Valve, you are pathetic

Too funny. He steals the software, then proceeds to curse Valve for not making a good program! haha. What a tool.

How DARE Valve not make their software 100% copyable. Silly Valve. You'd think with all the time and money spent developing and marketing their software, they'd want more people to illegally copy and distribute it. hahahahahah. good laugh. I needed this today! thanks.
no one ever accused him of having intelligence. Thus...he demonstrates none either. :rolleyes:
wtburnette said:
Out of curiosity, where does he say he's using a hacked version of the game? I see a lot of bashing about it, but he never said anything other then the game is giving him problems... :confused:

In each of the screenies kronchev posted His Suit Aux power display is red. This glitch ONLY occurs in pirated copies of the game. The AI difficulties he is bitching about are also only prevalent in the pirated version. Some legal copies have had issues with NPC AI (i've been fortunate not to have any.)
t. shuffle said:
yeah, I'm gonna have to agree about the way the game handles saves

unless i'm an idiot, and i'm missing something, it seems that you can only have three saves per level?
Use quick save man. You get as many as you want.
My god, this is priceless. I love it when someone complains about something not working when it turns out they stole it in the first place. Bash Valve for bad programming in the pirated version of the game? The only sad thing is I dont believe that he will truely realize how idiotic, on many different levels, his post is.
Wow, just wow guy.. Please if your going to bitch about a game not working correctly, first google it and see why the came isent working properly because YOU DIDNT PAY FOR THE DAMN THING.

Just go out and buy the damn game kid. It will save you a bunch of trouble.
Defective said:
My god, this is priceless. I love it when someone complains about something not working when it turns out they stole it in the first place. Bash Valve for bad programming in the pirated version of the game? The only sad thing is I dont believe that he will truely realize how idiotic, on many different levels, his post is.

I don't think he has the balls to post in this thread again.
CyberCRAP said:
Well i'm not gonna call the guy a loser for pirating the game, but to bitch about a game that you didn't pay for is bs.

You guys all seem to act like pirating is this horrible thing and that they should all be lined up and shot. I bet there is not a single person on this forum that doesn't have something they do not legally own on their hd. Be it an mp3 a piece of software or even copyrighted porn.

Anyways, it is funny though that the guy never thought it was wierd to have the aux power thing on all the time. I guess not all warezers are as l33t as they like to think.

don't start that preachy stuff, its one thing to dl stuff illegaly, but when it doesn't work and that person brings their griping to forums is whats annoying.
Alias said:
I don't think he has the balls to post in this thread again.
He hasn't posted anywhere in these forums since posting in this thread. Someone with over 11,000 in 3.5 years, and hasn't posted since this thread. Some will see this as him hiding after starting this thread and getting busted as a pirate. I see this as someone who actually hasn't been back since his last response here. I have no idea if he pirated the game or not, even though indications are he's probably playing a non-legit copy. But I don't think he's avoiding just this thread since being called on it - I suspect he's not been on in 12-24 hours. Give him time.

This thread is so refreshing. I was tired of all the bitching about this game, but now I feel much better. Some people seem to think the score is Valve: 0 Whiners: 2 bajillion.
At least vavle has 1 point now.

As for the autosave thing, you can always load a game at the beginning of any level you have been too. It's not perfect, but better than nothing...
MrWoot said:
don't start that preachy stuff, its one thing to dl stuff illegaly, but when it doesn't work and that person brings their griping to forums is whats annoying.

No.. it's annoying when stupid fucking people steal games.. period.. because it makes it more expensive, in the long run, for those of us that buy them. Then when they whine that the warez isn't perfect, they need to be banned..

God damn there are so many stupid people posting in this thread it's unreal..
Micas said:
No.. it's annoying when stupid fucking people steal games.. period.. because it makes it more expensive, in the long run, for those of us that buy them. Then when they whine that the warez isn't perfect, they need to be banned..

God damn there are so many stupid people posting in this thread it's unreal..
No, it's annoying when stupid people (like me, what a dumbass I was) buy the game, making Valve think that stupid bullshit like Steam is ok. When I want to play HL2 I don't want to wait for "updating steam" and then wait while it logs in, and then after I'm irritated at the waiting, I have to find the stupid CD and put it in the drive. I want to take that baseball bat somebody mentioned earlier and go bash all the PCs that have Steam's source code on them. I'm not going to do that because I don't want to get in trouble, but I do feel it should be done.
*sigh* move along folks. there's nothing to see here.

really - you're all saying the same damn thing.

Also, Critofur. Nice way to some how get the fact that steam supposadly sucks into a thread that really had no need to have it in it. Was that necessary?
Critofur said:
No, it's annoying when stupid people (like me, what a dumbass I was) buy the game, making Valve think that stupid bullshit like Steam is ok. When I want to play HL2 I don't want to wait for "updating steam" and then wait while it logs in, and then after I'm irritated at the waiting, I have to find the stupid CD and put it in the drive. I want to take that baseball bat somebody mentioned earlier and go bash all the PCs that have Steam's source code on them. I'm not going to do that because I don't want to get in trouble, but I do feel it should be done.

Everyone knows that Valve games require steam. You shouldn't have bought HL2 then, because it's perfectly rational for Valve to have a platform for their games if they want to. It's their game. Don't like the product, don't buy it.

Personally.. I don't mind waiting a minute for a steam update that happens on occasion. When I launce steam 90% of the time, it takes about 10 seconds to login. I don't rage into fury over that amount of time. Guess I'm not a hard core type A personality. Do you find you fly into road rage when getting stuck in a traffic jam, or do you just roll with it as one of the realities of using a public road? he basically has to run down to the a copy so he can then come back and post pictures saying!! no your all wrong!! I have it right here all along.
This thread is nothing but a bandwagon flame. After the first post about him having downloaded the game to get the problems he's having it should've stopped there. I just love all the kiddies jumping on the flame bandwagon and how this thread has now gone 3 pages with no Mod interruption. After the first page of "hey you downloaded the game, nice job retard..etc etc etc" we don't need to hear it anymore. It's obvious. Besides, flaming is not allowed on these forums.
QHalo said:
This thread is nothing but a bandwagon flame. After the first post about him having downloaded the game to get the problems he's having it should've stopped there. I just love all the kiddies jumping on the flame bandwagon and how this thread has now gone 3 pages with no Mod interruption. After the first page of "hey you downloaded the game, nice job retard..etc etc etc" we don't need to hear it anymore. It's obvious. Besides, flaming is not allowed on these forums.

Who friggen cares, the guy screwed up and put up a screenshot of a pirated game then calls out valve on how shitty there software is when the guy downloaded an illegal copy of the game in the first place...

I am willing to bet a mod has already seen this thread and is probably just sitting back and letting it go for a bit, probably because its humoris. If you cant stand this thread sooo omuch, then just dont post in it, and after a few posts you could have just hit your back button.

Now please, watch out for all the wind up there, you dont want to fall off your high horse.
texuspete00 said:
In Deus Ex... you know after an hour or so into the game and you have to get on the boat.... some warez versions you can't. People will spend an hour or two trying.... swim around it... eventually throw garbage cans at it in distase. Its clear in your objectives that what you are to do but no workie.

Hehe happened to a friend of mine. Looked up the walkthrough and it said itself..... if you warezed the game... you may not be able to get on the boat. You play long enough to get hooked then its off to the store with you. :D Be nice to see more of that instead of everyone going the way of the RIAA.

Oh boy, those were the days :) You'd see about three "I CAN'T GET ON THE BOAT!" posts every day, and after a while it just turned into a running gag. Good times.
WickedAngel said:
If your car breaks down and you bitch, should we expect you to build one yourself? You've got some terribly flawed logic.

That said, it's amusing that he is bitching about a game he didn't pay for.

You dont understand, he never bought the game.. The programming isnt piss poor, the people who warezed the game, did a piss poor job. And its more like, you stole a car, and bitch, you should go buy a vehicle that you know works :p If somebody stole my truck, I'd laugh my fucking ass off, they'd probably have so many damned issues even leaving my driveway.
Zallek...people have been using that "Don't like it? Do something better!" argument for years (Long before this guy ever stole the game and complained about it). It's a ridiculous argument, regardless of the circumstances.
I'm sorry, but recently I have little respect for these forums. Though this account is somewhat new, I've been posting here for over 2 years... and I have never seen it filled with so many flamers and warez people. I used to be able to enjoy myself coming here and reading through all the threads and posting, but now I see all these lame ass threads and close the window almost immediately. Hopefully things will get better soon. It just amazes me how this forum used to be up-beat, and now its nothing but huge flame wars. People that have nothing better to do than complain about the littlest things, and those so loyal to their game they prolly take a bullet for it. Don't people who pirate games have some irc channel or some pirate forum they can go post on?

I think what people need to start doing here, is instead of starting a thread "omg valve sucks because my game isn't running right".. should try another approach.. "my game isn't running right ... any suggestions?" If you have a problem shouldn't you be trying to fix it.. instead of bitching about it? Anyways back onto topic. I haven't had this problem you are talking about.. maybe you should try calling valve and talking to a representative to get it resolved. :D
as long as there is masturbation there will be flamers. masturbation leads to anger, anger leads to flames and biased attitude...which then leads to suffering...
Since we are going along with annoying forum traits right now:

People have completely overused the ! mark joke from the steam flash video. It so (expletive)ing old to see "you idiot!!1one!!11!" from people posting who think it is funny. It's not. Enough of it. You've overused it and beaten it to a dead bloody pulp. Now go on with your lives.
why does he not answer??? Maybe he didn't expect for us to figure out that he had a pirated copy through the screens?

But that aside, I totally agree with the guy. Like when I pirated Halo, I cursed microsoft for not making their CD-key algorithm easy enough for keygens to appear so I could play online. They made me go and buy the damn game!
I hate it when companies don't give any pirate support!

[Although it is simply hillarious how microsoft now runs a "Microsoft Validation Tool". I was actually nervous I wouldn't get the Winter Fun Pack for a second, BAWABA :D ]
Mr_Evil said:
In each of the screenies kronchev posted His Suit Aux power display is red. This glitch ONLY occurs in pirated copies of the game. The AI difficulties he is bitching about are also only prevalent in the pirated version. Some legal copies have had issues with NPC AI (i've been fortunate not to have any.)
I own a legal copy and my Aux power meter turns red when I run out of flashlight, sprint too long or run out of breath underwater. Does it turn red and stay red?
doh-nut said:
as long as there is masturbation there will be flamers. masturbation leads to anger, anger leads to flames and biased attitude...which then leads to suffering...
that's quite the leap there yoda. I guess we are in for many more years of suffering.
Does the games forum have a mod now? I think I remember there not being one for a while back a couple months. Have we got a permenent mod now?

//EDIT, duh i looked at the bottom of the forum and found we have two!
nweibley said:
People have completely overused the ! mark joke from the steam flash video. It so (expletive)ing old to see "you idiot!!1one!!11!" from people posting who think it is funny. It's not. Enough of it. You've overused it and beaten it to a dead bloody pulp. Now go on with your lives.

Big Worm said:
Who friggen cares, the guy screwed up and put up a screenshot of a pirated game then calls out valve on how shitty there software is when the guy downloaded an illegal copy of the game in the first place...

I am willing to bet a mod has already seen this thread and is probably just sitting back and letting it go for a bit, probably because its humoris. If you cant stand this thread sooo omuch, then just dont post in it, and after a few posts you could have just hit your back button.

Now please, watch out for all the wind up there, you dont want to fall off your high horse.
The wind isn't that bad up here on my high horse, but I'm guessing it's coming out of your ears because it sure is warm.
If you have a problem shouldn't you be trying to fix it.. instead of bitching about it?

Tell me, enlightened one...what advice would you give to someone with this problem?

You login to Steam and play HL2 for a few days, then stop playing for a few weeks. You decide to format your HDD to increase performance and assume that you will be able to sign into Steam and redownload the game you legitamately bought. You format and try to sign in, yet your login information is incorrect (Mind you, the login information that you have used with your ISP is the same, so it's not a case of forgetting).

Your email account registered through Steam is the account that you have with your ISP, so it hasn't changed either. You decide to have Steam email you the "Recover Lost Account" prompts that will allow you to reclaim your account. You assume this should work; it doesn't. An email never arrives in your account.

You then try to email their customer service, yet you get shuffled around by an auto-generated response that jumps back and forth between their weak FAQs. You call them and are put on hold for twenty minutes before you lose your patience and hang up.

Tell me, what do you do? This isn't a fake scenario, either; it's what I'm dealing with right now.
? Uhm... the only thing that has to do with this thread is that it pertains to the same game. :confused:
What is wrong with you ppl...all of you asume that this guy is a pirater because he ran into a problem that occurs mainly in pirated games...this IS a bug...I know a few ppl with LEGIT HL2's who have run into the same only happens with a few ppl tho...BESIDES the piraters...It's already been confirmed by those nasty piraters that this also happens on a few systems with a legit HL2...they even have a fix for it but do you see Valve releasing a patch for it??? NO...but a bird told me that...ummm...
...see ya....
Metallica_Band said:
What is wrong with you ppl...all of you asume that this guy is a pirater because he ran into a problem that occurs mainly in pirated games...this IS a bug...I know a few ppl with LEGIT HL2's who have run into the same only happens with a few ppl tho...BESIDES the piraters...It's already been confirmed by those nasty piraters that this also happens on a few systems with a legit HL2...they even have a fix for it but do you see Valve releasing a patch for it??? NO...but a bird told me that...ummm...
...see ya....

Did you read the thread dip? AI might be a bug. The red stamina bar is not. A guy who posts all the time also has not replied. you=lose.
WickedAngel said:
Tell me, enlightened one...what advice would you give to someone with this problem?

You login to Steam and play HL2 for a few days, then stop playing for a few weeks. You decide to format your HDD to increase performance and assume that you will be able to sign into Steam and redownload the game you legitamately bought. You format and try to sign in, yet your login information is incorrect (Mind you, the login information that you have used with your ISP is the same, so it's not a case of forgetting).

Your email account registered through Steam is the account that you have with your ISP, so it hasn't changed either. You decide to have Steam email you the "Recover Lost Account" prompts that will allow you to reclaim your account. You assume this should work; it doesn't. An email never arrives in your account.

You then try to email their customer service, yet you get shuffled around by an auto-generated response that jumps back and forth between their weak FAQs. You call them and are put on hold for twenty minutes before you lose your patience and hang up.

Tell me, what do you do? This isn't a fake scenario, either; it's what I'm dealing with right now.

Yep, I read the thread about your issue. Have you tried to open a new account with your CD-Key yet? If your original account has been "deleted" then you should be able open a new one... My guess is that it has not been deleted but somehow your account has been banned... just a guess. Get a photocopy of your receipt and a picture of your CD/DVD and send it in to them.
WickedAngel said:
Tell me, enlightened one...what advice would you give to someone with this problem?

You login to Steam and play HL2 for a few days, then stop playing for a few weeks. You decide to format your HDD to increase performance and assume that you will be able to sign into Steam and redownload the game you legitamately bought. You format and try to sign in, yet your login information is incorrect (Mind you, the login information that you have used with your ISP is the same, so it's not a case of forgetting).

Your email account registered through Steam is the account that you have with your ISP, so it hasn't changed either. You decide to have Steam email you the "Recover Lost Account" prompts that will allow you to reclaim your account. You assume this should work; it doesn't. An email never arrives in your account.

You then try to email their customer service, yet you get shuffled around by an auto-generated response that jumps back and forth between their weak FAQs. You call them and are put on hold for twenty minutes before you lose your patience and hang up.

Tell me, what do you do? This isn't a fake scenario, either; it's what I'm dealing with right now.

Am I the only person who things the problem is too obvious. Umm someone got a hold of your account info. Lets see .. login and password dont work ... and then you try the lost password and an email never arrives to your account ....

Put 2 and 2 together