half life 2 multiplayer


Limp Gawd
Mar 28, 2004
is half life 2 going to have a strong multiplayer, or is going to be like when everyone plays counterstrike, but instead playing counterstrike: source?
I was also wondering if counterstrike: source is going to be free with half life 2 or somthing... like many other mods or is it going to be like cs:cz?
It's probably expected that TFT/The Specialists/DoD/Tons of other HL-Based mods will get revamped once the new engine is set into the public modding community. Although CS:Source will be pretty popular, expect other mods to be available as well, pretty fast too.
CS:Source will be the multiplayer that ships with HL2. The other HL mods will be remade on the source engine if their developer want them to ( I know DoD will definately be on the source engine)
Someone say Half Life 2?
blykins said:
Someone say Half Life 2?

well done...you posted a fake shot of the box and cd's. have a scooby snack.

Back on topic: The original half-life had a very good multiplayer scene and the mods that followed were excellent too. The multiplayer experience was as much a part of half-life as the single player campaign was so I would hazard a guess that valve have stayed close to that formula and made a great multiplayer for half-life 2.
Syphon Filter said:
well done...you posted a fake shot of the box and cd's. have a scooby snack.

haha, I laughed for a good minute.
I heard that too... they are also thinking about a monthly fee to use steam.

Valve is going into the shitter. If they screw HL2 that bad, then they are going to lose more money then they plan to make.
Raditz228 said:
i heard you are going to have to pay for each mod thru steam, it made me sad :(
or get the collectors edition for 80 bones and get all of the mods ;o
whatever floats your boat
Thats bullshit. 80 bucks my ass, they arent getting 80 bucks out of me.
Tengis said:
I heard that too... they are also thinking about a monthly fee to use steam.

Valve is going into the shitter. If they screw HL2 that bad, then they are going to lose more money then they plan to make.

steam sucks. somehow someone got my CDkey and now I cant play CS anymore, and those bastards @ steam want you to send in your ORIGINAL key to get it reset...fuck it, I just dont play CS anymore. I will NEVER pay them a dime. They dont even bother to answer emails...Thats what big companies do, take a cool thing and screw with it till it sucks ass.
Im going to laugh if halflife2 ends up sucking (which it wont).... and then steam and all its supose to be burns in hell.
something makes me think its going to be just like any other FPS with pretty gfx...
anyways, do u know which version the ati coupon is? is it like the regular boxed version... maibe a 1 year subscription to steam (if its a montly payment) or is it the cheapskate walmart edition without multiplayer?
Steel Chicken said:
steam sucks. somehow someone got my CDkey and now I cant play CS anymore, and those bastards @ steam want you to send in your ORIGINAL key to get it reset...fuck it, I just dont play CS anymore. I will NEVER pay them a dime. They dont even bother to answer emails...Thats what big companies do, take a cool thing and screw with it till it sucks ass.

Unfortunately thats what happens when you own the most popular multiplayer game in history...they stop caring.

If they make me pay for that steaming POS that is steam I will personally slaughter every person in Valve administration :mad:
ehZn said:
Unfortunately thats what happens when you own the most popular multiplayer game in history...they stop caring.

If they make me pay for that steaming POS that is steam I will personally slaughter every person in Valve administration :mad:

hear hear.

man, if steam goes p2p, i'll join you. the whole point of multiplayer is that people who own the game can play together, safe in the knowledge that they've already payed for the game. and the whole point of modding is to make new, fun little changes to the game that people can enjoy, not for the developer to make even more money...
The question is which box to buy... supposedly there is a "single player only" box for 29.99, the one with CS:S for 49.99, and the collectors.

Now CS was always a free mod for owning the origional, so will CS:S be a free download still if you own the 29.99 version or do you HAVE to buy the 49.99 edition?

Tengis said:
I heard that too... they are also thinking about a monthly fee to use steam.

Valve is going into the shitter. If they screw HL2 that bad, then they are going to lose more money then they plan to make.

Correction. This would be a GREAT move by them. This would do the following ..

A. Move FPSers into the pay to play catagory.
B. Eliminate 80%+ of cheating out of work teenagers.
C. Help pay for better support.

Any TRUE gamer would be willing to pay a small monthly fee in order to preserve a hack free environment.. Anyone else is either a hacker, or just a flat out cheap. If somebody can't afford say $10 a month.. then just jump off a cliff because your life sucks.

Pay to Play IS the future.
Syphon Filter said:
well done...you posted a fake shot of the box and cd's. have a scooby snack.

Back on topic: The original half-life had a very good multiplayer scene and the mods that followed were excellent too. The multiplayer experience was as much a part of half-life as the single player campaign was so I would hazard a guess that valve have stayed close to that formula and made a great multiplayer for half-life 2.


Anyway, im just looking forward to the single player...i mean, im sure multi is going to be awsome, but think of all the wonderfull mods that are going to be porte...and then all the new ones that are going to come out *drools*
theNoid said:
Correction. This would be a GREAT move by them. This would do the following ..

A. Move FPSers into the pay to play catagory.
B. Eliminate 80%+ of cheating out of work teenagers.
C. Help pay for better support.

Any TRUE gamer would be willing to pay a small monthly fee in order to preserve a hack free environment.. Anyone else is either a hacker, or just a flat out cheap. If somebody can't afford say $10 a month.. then just jump off a cliff because your life sucks.

Pay to Play IS the future.

And i think i would be willing to drop a bit of extra cash down on steam, to insure a hack free multiplayer experince, with better tech support, and maybe like some valve hosted servers or something on the lines of that :eek:
theNoid said:
Correction. This would be a GREAT move by them. This would do the following ..

A. Move FPSers into the pay to play catagory.
B. Eliminate 80%+ of cheating out of work teenagers.
C. Help pay for better support.

Any TRUE gamer would be willing to pay a small monthly fee in order to preserve a hack free environment.. Anyone else is either a hacker, or just a flat out cheap. If somebody can't afford say $10 a month.. then just jump off a cliff because your life sucks.

Pay to Play IS the future.

Personally I wouldn't mind paying a bit more to get away from all those hackers, once they get their account banned, up to them to pay again all that cash just to hack. I'm pretty sure by this time, Valve had better have a good Cheat detection program, least better than their current one. Hopefully all the hackers/immature people will stick on 1.6.
theNoid said:
Correction. This would be a GREAT move by them. This would do the following ..

A. Move FPSers into the pay to play catagory.
B. Eliminate 80%+ of cheating out of work teenagers.
C. Help pay for better support.

Any TRUE gamer would be willing to pay a small monthly fee in order to preserve a hack free environment.. Anyone else is either a hacker, or just a flat out cheap. If somebody can't afford say $10 a month.. then just jump off a cliff because your life sucks.

Pay to Play IS the future.

Hey if paying a small fee did all THAT, I wouldn't mind, but telling me I have to pay to use the buggy, always crashing, never connecting crapshack that is steam?? I think NOT.

Besides, I still like being called a hacker...dunno where you people play, but find a good server with real admins who watch things better :rolleyes:
If Steam was fixed... this wouldn't be a bad move. I think if support was good, Steam ran great, and hacking was cut say in half.. people would love it.

XBox is already pay to play... along with most MMOGs out there. I would guess most online gaming (PC, Console) will be pay to play within the next few years. Hacking is not a problem because everything is maintained serverside, allowing for almost no hacking. When signing up for a pay to play system, you agree to an EULA, breaking this would allow the software company to just flat out ban your account.

If Valve doesn't do something drastic to resolve the hacking problems with most HL1 mods.. when HL2 is released.. all those HL1 hackers will just migrate over and ruin it for everyone. :eek: :mad:

/me crosses fingers
The people that say there aren't a lot of hackers in CS are just plain stupid. I didn't quit CS because of all the hackers (which there were a LOT of) but I quit because of all the retards that would SWEAR that there weren't a lot of hackers.

If Valve could eliminate the cheaters, and thusly, eliminate the morons that swear there AREN'T any cheaters, I'd pay to play. Gladly.
The people that say there aren't a lot of hackers in CS are just plain stupid. I didn't quit CS because of all the hackers (which there were a LOT of) but I quit because of all the retards that would SWEAR that there weren't a lot of hackers.

If Valve could eliminate the cheaters, and thusly, eliminate the morons that swear there AREN'T any cheaters, I'd pay to play. Gladly.

I honestly think that there arent as many hackers as people would like to think...but im not saying there are alot of people out there that do hack...i just dont think that there as many as everybody makes it out to be ;)
Almost every hacker I have seen has been flat out and blatant, and usually quickly kicked/banned. Some are smarter and more subtle, but we catch on ;)

I like the fact that as a good player, I can do as well as some hacking scrub who should have their ass handed to them.
theNoid said:
Correction. This would be a GREAT move by them. This would do the following ..

A. Move FPSers into the pay to play catagory.
B. Eliminate 80%+ of cheating out of work teenagers.
C. Help pay for better support.

Any TRUE gamer would be willing to pay a small monthly fee in order to preserve a hack free environment.. Anyone else is either a hacker, or just a flat out cheap. If somebody can't afford say $10 a month.. then just jump off a cliff because your life sucks.

Pay to Play IS the future.

then suicide is the future of anyone who can think

i'm not paying a monthly fee for some crappy ass shooter thats 6 years old, SORRY. I will not pay a monthly fee for ANY online game, I dont care how good it is. I can definitly afford it, however, my money is more useful other places than paying $10 for every damn game I want to play online.

"any TRUE gamer". nice :rolleyes:
i'm not paying a monthly fee for some crappy ass shooter thats 6 years old, SORRY. I will not pay a monthly fee for ANY online game, I dont care how good it is. I can definitly afford it, however, my money is more useful other places than paying $10 for every damn game I want to play online.

i agree wholeheartedly :mad:
Believe me, I always got a kick out of it when I'd go to some random pub server and get banned because they thought I was cheating, but just because there are really good players WRONGFULLY accused of cheating, doesn't mean there aren't actually cheaters. Rest assured for every UBER l337 CS player out there, there are 10 little 10-17 year old fucktards cheating their asses off. Some are blatant, but some are GOOD cheaters.

In my time as admin for my clans CS server, I busted about 5 or so players who were long term regulars that ppl thought were just REALLY GOOD at the game. I demo'd them, and when they were banned and confronted with the evidence, they admitted to it. So don't underestimate the problem. It's real.
If CS is the only multiplayer that HL2 will comes with I'll be seriously pissed. I want some HL2DM action with the single player weapons. Also if CS:S is the multiplayer aspect this game is just as good as Max Payne to me, fun single player, slight replayability, and I'll get it when the game is highly discounted, or free. Unless there are some genuinely good mods for it.
Not everyone is excited about CS:S, frankly the though of the same gameplay on a new engine makes me want to vomit, can't they come up with a better MP experience than a rehash of a crappy ancient game?
kronchev said:
i'm not paying a monthly fee for some crappy ass shooter thats 6 years old, SORRY. I will not pay a monthly fee for ANY online game, I dont care how good it is. I can definitly afford it, however, my money is more useful other places than paying $10 for every damn game I want to play online.

"any TRUE gamer". nice :rolleyes:

I think kronchev and I see pretty much eye to eye on this. Let's say I buy three games totaling $150. Let's assume that these three games are Warcraft 3, Battlefield 1942, and Counterstrike, three games that I've gotten many hours of multiplayer goodness from over the years. Let's say I play each one online on and off for two years apiece. All that cost me $150. Not too shabby.

Now let's say I have to pay $10 per month per game. Now I'm paying $720 over the course of two years for three games!! That will never be worth it.
Dan UCF said:
If CS is the only multiplayer that HL2 will comes with I'll be seriously pissed. I want some HL2DM action with the single player weapons. Also if CS:S is the multiplayer aspect this game is just as good as Max Payne to me, fun single player, slight replayability, and I'll get it when the game is highly discounted, or free. Unless there are some genuinely good mods for it.
Not everyone is excited about CS:S, frankly the though of the same gameplay on a new engine makes me want to vomit, can't they come up with a better MP experience than a rehash of a crappy ancient game?

Not to say that I don't like a refresh of the fps game experience, but I have yet to find a single player or multiplayer game that I enjoy as much as cs (halo was close, but the guns just weren't good enough). Buggy, laggy, filled with hackers and 12 year olds and the mentally retarded nubs who stand in spawn and spin in circles, it's still my favorite game and I would rather play cs than farcry, doom3, and ut put together.
IMO, only MMORPG's should have play to play. The beauty of PC games other then MMORPG's is that fact that you have Public servers and you can host your own server and with many servers you have different experiences and game play that makes it mixed up and fun.

If pay to play is made for Half-Life 2 then we have poor server admins NOT ONLY hosting games for people but also paying a monthly fee plus the bandwidth for the server and that isn't really fair to the people who are a essential building block for multiplayer games.

Thats beside the fact that lots of gamers play various different kinds of games from FPS to Strategy. I don't think gamers want to be forced to play one game just because if they don't play they would be wasting their money.
The people that say there aren't a lot of hackers in CS are just plain stupid. I didn't quit CS because of all the hackers (which there were a LOT of) but I quit because of all the retards that would SWEAR that there weren't a lot of hackers.

If Valve could eliminate the cheaters, and thusly, eliminate the morons that swear there AREN'T any cheaters, I'd pay to play. Gladly.

I quit CS because everytime I would kill someone, some whiney pre-pubescent 11 year old would yell "HACKS! j00 are using teh hax! fucking n00b!"

It gets old fast...
the only reason its popular is because people arent [H].

They all buy Dells and cant run anything else. :D
theNoid said:
Correction. This would be a GREAT move by them. This would do the following ..

A. Move FPSers into the pay to play catagory.
B. Eliminate 80%+ of cheating out of work teenagers.
C. Help pay for better support.

Any TRUE gamer would be willing to pay a small monthly fee in order to preserve a hack free environment.. Anyone else is either a hacker, or just a flat out cheap. If somebody can't afford say $10 a month.. then just jump off a cliff because your life sucks.

Pay to Play IS the future.

Pay to play is *not* the future, or at least I hope it's not. A "true" gamer would never let some huge company charge him $120/year to play a game that he has already purchased for upwards of fifty dollars.

MMORPG's monthly fees tend to make a small amount of sense (though I would never pay for one of those, either) -- you are paying for the overhead in keeping the game updated with new content, you are paying for the servers where the game is hosted, and most people are usually only involved in one at a time.

Even console users don't have it too bad, as I understand it they pay a flat rate to play any game on their system of choice, right?

However, on a PC that business model makes no sense. Once company doens't have control over all of the hardware or software. That means that each individual company will want to charge to play their game. A game like HL2, or Call of Duty, or WCIII where you have to pay the maker in order to play? Nope, not when *I* am paying the money for a server to host *their* game on, no way.

If this were to happen it means that we'd essentially be leasing our games from them, how sh*tty is that? You may be able to afford one game, but how about 3? 4? 5? There are probably 6-7 different games that I play at least once a month online on different occassions. No possible way could I justify spending over 800 dollars a year (plus the initial outlay of 200-300 for the games themselves) to play games.

Any sheep that would go along with the pay to play plan is just asking for Bill Gates to show up at his house and demand 15 bucks a month to use that operating system you just dropped 300 bones on.
beck192 said:
Pay to play is *not* the future, or at least I hope it's not. A "true" gamer would never let some huge company charge him $120/year to play a game that he has already purchased for upwards of fifty dollars.

MMORPG's monthly fees tend to make a small amount of sense (though I would never pay for one of those, either) -- you are paying for the overhead in keeping the game updated with new content, you are paying for the servers where the game is hosted, and most people are usually only involved in one at a time.

Even console users don't have it too bad, as I understand it they pay a flat rate to play any game on their system of choice, right?

However, on a PC that business model makes no sense. Once company doens't have control over all of the hardware or software. That means that each individual company will want to charge to play their game. A game like HL2, or Call of Duty, or WCIII where you have to pay the maker in order to play? Nope, not when *I* am paying the money for a server to host *their* game on, no way.

If this were to happen it means that we'd essentially be leasing our games from them, how sh*tty is that? You may be able to afford one game, but how about 3? 4? 5? There are probably 6-7 different games that I play at least once a month online on different occassions. No possible way could I justify spending over 800 dollars a year (plus the initial outlay of 200-300 for the games themselves) to play games.

Any sheep that would go along with the pay to play plan is just asking for Bill Gates to show up at his house and demand 15 bucks a month to use that operating system you just dropped 300 bones on.

i agree wholeheartedly, i can think of 9 online games ive played in the last week, and theres probably another 2-3 if we go back to the entire month. also think about this, if the game companies think piracy is bad right now, theyd shit themselves if they saw how bad it would be under this buissness model. not to mention severly bad sales.