VAC2 next week or so.

the way i look at it is:

i play cs to have fun. i have fun regardless of my score. i could care less i get killed by a cheater. if they are trying to hide it, i'm good enough that their sneakiness puts us on a near even footing. if they are being blatant, it's fun to try to kill the spinning speedy cheater before he kills you. it's a good way to practice aiming quickly.

either way, i have fun, and at the end of the day, i'm still usually at a 2:1 k:d. even if i'm negative, as long as i enjoyed the round and had some fun gun fights, i could care less if i get killed because someone cheats. it's their loss for not enjoying the game the right way.
the way i look at it is:

i play cs to have fun. i have fun regardless of my score. i could care less i get killed by a cheater. if they are trying to hide it, i'm good enough that their sneakiness puts us on a near even footing. if they are being blatant, it's fun to try to kill the spinning speedy cheater before he kills you. it's a good way to practice aiming quickly.

either way, i have fun, and at the end of the day, i'm still usually at a 2:1 k:d. even if i'm negative, as long as i enjoyed the round and had some fun gun fights, i could care less if i get killed because someone cheats. it's their loss for not enjoying the game the right way.

why cant there be more ppl like you who play cs?
i was on a server today where some was running around placeing these spots that shot skulls up and all over the place like popcorn with smoke blowing out the top lol it was distracting and i got sniped every time i dances in it
I almost got in a fight with 2 guys at 7-11 because they were talking about "CS hacks" I cut up to them in line and said "I think cheaters are a bunch of dickless shitters with no real skillz" and they were like "Whoa dude, we run a server and we were just bitching about the cheaters" It could have gotten alot uglier if that would have gone differently. i hope Valve does a suprise VAC2 implementation that just bans all the fucking cheaters. THen they can go play doom3 or something.

I think alot of you have it wrong blaming it all on young people. i am an old fart (soon to be 29) and i used to game with a kid (15-16 yrs) who said his dad cheated in CS. I think alot of people think its fun , in the same way that TKing is fun, but the world is full of assholes that do bad things to other people because they think its fun. So to me personally cheaters are the same level of scumbags as people who steal car stereos, people who key cars, people who fuck with disabled people, rapists, child molesters ect. I hope that someday their shitty ways catch up with them, maybe they will forget what pathetic weaklings they are and they will pop off at somebody who will crush them like the worms they are. I'd pay 20$ for the address of a CSS cheater here in spokane, I would drag them out in the street and break a few ribs, then they could feel our pain whenever they breathed. :)
^^^^^^^you are why some people cheat^^^^^^^^^

a lot of the hackers do it just to annoy the rest of the cs community and get a reaction like yours. they know you cant hurt them in anyway and yet you still act like you can beat them up. it does no good to try to intimidate people over the internet, and it makes you look stupid. i have some advice for people who have a problem with a hacker in cs, instead of berating them just leave the server and find another. CS has 10's of thousands of people playing all the time, it's not too hard to find a server to play on. if everyone would just leave the server when someone is hack. if people dont try to prove they have the biggest e-penis CS wouldnt be such a shit-hole it is today.
7718 said:
I almost got in a fight with 2 guys at 7-11 because they were talking about "CS hacks" I cut up to them in line and said "I think cheaters are a bunch of dickless shitters with no real skillz" and they were like "Whoa dude, we run a server and we were just bitching about the cheaters" It could have gotten alot uglier if that would have gone differently. i hope Valve does a suprise VAC2 implementation that just bans all the fucking cheaters. THen they can go play doom3 or something.

I think alot of you have it wrong blaming it all on young people. i am an old fart (soon to be 29) and i used to game with a kid (15-16 yrs) who said his dad cheated in CS. I think alot of people think its fun , in the same way that TKing is fun, but the world is full of assholes that do bad things to other people because they think its fun. So to me personally cheaters are the same level of scumbags as people who steal car stereos, people who key cars, people who fuck with disabled people, rapists, child molesters ect. I hope that someday their shitty ways catch up with them, maybe they will forget what pathetic weaklings they are and they will pop off at somebody who will crush them like the worms they are. I'd pay 20$ for the address of a CSS cheater here in spokane, I would drag them out in the street and break a few ribs, then they could feel our pain whenever they breathed. :)

Just let it all out, all out - :)

most people seem to forget that it's only a game (and computer games are not the only ones that attract cheaters).

The alternative is a palladium like platform for games to ensure that everybody has to follow the game rules(Depending on how anal you are, everybody should game on the same keyboard/mouse combo and sit in the same chair etc... ).
Anyways gonna draw the line some where to ensure a sane level ;)
I don't threaten to beat up hackers in CS, I just call them skillless shiteaters and leave. However if i ever get the chance to meet one in public thats a whole different ball game. Of course it would suck going to jail and telling your cellmate "Yeah, i beat some pimpled loser blind for cheating in an online game"
"F" any rebuttle to cheating. show me a cs freak under the age of 20 that hasn't cheated and I'd "F" a fat man's (_x_)

listen and listen up now ignoramuseseses...cheaters ruin any game, PERIOD
