First iPhone 3G Owner a Shill For Phone Book

He should be shot either way since they had tons in stock, this wasn't a Playstation or Xbox.
Yes, he needs to be slated for a visit from the local neighborly 12 gauge for being false cool
Is there a link I'm missing here?

Prank or no he should punch in the face for doing this. I don't understand why people wait in long days and hours in line for a debuted launch of a phone and consoles, first release are always defective. Yes I know you can profit from newly released items that sell out but the profit you make out of it you could be working a real job, let alone jeopardize it, if these people have one..
I waited in line for a Wii but not for days. Only the morning before they went on sale. It was a saturday, I was off. I did it as i knew that it would be hard to find one later. Especially since I work M-F 8-5 + some nights and weekends thus I knew I couldn't keep trying to look around during the middle of the day or try to get to a store when they first opened.

It was my first time waiting in a line and it will be my last. I thought I would give it a try once to see what it is like to be like these people. It is boring as hell, I can say that much. For those that wait in lines for days. I think I would have to kill myself by about hour 30 if I could even make it that long.
excellent idea; being paid to wait in line :D
doesn't get any better
Yeah he is lame but he did get paid and I bet pretty well and he got all that free stuff.
Yes, he needs to be slated for a visit from the local neighborly 12 gauge for being false cool

No false cool would be sitting in line for 3 days to get an Iphone and NOT getting paid for it.
I don't understand why people wait in long days and hours in line for a debuted launch of a phone and consoles, first release are always defective.

I waited in line for a Wii and I'm damn glad I did. I only waited maybe ~2 hours, though, but it was definitely worth it.
I just gotta know one thing.. did he hold it all in for 3 days and 3 nights, or did they neglect to give credit to some company for an industrial strength diaper? :eek:
Sweet, even his jacket was "sponsored". I bet the iPhone he bought is now on eBay.
i actually think he's less of a lowlife now that i know he was a shill...

before he was a loser, now he's just an actor...
props for someone coming up with this idea before the rest of the world.

i bet 99% of you would do it in a heartbeat.
I'm sure he got paid and he has his 5 minutes of fame! Record album should be next!!!