOOM 3 and pr0n on at the same time with PIP enabled...)
codeflux said:
uhm... damn?... $2000?! and i can actually go and look at it at Dell store in San Jose... 30" is fine - i can definitely deal with that for $2000.

check it:

1280 x 768 & RGB/DVI
35 pounds!
detachable speakers - YEY! (off they go!)
25ms response - works fine for videos!

uhm.... $2000?... definitely have to look at that one in person.

We have one at work. They are pretty spiffy. Image quality isn't as good as a plasma as far as I can tell but for the price it's pretty damn good!