Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.................**~PC~**

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GTA is fun to me cause of the open-endedness of the game play and the radio stations. I always enjoy that and will be sure to get the game as soon as it comes out.
WickedAngel said:
I'm sure you will...perhaps you will enjoy the Boyz N' the Hood story better than I did. Overusing the Big N, "asshole", "cocksucker", "bitch", "fuck", and any combination of those words does not impress me.

Im going to have to agree with this. The overuse of curses makes it more "realistic" but I dont think anyone would label the game as unrealistic if they kept the cursing to a minimum.
I'm sure you will...perhaps you will enjoy the Boyz N' the Hood story better than I did. Overusing the Big N, "asshole", "cocksucker", "bitch", "fuck", and any combination of those words does not impress me.

The use of those words doesn't "impress" me. But if the use of those words adds to the game, ie...drawing me into the game world more, then I'm all for it. Granted, I don't live in South Central LA, but something tells me that the way the gangerbangers speak is not all about roses, tulips and no cussing allowed. So, yes, I do think the cussing makes the game more true to life, and imho, that's a good thing. GTA is a mixture of realism and fantasy, that's part of the reason I think it's so good.
The problem is that I've been around people that live that lifestyle and I have heard how they talk. They do cuss a lot, but it isn't forced like it was in San Andreas. Perhaps the people in So Cal use more profanity than in New York, but I doubt it.
WickedAngel said:
The problem is that I've been around people that live that lifestyle and I have heard how they talk. They do cuss a lot, but it isn't forced like it was in San Andreas. Perhaps the people in So Cal use more profanity than in New York, but I doubt it.

I guess I should reserve my comments until I have played the game. After all, you have played it. Thank you for the information.
one of my roommates played this for ps2 most of the way through, I never touched it, but i sat back and watched quite a bit of it. I'll definitely be picking it up for pc.
michealo said:
no worries, rockstar has "grand theft auto: caucasion suburbia" coming out next year

the goal of the game is to borrow the wife's jetta, drive around to different golf courses, starbucks, and then the mall to pick up the kids.

there won't be a "thug" in sight, so you can feel safe

yea you're right. how dare society look down upon the worthless criminals that make our streets unsafe. lets glorify them in a game and defend their way of life. fucking idiot.
yea you're right. how dare society look down upon the worthless criminals that make our streets unsafe. lets glorify them in a game and defend their way of life. fucking idiot.
I got an idea, how bout we completely over-react and go off on a rant about criminals, because this game and that post are all about glorifying and defending them.

Sound like fun?
Rehevkor said:
I got a USB adapter for my PS2 dual shock gamepad, and I use it like that in VC. It rocks, definitely reccomended :)
Those things are good if they work. I have one, and it ruined one of my PS2 controllers, but works fine with the other. The controller is totally messed. It thinks half of the buttons are being pressed all the time.
yea you're right. how dare society look down upon the worthless criminals that make our streets unsafe. lets glorify them in a game and defend their way of life. fucking idiot.

your absolutely right.

I played GTA:VC on PC, and everytime I played it, I was kept thinking to, why do people come down so hard on drug delears? they only kill people who deserve it. I kept thinking over and over again how I wanted to be a criminal like them, because it was so cool.

Steel Chicken said:
I played GTA:VC on PC, and everytime I played it, I was kept thinking to, why do people come down so hard on drug delears? they only kill people who deserve it. I kept thinking over and over again how I wanted to be a criminal like them, because it was so cool.

After playing VC I actually DID go out and steal a VC style shirt, complete with parrots, palm leaves and all! Had I not changed my ways and stopped wearnig that shirt I would have been killing haitians in no time!

Yeah, VC really influenced me, too. After I beat it, I started looking for a building with two giant boobies on top of it to rent. Then I was going to sell drugs out of it and become rich. It was going to be great!!!
michealo said:
no worries, rockstar has "grand theft auto: caucasion suburbia" coming out next year

the goal of the game is to borrow the wife's jetta, drive around to different golf courses, starbucks, and then the mall to pick up the kids.

there won't be a "thug" in sight, so you can feel safe

Nice. I assume their will be a "chase other women" component, back stab at work, go out for drinks with the office (barf) and kids find the hidden guns in the house and "play" component?
For anyone who's played this on ps2, how long does it take to drive from Los Santos Airport up to the north side of Las Venturas and heading west to San Fierro, south around Mount Chiliad and back where you started from in a fast car like a cheetah or infernus ?
LiquidX said:
I have the PS2 version in the next room and have not played it more that 2 hours because I want to play it on the PC in its full glory. RockStar says they originaly developed it in hi-res so the PC version will look awesome. Also I thought VC was good and had no prob with the visuals (ran it at 1600x1200). It looked unique and the graphic style fit it.
Ya, Vice City was a spectacuarly original game for me as well and I thought the graphics rocked! Played it ALOT until my 6 year old son wanted to start playing so I had to unistall so he couldn't play it. Kids come first ya know =)
Stereophile said:
For anyone who's played this on ps2, how long does it take to drive from Los Santos Airport up to the north side of Las Venturas and heading west to San Fierro, south around Mount Chiliad and back where you started from in a fast car like a cheetah or infernus ?
It depends on how many times you crash :p
I just wish they'd give the graphics an overhaul... I could run with full settings on a Geforce Ti 4200 and now that engine is looking very dated after all these years.
I'm still really looking forward to the game, but the screenshots don't look that much better than any of the other GTA games. Does anyone know what kind of fancy effects the PC version is gonna get?

(graphics don't make the game IMO--I'm still playing Descent 3, but they certainly don't hurt the game, so please don't go this route)
Zinn said:
I just wish they'd give the graphics an overhaul... I could run with full settings on a Geforce Ti 4200 and now that engine is looking very dated after all these years.
I'm still really looking forward to the game, but the screenshots don't look that much better than any of the other GTA games. Does anyone know what kind of fancy effects the PC version is gonna get?

(graphics don't make the game IMO--I'm still playing Descent 3, but they certainly don't hurt the game, so please don't go this route)
From what I have read they have increased draw distance and used higher res textures on some objects. Also you can use AA.
Is the "fake me out ghetto street thug" the new fad now or something? More and more games are starting to follow it... :( :mad:
Circuitbreaker8 said:
Is the "fake me out ghetto street thug" the new fad now or something? More and more games are starting to follow it... :( :mad:
Well why don't ya cry about it?

you're always gonna find shit gets lamer as ya age... fact of life.
Circuitbreaker8 said:
Is the "fake me out ghetto street thug" the new fad now or something? More and more games are starting to follow it... :( :mad:

yeah... because "crazy killing white guy" in GTA3 is sooo much more wholesome.... :rolleyes:
thelead said:
yeah... because "crazy killing white guy" in GTA3 is sooo much more wholesome.... :rolleyes:

The language in previous GTA games seems tame compared to San Andreas. You will see.
WickedAngel said:
The language in previous GTA games seems tame compared to San Andreas. You will see.
They give us liberal doses of the F word I take it? :D
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