Games with a great story


Limp Gawd
Jul 30, 2004
Ok lately ive been playing some of the latest games including Doom 3(chills...) anyway i want a game with a great storyline like star wars kotor. Does anyone kno of some new games like that?
Baldur's Gate 2
Dark Forces: Jedi Knight
Morrowind (kinda)
NWN: Hoards of the Underdark
Thx truebuckeye but superjohnny im looking ofr something more in depth than max payne 2 :) Thx again to all of those who replied.
Knights of the Old Republic
No One Lives Forever

Edit: Chrono Trigger
Best story bar none was Planescape: Torment. No question. Baldur's Gate, KoTR are all great games and had engaging storylines. Nothing compares to Torment though. Nothing.
HL had a story? Sure fooled me.

I also liked the storyline of XIII. Why does it seem silly?
HL had a story? Sure fooled me.

Yes Half-Life had a story, Its blatantly obvious. But I guess when you use cheats to skip levels, or havent actually beaten it, you don't notice the whole story part.
Just my opinion, but the original Max Payne has the best story line of any game I've ever played. Max Payne 2 had a great story, but it was too short.
Gothic and Gothic II had awsome stories and really nice graphics as well. Controls are a little off, but great story and gameplay. A shame they are a german company becasue the game deserved a lot more attention than it got.
WhoCares said:
Yes Half-Life had a story, Its blatantly obvious. But I guess when you use cheats to skip levels, or havent actually beaten it, you don't notice the whole story part.

Played through it all....still didn't notice a story. It was a doom1 rehash. Only redeeming quality was the goverment conspiracy [which was barely touched upon]. Tell ya what...get your head out of your rectum and go play some RPGs...then maybe you won't be so impressed with table scraps.
Gothic and Gothic II are both great games. I have no problems with the controls. The quests in the game are interesting instead of the terrible Morrowind FedEx/Kill this guy..

I just hope there's a Gothic III with better graphics and a decent ending. If they'd use more than 5 guys for the voice acting in the English version it would come over better too :p
HL was just another Doom linear action game. Doesn't mean that there was no plot..just not much of one. I hope they do better with HL2
Ive played many RPGs...Final Fantasy 5, 8-X, Legend of Legia :rolleyes: and others... Half-Life still has a great storyline. Who in their right mind wasnt compelled to see who the man in the suit was? Who didnt enjoy the final 3 minutes? The game's storyline was ran by triggers and first person playing, very unique approach, and it worked.

StarCraft anyone? Geeze!
versello said:
Games like Deus Ex, Fallout and Half-Life are not new :/
But yet, are superior to many games that are just now hitting the shelves.

Great games are timeless. They can be played from any time period and be enjoyed. Nethack is still superior to many RPG games. Street Fighter II is still an excellent fighter. Deus Ex, Fallout and Half-Life have great storylines. Well, maybe not Half-Life but it's not half-bad.
yes Deus Ex had a great storyline.
Deus Ex 2 was good too but I liked the first one better.
>Just my opinion, but the original Max Payne has the best story line of any game I've ever played.

You can't have played many games, then. (seriously).

Another vote for PS:T. I actually started a re-play yesterday.
Even though I think it's a little overrated, Planescape Torment has a very deep story.
I also liked the storyline of Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption. Generally speaking games from the RPG genre have a better storyline. There's only so much you can do with a FPS. I agree with those who say Deus Ex had a great storyline... especially considering it's a FPS.

eloj I've been playing games seriously since I got my first joy stick for Q-bert on a Commodore Vic 20. I think Max Payne had a great story line. If you don't that's fine, but it doesn't mean people who liked are inexperienced.
Max Payne: "I stare at the gleaming gun barrel, and think to myself: Is this a dream? and I realized... I loved every heartbeat she gave off, I couldnt get the strength to stop the man from firing the silver deathwish. My life, was envious." :rolleyes: Good story, HILARIOUS dialogue
For the ones that remember Under a Killing Moon and the rest of the Tex Murphy games. I also like Far Cry's story.
The Other said:
For the ones that remember Under a Killing Moon and the rest of the Tex Murphy games. I also like Far Cry's story.

Under a Killing Moon was one of the most badass games evar! I threw away most of my old games, including jewel cases for newer games, but I still kept my copy of Under A Killing Moon.
The last game with a great story that really pulled me in that I remember would have to be Max Payne 1, Max Payne 2 was good but MP1 had great story, twists, even voice acting. Wish I could wipe my memory clean and go back and play it again now :(

Oh and yes, Grim Fandango was a fantastic game, great voice acting and story (wonderful animations and backdrops) :D
Games with good stories:
The Longest Journey (PC)
American McGee's Alice (PC)
Revelations: Persona (PS1)
Revelations Persona - Eternal Punishment (PS1)
Final Fantasy VIII (I think the gameplay sucked though) (PS1)
Suikoden II (PS1)
Halo (XBX)

Games with serviceable stories:
Farcry (PC)
Doom 3 (PC)
Ninja Gaiden (XBX)
Crimson Skies (XBX)
Panzer Dragoon Orta (XBX)
Morrowind (Provided you didn't kill everyone...) (PC)
Ico (PS2)

That is all I can remember off the top of my head.
Ultima games (not counting the online ones)
Suikoden series
Final Fantasy VI, VII, Tactics
Valkyrie Profile
System Shock
Gabriel Knight games
Realms of the Haunting (though it's more presentation)

And a bunch of others that I can't name off the top of my head.
Metal Gear Solid 1 & 2?...

Sure it was weird, but that's what was so good...