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  1. B

    Stalker Extreme Settings...wowsa

    Just sacrifice a few settings, Jesus I have never seen so many freaking out about not being able to run the game at totally unesassary settings. It's called the options menu and you need to make a couple of so called "sacrifices"
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    Which memory would be better to suit me.

    Alright, thanks for responses guys. By the way, I was going for a 3.4GHz OC so I guess I'll be in the safe zone.
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    Which memory would be better to suit me.

    I'm in a little bit of a pickle of what kind of RAM I need. I do a lot of gaming and I want to overclock my Q6600 very well. I also want to have plenty of memory for Vista. What would be best for my situation? My best guess was getting 2GB with a CAS latency of 4. What's your thought on it? I...
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    4870x2 reviews beating gtx280 sli

    I hate how Nvidia has that "The it's meant to be played" project. They always get their hands on good games to make them run better on their cards before they are released.
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    Beware of Refurbished/Open Box Video Cards, outside of missing accessories and DOA.

    Damn, that capacitor is really bent there. Does the card itself still work? If it did, I would still send in a complaint to save other people possibly from this. That's some pretty piss poor packaging done.
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    9600GT Low profile RELEASED

    I cant believe that little bugger can run Crysis on high.
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    CPU Scaling Benchmarks (X2 + 4850)

    Good benchmark. Those are some high AA setting though. I'm usually happy with no AA as long as the monitor is at it's native resolution. In that case, I don't need as much of a powerful CPU as some would suggest getting. I would like to see Company of Heroes. But instead of using the standard...
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    Staples 12% Off Coupon, End of July

    You sir, win the glory of being awesome.
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    IBM’s Power7 Chip has 8 Cores, 4.0GHz Speed

    Best comment I've ever seen for a topic like this.
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    NVIDIA Cuts Prices On Its GTX Line

    Huge price cuts and they're still expensive. Goodbye Nvidia, hello ATI.
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    First iPhone 3G Owner a Shill For Phone Book

    woohoo, its a fucking phone, this is what our society has come to today.
  12. B

    Xbox 360 To Store Games To Hard Drive

    Hmm, this sounds so much like a PC. And as the consoles get more like PCs their prices will become more like PCs.(Seriously, have you seen the prices for these hard drives on the 360?)
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    Did Nvidia take Ati's 4800 series lightly?

    Interesting... Thanks for the info!
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    Did Nvidia take Ati's 4800 series lightly?

    The architecture design in GPUs has changed very little since the 8 series. It's about time for a little innovation, maybe just a little?
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    Did Nvidia take Ati's 4800 series lightly?

    I'm glad that AMD had it's success with the 4000 series. I don't think Nvidia took it lightly, they are having a lot of difficulty making a 55nm chipset consistently enough to make revenue. But AMD is going to get its ass handed to once again unfortunately by Intel with their Nahalem series...
  16. B

    PC Gaming is Soooo not dead

    Lets see now, S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Clear Sky. Oh that's right, sorry console gamers, but you can't have this! Crysis Warhead? Oh sorry, you can't have that either consoles.
  17. B

    No CUDA for AMD?

    Physics are simply being moved over because they are more naturally geared for GPU's since they can do parallel processing. Also, the CPU still does WAY more than what a gpu does now, even with physics processing.
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    EVGA 9800GTX - $199 @ ZZF

    They have this for the same price at newegg. I'm probably going to get this unless the 4850 has something I want more.
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    Mass Effect making (geek) headlines

    PC gaming piraters are screwing themselves. This is a perfect example.
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    Why is PC gaming the better choice overall?

    About what Baker said: There is an SDK for Unreal Tournament III to create mods for the PS3.
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    Why is PC gaming the better choice overall?

    I did a little reworking of the orginal post to make it sound like more what I wanted it to sound like. Please keep the debates from getting out of control.
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    Why is PC gaming the better choice overall?

    Thank you for the friendly post. I totally agree with you there. I'll take the brainwashing down in just a bit. But propoganda is correct, many (not all) loyal teenage console gamers are completely naive. They always believe what they hear and have a huge lack of knowledge in PC gaming, mostly...
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    Why is PC gaming the better choice overall?

    Haha, cultist? hardcore christian? Ok, I think I've had enough. I can see you don't dig this thread. You may think whatever you want. I created a thread about why PC gaming is the better choice overall. I'm not a biased PC gamer. Let's just say if I could only play on either the PC or the...
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    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. + Oblivion Lost mod = pwnage!!!

    Unfortunatley, I don't believe so. Just buy the retail version from a store.
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    my Cod5 Dream

    I still think the future would be a better choice for CoD 5.
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    Company of Heroes online play?

    Yea, with a decent PC, multiplayer is absolutely a blast. I picked up CoH Gold Edition for $40. It includes the original game and opposing fronts. I HIGHLY reccomend getting opposing fronts. The new armies are a lot of fun. You can catch up. You'll get your ass kicked a lot in the beggining...
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    Zombie Games to hold over til L4D

    You can purchase Garrys Mod off Steam for $10. With that you can download tons of user made gamemodes. One of which is called Zombie Survival. It is an FPS, it is tons of fun and it has much better maps.
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    Why is PC gaming the better choice overall?

    Very good reasons Nenu. There was couple very detailed reasons that earned you a spot on the guardian list. Keep the ideas pouring in! :) Quote from Circutbreaker8 "You know, i've been a PC gamer for the past 4-5 years, and I've always defended it. However, I just bought a PS3 and...
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    What is the Next Big First Person Shooter ?

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Clear Sky and Left 4 Dead are the top 2 on my wishlist.
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    Why is PC gaming the better choice overall?

    You probably won't see it again even for a console title. The only reason they hosted that was because it involved sports. It doesn't even matter if it's broadcasted on TV, it doesn't mean it's any more competetive. It was only broadcasted because it invovled sports so a sports channel...
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    Why is PC gaming the better choice overall?

    Ok, we've got two guardians so far. Thank you for your opinions! I will continue to add some of my own thoughts on it too.
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    Why is PC gaming the better choice overall?

    I appreciate all of you for your interest and involvement in this thread! You may research and/or google other peoples reasons if you like.
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    Why is PC gaming the better choice overall?

    Beer + Mario Kart = Awesomeness
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    Why is PC gaming the better choice overall?

    ATTENTION: Do not flame or criticize this thread, I took deep thought into what I was saying so I would not sound rude or irritated in any way. I would highly appreciate friendly posts. If you have something to say contradicting my opinions, please post in a mature fashion and I will respect...
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    Why is PC gaming the better choice?

    There seems to have been an accidental double post for reasons I don't know. I'd like to ask the admins/moderators to delete this particular thread. As for readers, please go to this thread here
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    Bioshock faster on XP than Vista?

    In almost all instances, games run just a bit slower in Vista, just by 1 to 4 frames. Not really worth installing XP to get the extra perhaps 1 or 3 frames.
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    A fully destructible FPS environment - Voxelstein 3D

    hehe, I'm being drawn into this ugly game too!
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    Little dissapointed with S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

    I wasn't exactly dissappointed (I still found plenty to do in the game) but I was shocked at how different it was from what I thought. The different region were seperated using games and loading screens was the biggest shock. Not as much from as I thought. A Life wasn't that great if you're...
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    ATI : Return of the king : Nvidia in trouble

    It's not particularly credible. I really don't believe any of it. Maybe ATI will come back with a fight or we might just be out our minds to think that. I don't really root for corporations or companys. They all have one goal in mind and that is to make money, which is achieved by customer...