Give Valve a break people!


Jul 8, 2001
Im getting sick and tired of having people bash Valve because they keep moving the release date of Half Life 2. I mean come on people, they want to deliver a QUALITY piece of software, not some half assed piece of crap. If they released it now, and it was buggy or not up to par everyone would complain about that. I mean there is NO HARM coming from not having the game right now.

Now that the Doom3 rush of threads is over everyone is bashing valve for pushing back the release date of the game. Its disgusting that people dont have anything better to do then sit around and bash a company for doing something RIGHT for a change.
This is silly.. Everyone stop whining because Valve keeps setting release dates and keeps missing them.. ya.. whatever..

The simple solution is for Valve to just stfu and make a gold announcement when it's sent off for duplication. But.. no.. they can't do that..

In the meantime we have to listen to people whine because we're irritated..
Exactly, most companies when they have a major title don't utter a peep about release dates until they know they can meet them. Valve OTOH, has now peeped several times and missed each.
Yeah, how exactly is Valve doing something right? They've said about 4 or 5 dates now and completely missed them, and that's just for the game itself. Remember the HL2 benchmark? Remember the level editing stuff? Remember the SDK? Remember the rest of the Bink videos?

They're a fucking joke.

(note: I'd like to point out that I'm aware that Valve has an amazing dev team, they just have the misfortune of being led by an incredibly lame marketing department and, evidently, CEO)
pfft you call them a joke. but the fact that people are getting worked up about it means that they are concerned about getting hl2. youll get it, but would you rather have something buggy than something polished?
Most of the release date that get moved are just companies guessing when the game will be released.
Im not exactly following the release date or bashing valve for missing it or buying the game when its released for that matter. But if you ask me, missing a release date isnt something you should take lightly. Imagine how the people who upgraded last year and now find themselves with less than high end equipment feel.
Delays for the sake of quality is fine by me. I've never had an issue with that and actually took part in the decision to delay a game by a year. However, what Valve has done is go against their publisher and promise delivery dates knowing it wouldn't be finished in time. That's different.
well i would agree that there is not an excuse for missing a release date, reasons yes, excuse no.

however, doesn't the majority or people have something better to do than dwell over a release date, update hardware (no point, there is no finished product yet). seriously people, read a book, or go shoot pool, life is not going to end because a HL2 was pushed back. obsession is not a good thing(most of the time).

now can we stop bashing a company that is working their butts off to make YOU happy and get the most out of life!!!!!!!!!!
k1pp3r said:
now can we stop bashing a company that is working their butts off to make YOU happy and get the most out of life!!!!!!!!!!

Most companies are more interested in profits than products, im not sure where to place valve yet.
Lord of Shadows said:
Most companies are more interested in profits than products, im not sure where to place valve yet.

This is true, however, if you are not happy then they will not make money. Same if they have bad products,
I'm so much mad about them pushing it back as much as them lying. They KNEW it wasn't going to be released last April, last September, or this April. If they would just stop bullshitting everyone and just give a real release date, not eveyone would be pissed.
When did Valve give a solid release date??? Does anyone have an OFFICIAL link from Valve stating it was coming out next month?? The original Sept date from 2003 is a legit beef, but I haven't see anything from Gabe stating it would be released next month.
I believe the September thing stems from Gabe saying in several interviews that it would definitely come out this Summer.
BAH! whatever! I spent tonnes 'o cash upgrading hardware to play in hl2 in Q1 and deserve the right to vent, thier fault so deal! lie in the bed you make valve! At this point I cood care less about the game, a nov or sometime in 05 release is fine. It was the expensive hardware upgrade that really ticks me off. that is the point! :mad:
Valve owes me a personal apology. In writing on letterhead. And throw in a keychain too...
Good reasons to be mad at valve:

The Game was soposed to be released over a year ago

Steam and some of its options don't work right when they are soposed to (Friends, Fav Servers, various errors)

Steam itself and the closing of WON servers, tons of ppl likes won better and there was nothing wrong with it.

Valve says they are going to do things and they don't or they do them late.

It seems like valve has a lot of internal problems, examples being, HL2 source was stolen, HL2 Storyline was leaked w/CS:S, Their Servers go down a lot, DDOS attacks ?!?!

We customers have damn good reasons to be mad at valve...yeah so what we will probably buy their product anyway, but they are really pissing us off.

EDIT: I forgot to mension the cd-key issues..ppl go buy fresh copies of games and then when they use them their CD key is already taken. And when people get accounts stolen Valve either doesn't help the cutomer at all or takes a month to do so.
You know if you bought a brand new game and then when you installed it it said you couldn't play, you'd be pretty f'n pissed off.
G'ßöö said:
BAH! whatever! I spent tonnes 'o cash upgrading hardware to play in hl2 in Q1 and deserve the right to vent, thier fault so deal! lie in the bed you make valve! At this point I cood care less about the game, a nov or sometime in 05 release is fine. It was the expensive hardware upgrade that really ticks me off. that is the point! :mad:

Disagree. Wait until the game is released to upgrade your hardware. Either way, even top of the line systems like ours won't give us great frame rates on the next gen of games that will be built on the D3 engine or possibly the source engine. I think the next gen of hardware will,
and you know that. Have you tried playing D3 multiplayer with more than 8 people in high quality???
yea don't get some of my lan buddies started on the whole won thing too. I've never met such die hard cs freaks playing on outdated computers that can't really play now.

they're all for the car fire!
TEMM said:
Im getting sick and tired of having people bash Valve because they keep moving the release date of Half Life 2.

I used to say the same thing, but they keep doing one bonehead thing after another so that made me lose some respect for them.
They should be forced to attend QuakeCon and stand trial...doh too late...
Im getting sick and tired of having people bash Valve because they keep moving the release date of Half Life 2. I mean come on people, they want to deliver a QUALITY piece of software, not some half assed piece of crap. If they released it now, and it was buggy or not up to par everyone would complain about that. I mean there is NO HARM coming from not having the game right now.

bleh, hl2 better be good enough to make up for the crap that is steam
AHAHAHAHA! Now we went from EVERY tread being about doom to EVERY thread being about HL2.. err I think I'll wait till a month after HL2 is released till I come back here :p
Valve is gay, making lame excuses to make up for thier lack of a completed product that was suppose to be here last year, and then, of course, you will HAVE to use gay steam with it. Steam is the stupidest thing since windows xp...
Steam itself and the closing of WON servers, tons of ppl likes won better and there was nothing wrong with it.
From what I remember, Valve does not own WON. Sierra did, but it got bought out by another company. So I don't think it's Valve's fault.
Where did they say they are not making September, oh! cause a few websites changed their date willy nilly. Oh snap no real information all just speculation and the valve whinefest continues. From here on its $10 to enter the Whinefest, all proceeds will go to HardOCP.
Bumrush said:
Disagree. Wait until the game is released to upgrade your hardware. Either way, even top of the line systems like ours won't give us great frame rates on the next gen of games that will be built on the D3 engine or possibly the source engine. I think the next gen of hardware will,
and you know that. Have you tried playing D3 multiplayer with more than 8 people in high quality???

Normally, I would agree, but when the video card companies start sticking coupons for free (highly anticipated) games in the box, and the game doesn't show for more than a year after, well, that's a different story completely.

They implied, by that coupon offer, that the game was going to be done and ready to play on your new hardware. It wasn't. That got people, who might normally wait for a games release, to buy early, and then didn't deliver the goods.

As I said before, announce when it goes gold and until then, stfu. People are more than justified to be irritated and to voice that irritation.