Weirdness in HL2


Apr 9, 2002
I keep trying to play half life 2 through again but the urge to screw around and explore just takes over. I found these areas in the red letter day level.

Not sure where this was supposed to come into play.

Found the Gman.

Grew tired and killed the Gman.

What is this tiny building all about?

Well I guess it goes with this tiny town.

I also found a fake transport lab.


Lastly I found the area where you get transported to, fall into the water and that fish thing tries to get you but is to slow. I searched the water but didn't find anything. :( I wanted to get eaten alive by it.
Whoa that is pretty cool. From where did you no clip to get to these places? In the car picture, did you notice the little dog in the background? Thats kinda strange.
gridiron123 said:
Whoa that is pretty cool. From where did you no clip to get to these places? In the car picture, did you notice the little dog in the background? Thats kinda strange.

I just flew around for a little while and stumbled across them. That's not a dog in the backround of the car pic, that's a bird that, like the gman, was taken down in a firey rain of lead soon after that pic was taken.
Senturion said:
woah what graphics card do u have? how many mbs

9800pro 256mb

It's on 1024x768 AAx6 AFx12 High everything, reflect world.

I was playing on what the game set itself up as (almost everything medium) and people told me to turn it up. I thought it looked good and played well. I set everything to high and it ran not so well. I turned on aa and af to 2x and it smoothed way out. So I turned it all the way up and didn't notice much of a difference.
Places like that usually are just for other parts of the game. For example, when you first get out in the open you can noclip around and find the "studio" where dr. bryce (is that his name? :eek:) is talking about them not allowing reproduction etc.
well in a red letter day you see the gman on the security camera, so you prolly just noclipped out to where he was

in a red letter day the teleport messes up and you get brought to that sandy place w/the car and the beach w/ youjust no clipped out to there

its no big deal
133 said:
well in a red letter day you see the gman on the security camera, so you prolly just noclipped out to where he was

in a red letter day the teleport messes up and you get brought to that sandy place w/the car and the beach w/ youjust no clipped out to there

its no big deal

I realize that the water is where you teleport to, but I never seen the car before. Also, I didn't see the tv with the gman on it. I wonder why they didn't just make some small repeating 2d sprite for the cameras. Wouldn't it have been easier that building the scene and then transfering the image to the screen?
omg!!! SPOILERS!! u bastard!! i never finishe the game!!! i hate you!! i hate you!!! i hate you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hehe j/k....but really i never finished the game because i reformated my comp and i am too lazy to go back.. hehe
kpedge said:
What about the building floating by itself?

HL3 must be set in the Jetson's Universe, and you weren't supposed to see that yet!!!! :eek:
If they werent so busy loading stuff for bits you cant see in gameplay then perhaps the stuttering thing would not have been an issue :rolleyes:
I've seen the small buildings before, in almost all the CS:S maps in no-clip you can find them.
Sometimes they are like a scale version of parts the map.

My guess is it's leftovers from level development.
They should remove it, since it probably hurts performance with those extra models and textures(Yeah I have a slow machine, I know).

My 2c
Syphon Filter said:
If they werent so busy loading stuff for bits you cant see in gameplay then perhaps the stuttering thing would not have been an issue :rolleyes:

The ones that have been fixed?
I've found the gamn with out using no clip. On the 4th chapter hes standing on a dock where you can get that ammo. I guess somehow I missed one of the triggers.
That is awesome that you killed the Gman. You're like a celebrity now. :D