Why is PC gaming the better choice overall?


Feb 23, 2008
ATTENTION: Do not flame or criticize this thread, I took deep thought into what I was saying so I would not sound rude or irritated in any way. I would highly appreciate friendly posts. If you have something to say contradicting my opinions, please post in a mature fashion and I will respect your opinion.

If you managed to open this thread, you're awesome, I practically love you.:)

It's the same old story again. Day after day more and more prefer a console. My friend now prefers a console. After three years of propaganda and being ill informed, my friend believes consoles are the better choice over the PC with lack of knowledge. Of course I am upset about his decision and I want him to delve a little bit into the world of PC gaming so he can make a real decision.

In order to do that, I'd like to give him as many legitimate reasons possible of why PC gaming might be the better choice for him. That's where I need your help. You need to help me create an epic list of why PC gaming might be the better choice. So post as many reasons possible as you like and I will add them to the epic list. Epic is big so lets give it our best shot! :) By the way, if you can provide a very good and well thought out reason that I find deserving of extra attention to. I will add your name to the PC Loyalist List. Sorry, there's no real awards involved, just the glory of being of being on the list. So lets begin!

Remember, legitimate reasons only.

PC Loyalist:
n3g471v3 d3c1b3l

Mods Free content is hard to argue against.
Steam Ease of use, access to older, hard to find titles, automatic updating
Better Control M+KB is superior for FPS, RTS, and complex MMO type games.
Better Graphics Consoles are outdated months after release if not sooner.
Multilayer Dedicated community servers with good administrators are irreplaceable.
Community Customization Mods, maps, skins, etc keep games alive for years.
Price It doesn's cost an arm and leg anymore to get high end visuals due to more affordable and effective solutions (IE Geforce 8800GT is $150 to $190)
MMO games Does that need explanation?
Teamspeak/Ventrillo The next big step in online comunication. Far more robust than online chatting with the consoles.
Innovation Devs are more willing to Risk new ideas on the PC platform. With consoles, it's about being cookie-cutter and following the trend. In PC gaming, it's about creating trends, both in software and hardware. The PC market remains the industry's guinea pig, and a haven for tweakers. F1 racing isn't for everyone, but for those who do, it's pure power and innovation. The other guys can go autocross with their consoles.
Functionality They can do way more than just games. They are not dedicated to one purpose and can serve you in a huge number of ways!
Games/Prices New releases are $50 for the PC while the consoles charge $60, even for the same exact game! There's a long list of good titles for the PC too.
Competition the PC is where the serious and competitive gaming scene exists. Opportunity The fact that indie evelopers are much more likely to develop for the PC. The same cannot be said for consoles.
Performance PCs can achieve much higher framerates.
Resolutions Higher resolutions (up to 2560x1600 !!)
Display Settings Can enable higher quality settings that are absent from most console games.
Preference You get to choose which quality enhancements suit you and your display best.
Controller Choice You're not stuck with just a keyboard and mouse configuration. You can plug in an Xbox 360 controller via USB to play.
More Games PCs have a wider variety of games as they are not restricted by choice of controller.
Price Ratio Games tend to be cheaper on PC
Compatibility Theres a long history of games that are still compatible with your current PC. Consoles are restricted to only playing games for the current system and maybe some games from the previous gen system only.
Freebies! There are a huge amount of free games and other fun software on the PC
Upgradability PCs can be upgraded to meet the standards of new better quality games, promoting Game Developers to write even better quality games for PC.
Multitask A PC can do many more things at once.
Repairability You can fix your PC if something is disfunctional and if you dont have the required part its quick and easy get one. Beats sending your Xbox 360 away for weeks to fix the dreaded RRoD
Warrantys You can clean inside of your PC without voiding warranty of anything You can also mod your PCs cooling to suit its environment without voiding warranty.
Pride When you build your very own PC with your own hands, there's a sense of pride and real owner shop in it.
Aesthetics If you thought faceplates were cool. Check out modern cases, most of them are beautiful. You can also put in LEDs of many different colors to add to the visual yum yum.
Digital Downloads Yep, you don't even have to waste gas to drive down and buy a copy, you can purchase and download the game from the comfort of your seat.
Mobility Despite what you might hear, there are micro ATX case solutions you can build yourself so you can take it to a friends and have a little one on one... or eight on eight.
because its freaking rad, man.


1) Better control. M+KB is superior for FPS, RTS, and complex MMO type games. There are also way more peripheral options for sims type games.

2) Better graphics. Consoles are outdated months after release if not sooner. Yes, console graphics get better with optimized programming but PC's can be upgraded for years and have far more customization options. Old PC's can still play new games with lower detail, etc. A decent PC also plays at a higher resolution with AA/AF.

3) Multiplayer. Dedicated community servers with good admins are irreplaceable. I've watched my brother play Halo/CoD on his 360 and its a joke. 10v10 with a bunch of juveniles spamming the mic.

4) Community customization. Mods, maps, skins, etc keep games alive for years. Counter-strike, team fortress, day of defeat, insurgency, etc are better than many retail games and either are or were free user created mods.

Thats a quick 5 minutes of thinking list. If I tried I could find more or more detailed reasons. PC gaming is better for everything but in-person multiplayer. Don't get me confused as a PC only fan boy. I love playing Mario Kart Wii with friends and beers.
1) Better control. M+KB is superior for FPS, RTS, and complex MMO type games. There are also way more peripheral options for sims type games.

2) Better graphics. Consoles are outdated months after release if not sooner. Yes, console graphics get better with optimized programming but PC's can be upgraded for years and have far more customization options. Old PC's can still play new games with lower detail, etc. A decent PC also plays at a higher resolution with AA/AF.

3) Multiplayer. Dedicated community servers with good admins are irreplaceable. I've watched my brother play Halo/CoD on his 360 and its a joke. 10v10 with a bunch of juveniles spamming the mic.

4) Community customization. Mods, maps, skins, etc keep games alive for years. Counter-strike, team fortress, day of defeat, insurgency, etc are better than many retail games and either are or were free user created mods.

Thats a quick 5 minutes of thinking list. If I tried I could find more or more detailed reasons. PC gaming is better for everything but in-person multiplayer. Don't get me confused as a PC only fan boy. I love playing Mario Kart Wii with friends and beers.


That about sums it up, with graphics and customization being the key.
1) Better control. M+KB is superior for FPS, RTS, and complex MMO type games. There are also way more peripheral options for sims type games.

This is a gray area. In terms of controls 'superior' is subjective. Some people think comfort is what makes controls superior, and a console controller wins that hands down. No need to sit down at a desk.

The only thing that is true is that the mouse is a superior aiming device. no contest. But, that alone doesn't make mouse/kb setup superior. It's up to the user. That said, in my opinion the mouse/keyboard setup IS superior.
2) Better graphics. Consoles are outdated months after release if not sooner. Yes, console graphics get better with optimized programming but PC's can be upgraded for years and have far more customization options. Old PC's can still play new games with lower detail, etc. A decent PC also plays at a higher resolution with AA/AF.

True partly, but take a look at MGS4 on ps3 at 1080p, it's very beautiful. The graphics on snake remind me of the graphics in crysis on the nanosuit. very similar in quality.

3) Multiplayer. Dedicated community servers with good admins are irreplaceable. I've watched my brother play Halo/CoD on his 360 and its a joke. 10v10 with a bunch of juveniles spamming the mic.

Juveniles are on every platform. Check out some CS, COD4 servers for starters.

4) Community customization. Mods, maps, skins, etc keep games alive for years. Counter-strike, team fortress, day of defeat, insurgency, etc are better than many retail games and either are or were free user created mods.

PC: custom maps and mods. keyboard and mouse for FPS games. huge MMO games. teamspeak/vent

console: nothing... just kidding.. driving games I think are better with a joystick controller. many more exclusive games like GTA4, MGS4. almost every game thats multi-platform comes out for consoles first. Theres also more different kinds of games for consoles. for example theres never a warhawk kind of game for the PC, theres never a skate boarding game either. plus you have the rockband/guitar hero with friends.
well I will give you the reasons why I have just switched from consoles (360) to pc.
1.No rrod if something happens to your xbox you send it back and sometime wait a long time or even have to pay for repairs.With a pc you can rma or just buy a new part and install it yourself.
2. The framerate consoles generally hit 60fps,with a pc you can have much higher then that.
3. with a higher framerate you can turn up the in game setting AA/AF you can't turn up aa on a 360
4.The graphics are so much better,I have never seen cod4 look the way it does on pc,there is alot more detail.
5.Customization.there are mods,you can even make your own maps.I know you can in halo 3 but it doesn't even come close to what I have seen on pc.
6. A long list of good titles,the older games are cheap and new ones are generally cheaper then they are on consoles
7. Pc's can be upgraded,try to throw a new video card in your 360.The graphics on consoles get outdated fast since they usually last 4-10 years.Sure console games get better with age but by then the new video cards will blow the games out of the water.
Well that is about it for me.That is what amde me switch to pc from a 360.I had my 360 rrod on me twice.I sent in the old one and they sent me back a new console.2 weeks later it died aswell.
I got my new one back 6 weeks later and sold it new to a co-worker for $300 with cod4
I appreciate all of you for your interest and involvement in this thread! You may research and/or google other peoples reasons if you like.
To me the big selling point has always been Risk. Devs are more willing to Risk new ideas on the PC platform. With consoles, it's about being cookie-cutter and following the trend. In PC gaming, it's about creating trends, both in software and hardware. The PC market remains the industry's guinea pig, and a haven for tweakers. F1 racing isn't for everyone, but for those who do, it's pure power and innovation. The other guys can go autocross with their consoles.
I think NuT has some great points and I basically agree.

However, I think it is really what you are into. On the issue of control... IMO, you can't beat PCs for FPSs (and they are my fave), so PC is my weapon of choice! A great keyboard and mouse beats controllers anyday for FPSs. Like wise, RTSs and MMOs are probably much better for the same reason (but I don't play them - I am sure programmable keyboards are a great help).

However, if I was really into say, racing games or games that lend thenselves to controllers, consoles would be a viable choice (yeah, I know you can use a controller with your PC....). In that case, consoles are probably better bang for your buck if all you do is game.

Which leads to another point. While PCs are more pricey.... they can do way more than just game. They are not dedicated to one purpose and can serve you in a huge number of ways! Yes and I know that consoles are gravitating towards becoming more versatile - just not there yet. Also, your upgrade path is much more open with PCs.

The online community was also mentioned..... I would imagine that the level of maturity is up slightly with PC online gaming as opposed to consoles (then again.... maybe not!:p).

Best of luck convincing your friend. I really think either is viable, just depends on the user.
Because I take gaming seriously, and the PC is where the serious and competitive gaming scene exists. Consoles are toys for people to have fun with in their spare time.
This is from the other thread, for completeness' sake:

Mods are a very big reason. Free content is hard to argue against.

Steam is another great reason. Ease of use, access to older, hard to find titles, automatic updating - all of these are reasons Steam is a Good Thing.

I'd also like to add the fact that indie developers are much more likely to develop for the PC. This ties in with mods as well. Just about anyone with any budget can develop for the PC. The same cannot be said for consoles.
Mods: You should also note that there are free PC games that can be accessed as well as mods to games that you pay for.
Steam: Shouldn't be mentioned since all the consoles have the same thing
Better Control: Damn straight. M/kb is far more precise and versatile.
Better Graphics: Consoles AND PCs are outdated within months, that's not why PC games have better graphics. PC games have better graphics because you can pay for stronger hardware to host the same games at higher settings, whereas consoles are stuck at default settings.
Multilayer: It should also be noted that consoles don't host the huge games that PC games can. 64 player BF2 just doesn't exist on consoles. Resistance is the only game that has tried to match that, and is the exception to the rule that consoles don't host large games.
Community Customization: This is a big one, I played CS from beta 1, and it stayed fun for 7 more years from all the additions.
Price: With the 400 budget you get from not buying a console you can upgrade a PC to play pretty much any game at better settings than the console version. You only have a 400 budget though, since everybody already has a non-gaming PC and a TV, so that's the footing that consoles and PCs should battle on.

Also add Ventrilo/teamspeak to the list. Xbox360 and PS3 have voice chat but not nearly as robust as Vent/Teamspeak. Wii has virtually no communication methods.

Still, I'm a pc gamer that went over to consoles. My friends quit PC gaming:(

I've still got a gaming PC in addition to the xbox360/Wii, but I don't like MMOs and the Xbox360 has so many releases that I don't find myself playing on the PC anymore.
Ok, we've got two guardians so far. Thank you for your opinions! I will continue to add some of my own thoughts on it too.
Because I take gaming seriously, and the PC is where the serious and competitive gaming scene exists. Consoles are toys for people to have fun with in their spare time.

Umm, ESPN had that big madden NFL tour. come back when you see PC competitions on a main stream channel.
A lot of the basic ideas have been covered, but one that i think is important is the overall customization that is possible in the hardware and overall build of a pc. Custom builds and modding are popular and it gives a sense of pride and attachment to the owner. Even if someone does not have to knowledge to put together a nice pc there are plenty of companies that do gaming builds, and they can be customized to a certain extent.

Consoles, on the other hand, are mostly uniform, because it makes they significantly cheaper to manufacture and maintain. The only console company to address this is really Microsoft with the interchangeable faceplates and couple new versions of the 360 that have been produced.

So PC's are just easier to tweak and have fun with.:p
Umm, ESPN had that big madden NFL tour. come back when you see PC competitions on a main stream channel.

You probably won't see it again even for a console title. The only reason they hosted that was because it involved sports. It doesn't even matter if it's broadcasted on TV, it doesn't mean it's any more competetive. It was only broadcasted because it invovled sports so a sports channel broadcasted it.
I would have to say the satisfaction of building my own rig which is almost as unique as each person.
The number one reason for me is that I can say when someone else says "your computer is cool looking." I can tell them that I BUILT IT, Ive always loved the look on peoples faces when I say that and anyone who builds PC's knows what I'm Talking about. I believe that personalizing the PC that you own is the best part about PC gaming, rather than buying a silly looking face plate for your Xbox or having a Avatar on your account ID, I can actually say "yes I built that, and painted it too" when someone asks me about my computer. Anyone can go down to gamestop and buy themselves a console. The majority of PC Gamers build there own. Not alot of other people have the knowledge or know how to build PC's.
Because with a $10 cable.. I can switch back and forth between pc gaming and my xbox 360 on my monitor.
Another note I forgot to touch on: Price.

Alot of people bitch that a good gaming PC costs so much more than a console. Consider this.

EVERYONE owns a PC anyway even if its just for basic browsing costing $500 at a minimum, more like $800-$1000 if its going to be halfway decent.

Now consider that if you want a nice TV (720p or better) you're looking again around $500+. If you want a large screen you'll be looking at up around $1000 again. If you play on an "old fashioned" TV the graphics difference is even more noticeable.

When you add all this up, the cost to game on a console and still be a functioning member of society is equal if not greater than to be a pc gamer.

Also, make me a damn guardian :)
My reasons for preferring a PC to a console:

1) PCs can achieve much higher framerates
2) and/or higher resolutions (up to 2560x1600 !!)
3) and/or can enable higher quality settings that are absent from most console games.
4) You get to choose which quality enhancements suit you and your display best.
5) Hardly any games run at 1080p on consoles and most of them arent even 720p quality!
6) A joystick does not go well with many types of game. A PC can use whichever controller suits you or the game best.

7) Custom mods and tweaks add a lot more value to PC games.
8) MMORPGs. I know of 4 games for the 360
9) PCs have a wider variety of games as they are not restricted by choice of controller.
10) Games are much cheaper on PC
11) Theres a long history of games that are still compatible with your current PC. Consoles are restricted to only playing games for the current system and maybe some games from the previous gen system only.
12) There are a huge amount of free games and other fun software on the PC

13) PCs can be upgraded to meet the standards of new better quality games, promoting Game Developers to write even better quality games for PC.
14) Console game graphics do improve over time but at nowhere near the rate the PCs do. PCs end up leaving consoles in the dust for image quality. There are a few exemplary graphics quality games on consoles, but the rest ....
16) My PC can do many more things at once.
16) you can fix your PC if it goes wrong and if you dont have the required part its quick and easy get one.
17) I can clean inside my PC without voiding my warranty :)
18) I can mod my PCs cooling to suit its environment better without voiding my warranty :)

Theres more but my brain hurts

I agree that consoles are fun and that there are some games which wont appear on PC.
However, exactly the same thing can be said about PCs.
They are also fun and have many games which are PC exclusive. Sometimes this is because consoles arent powerful enough or the hardware isnt present, its not just down to the Developers choice.
And theres all the above reasons :D
You know, i've been a PC gamer for the past 4-5 years, and I've always defended it. However, I just bought a PS3 and honestly...I don't think i'll be upgrading my PC for games anytime soon. Its just not worth it anymore. There was a time when you could argue that PC had the best exclusives, which warrants the high prices of upgrading. But now, almost everything is multi-platform. For the most part, the console versions are usually the main focus, while the PC version is more of an after thought. When we do get titles on the PC, they're usually plauged with bugs, glitches, errors etc...It gets old...
Very good reasons Nenu. There was couple very detailed reasons that earned you a spot on the guardian list.

Keep the ideas pouring in! :)

Quote from Circutbreaker8 "You know, i've been a PC gamer for the past 4-5 years, and I've always defended it. However, I just bought a PS3 and honestly...I don't think i'll be upgrading my PC for games anytime soon. Its just not worth it anymore. There was a time when you could argue that PC had the best exclusives, which warrants the high prices of upgrading. But now, almost everything is multi-platform. For the most part, the console versions are usually the main focus, while the PC version is more of an after thought. When we do get titles on the PC, they're usually plauged with bugs, glitches, errors etc...It gets old..."

I respect your opinion. Though in some cases, it angers me that some rant about how much their experience with PC gaming sucked, even though all of their problems were the cause of them (IE not updating their drivers, not running a disk defragmentation, not patching their games, not upgrading their hardware)
I respect your opinion. Though in some cases, it angers me that some rant about how much their experience with PC gaming sucked, even though all of their problems were the cause of them (IE not updating their drivers, not running a disk defragmentation, not patching their games, not upgrading their hardware)

Shhh, thats one of the downsides for many people, having to do that on a PC ;)
Its more than worth the effort though and adds to the thrill when a new faster driver comes out.
ATTENTION: Do not flame or criticize this thread, I took deep thought into what I was saying so I would not sound rude or irritated in any way. I would highly appreciate friendly posts. If you have something to say contradicting my opinions, please post in a mature fashion and I will respect your opinion.

If you managed to open this thread, you're awesome, I practically love you.:)

It's the same old story again. Day after day more and more switch to a console. Those are one of my friends now. After three years of brain washing and propaganda, my friend believes consoles are the better choice over PCs. Of course I am devastated and I want him switch over to PC gaming like any other good friend would...

In order to do that, I'd like to give him as many legitimate reasons possible of why PC gaming is the better choice. That's where I need your help. You need to help me create an epic list of why PC gaming is the better choice. So post as many reasons possible as you like and I will add them to the epic list. Epic is big so lets give it our best shot! ;) By the way, if you can provide a very good and well thought out reason that I find deserving of extra attention to. I will add your name to the PC gaming gaurdian list. Sorry, there's no real awards involved, just the glory of being of being on the list for a good cause. So lets begin!

Remember, legitimate reasons only.


Mods Free content is hard to argue against.
Is no longer just a "PC thing". Console games are starting to roll out the ability to be modded. Take for example UT3 on the PS3. Little Big Planet will be filled with user made content, so you are blind to think "PC" is the only platform that will ever shine light on Modding.

Steam Ease of use, access to older, hard to find titles, automatic updating
XBox Live/PSN ??? When I purchase something off of the PSN, just like steam, I can download that content as much as I want, thank you. My PS3 also gets firmware updates which constantly add more features.

Better Control M+KB is superior for FPS, RTS, and complex MMO type games.
UT3 on the PS3 also allows for M&KB support. M&KB work with the PS3, so if a game doesn't include support, that was soly baised on the developers choice, but it can be done, and maybe catch on with more future titles.

Better Graphics Consoles are outdated months after release if not sooner.
Better Graphics if you can afford to keep your console up-to-date. Most people don't have a top of the line computer, my 7800GT is already feeling its age and looks no better than my console running at 1080p on my 50'' LCD HDTV

Multilayer Dedicated community servers with good administrators are irreplaceable.
Most servers hosting PS3 games are dedicated servers.

Community Customization Mods, maps, skins, etc keep games alive for years.
Like I said earlier, Mods are not strickly a PC "thing" anymore. I'm sure over time we'll see more user made content pop up for consoles.

Price It doesn's cost an arm and leg anymore to get high end visuals due to more affordable and effective solutions (IE Geforce 8800GT is $150 to $190)
That is just the card, what about the power supply, cpu, ram, mobo, sound card. If your mobo doesnt suppor that graphics card, you have to upgrade the whole damn thing. PC is more expensive, I've been in this debate over and over in the [H] forums, if you want to break it down for you, I will prove to you every time consoles will end up being the cheaper alternative.

MMO games Does that need explanation?
I've heard of some MMO's in work for the current consoles.

Teamspeak/Ventrillo The next big step in online comunication
You do realize you can use a mic to voice chat with the X360/PS3 right?

Innovation Devs are more willing to Risk new ideas on the PC platform. With consoles, it's about being cookie-cutter and following the trend. In PC gaming, it's about creating trends, both in software and hardware. The PC market remains the industry's guinea pig, and a haven for tweakers. F1 racing isn't for everyone, but for those who do, it's pure power and innovation. The other guys can go autocross with their consoles.
This is nothing more than BullShit.

Functionality They can do way more than just games. They are not dedicated to one purpose and can serve you in a huge number of ways!
My PS3 plays games, BR movies, music, upload pictures from my digi camera, prints, folds, browses the internet, friends list, chat sessions, voice chat, oh wait, I also can intall Linux on it. Other than web design, word documents, and graphic design, my console does pretty much all I need. And if I was worried about having a PC to type of papers for "school"... I'd get a lap top (something that doesnt play games)

Games/Prices New releases are $50 for the PC while the consoles charge $60, even for the same exact game! There's a long list of good titles for the PC too.
Not isnt true, many games that have come out on the PS3 are under 60 at launch, WarkHawk, GT5:p, and downloadable games from the store. Also, console games retain their value a lot longer than PC games do. PC games have CD-Keys associated with them, which most people don't even consider buying used PC games. Also consoles have the ability to rent games.

Competition the PC is where the serious and competitive gaming scene exists. Opportunity The fact that indie evelopers are much more likely to develop for t PC. The same cannot be said for consoles.

Performance PCs can achieve much higher framerates
Who cares if it runs at a solid 60.

Resolutions Higher resolutions (up to 2560x1600 !!)

Display Settings Can enable higher quality settings that are absent from most console games.
At the cost of an arm and a leg

Preference You get to choose which quality enhancements suit you and your display best.
Controller Choice You're not stuck with just a keyboard and mouse configuration. You can plug in an Xbox 360 controller via USB to play.
More Games PCs have a wider variety of games as they are not restricted by choice of controller.

Price Ratio Games tend to be cheaper on PC
Yet retain no value, and you can't rent them.

Compatibility Theres a long history of games that are still compatible with your current PC. Consoles are restricted to only playing games for the current system and maybe some games from the previous gen system only.
My PS3 plays all PS1 games and 99% of the PS2 games... X360 plays a good portion of XBOX games, and Wii plays GC games... I dont really see your point.

Freebies! There are a huge amount of free games and other fun software on the PC

Upgradability PCs can be upgraded to meet the standards of new better quality games, promoting Game Developers to write even better quality games for PC.
Arm and a Leg.

Multitask A PC can do many more things at once.

Repairability You can fix your PC if something is disfunctional and if you dont have the required part its quick and easy get one. Beats sending your Xbox 360 away for weeks to fix the dreaded RRoD
Warrantys You can clean inside of your PC without voiding warranty of anything You can also mod your PCs cooling to suit its environment without voiding warranty.
Pride When you build your very own PC with your own hands, there's a sense of pride and real owner shop in it.

Aesthetics If you thought faceplates were cool. Check out modern cases, most of them are beautiful. You can also put in LEDs of many different colors to add to the visual yum yum.
Digital Downloads Yep, you don't even have to waste gas to drive down and buy a copy, you can purchase and download the game from the comfort of your seat.

Mobility Despite what you might hear, there are micro ATX case solutions you can build yourself so you can take it to a friends and have a little one on one... or eight on eight.

Limed in Green. I did this quick with no spell check or read-throughs.
Limed in Green. I did this quick with no spell check or read-throughs.

I started a well thought out rebuttal, but I figure that had to have taken you a long time to write while posting from your PS3. So I won't make you do it again. Its not worth it either.

Few more points here:

Strategy Games: Kiddies don't want em, so they aren't made for Consoles (I likes my Panzer General)

Hand-me-Downs: You can give your old computers to family members who enjoy solitaire, internet explorer and outlook express and they'll rejoice that they can't clog it to death with spyware. Alternatively, you can have it setup the way you like it, give it to them and they CAN'T mess it up now.

Remote Access: Remote access to my computer has saved my ass many times, when important emails / files were stored on it. Can you install an email program on a PS3?
gaming on a pc you are able to change more options and settings... more options for controls, 3rd party content, listen to your own music almost all of the time, multitask, make standalone servers, if a piece of hardware fails, it is much easier to replace, pcs are consoles for smart people.
Visual clarity, modding, community, user defined controls, game fludity aka smoother framerates and cheaper games. To name just a few. I've only ever wanted a console for GTA IV but have resisted the urge, the PC version will be all of the above hopefully
Display Settings Can enable higher quality settings that are absent from most console games.
At the cost of an arm and a leg

A good video card can be had for less than $150.

PC gaming is less expensive if you already have a PC. Being a tech site I would assume most of us here like to have a decent PC. I'd need at least a $60 video card for HD video, so to play games with something like a 9600 GT, it's only costing me $80 more than I would have already had to spend on a decent PC that could do HD video.

So $80 more to play games. Hardly an arm and a leg, and far superior to a $500 console.
From the age of 5 I've been playing games on computers.. (my first computer was a commodore 64) and since then I've been a diehard pc gamer, I have owned consoles over the years (ps1, xbox, 360 and a wii) the only one i have kept is the wii, the others left me disappointed. I keep sticking to pc gaming for these reasons

>mods/updates: there's nothing better than seeing what the modding community will bring out for the next latest and greatest mod.. remember CS everyone? or DoD? the original Team Fortress!!!

>it's the most customizable system out there, you can choose whatever controls you want. whatever mouse, keyboard, GAMEPAD (i hate when people say you HAVE to play with the kb.. if you want a pad get one!). you can tweak your peripherals (sensitivity, even the weight of your mouse). You can tailor it to exactly how you want it!

>freeware!! look at some of the programs and games that are available to us FREE. Not counting Battlefield Heroes. -flightgear, hidden & dangerous you can still get free, etc.. even ingame video recording..

>AND you can hook your computer up to your widescreen tv! is everyone dumb and always says they dont wanna game on pc cuz they have to be at a desk? Get a wireless controller and sit on your couch.

>Laptops: sure they're not as powerful as a good desktop, but i'd rock a laptop and play games on the road even for a lan party. As long as i can play dawn of war 2 on it i'll be happy.

I've just felt more immersion, enjoyment, excitement gaming on a computer for the past 22 years, All we need is developers putting more effort into bringing us more unique games... codemasters needs to get the hussle on for an amazing F1 simulator too!
Hand-me-Downs: You can give your old computers to family members who enjoy solitaire, internet explorer and outlook express and they'll rejoice that they can't clog it to death with spyware. Alternatively, you can have it setup the way you like it, give it to them and they CAN'T mess it up now.

Remote Access: Remote access to my computer has saved my ass many times, when important emails / files were stored on it. Can you install an email program on a PS3?

irrelevant and off-topic points. this thread isn't called 'why is PC the better platform?'.
A good video card can be had for less than $150.

PC gaming is less expensive if you already have a PC. Being a tech site I would assume most of us here like to have a decent PC. I'd need at least a $60 video card for HD video, so to play games with something like a 9600 GT, it's only costing me $80 more than I would have already had to spend on a decent PC that could do HD video.

So $80 more to play games. Hardly an arm and a leg, and far superior to a $500 console.

You failed math class obviously, and on top of that your post makes little sense. Assuming you meant the last part of your post. an $80 video card will make for a shit gaming experience. And since you are also ignorant on the prices of consoles, no console costs $500, unless it's bundled with games.
And biosergent your OP has off-topic elements. This thread isn't called 'why is the PC a better choice overall', so remove multitasking and other NON-gaming related points. And spellcheck as well.

This thread is a joke. It's a bunch of biased pc gamers over-exaggerating the strengths of the PC and denying any good thing about console gaming. guardians of PC gaming yeah, sure. me, im a guardian of gaming as I enjoy the strengths of both.
Is no longer just a "PC thing". Console games are starting to roll out the ability to be modded. Take for example UT3 on the PS3. Little Big Planet will be filled with user made content, so you are blind to think "PC" is the only platform that will ever shine light on Modding.
Perhaps that is true, but you have to admit that console games would never be able to keep up with the modding ability of PC games..

UT3 on the PS3 also allows for M&KB support. M&KB work with the PS3, so if a game doesn't include support, that was soly baised on the developers choice, but it can be done, and maybe catch on with more future titles.
How many different choices of keybords and mice are you able to connect to a PS3? (I don't really know the answer to this question, but if someone knows please enlighten me. Do they have USB or PS2 ports? ) While most keybords and mice for PCs are pretty much plug and play, the best ones come with drivers and uber cool software that allow you to do many different things ie. change resolution on the fly... etc.

That is just the card, what about the power supply, cpu, ram, mobo, sound card. If your mobo doesnt suppor that graphics card, you have to upgrade the whole damn thing. PC is more expensive, I've been in this debate over and over in the [H] forums, if you want to break it down for you, I will prove to you every time consoles will end up being the cheaper alternative.
I would love to see your proof that consoles are the cheaper alternative. I just cant fathom that. If there are any responses to my post, please let it be this.

My PS3 plays games, BR movies, music, upload pictures from my digi camera, prints, folds, browses the internet, friends list, chat sessions, voice chat, oh wait, I also can intall Linux on it. Other than web design, word documents, and graphic design, my console does pretty much all I need. And if I was worried about having a PC to type of papers for "school"... I'd get a lap top (something that doesnt play games)
Congradulations! your PS3 can do something that computers have been able to do for decades! (other than BR movies of course...) It's about time, but all of those things you listed , can be done better on a PC, with more options of software to do all of those tasks as well.

I could go on an on all day and answer the question why PC gaming is the better choice overall...The facts are that gaming on a PC allows you to do more, more effeciently than of a console.
No stupid Xbox live subscription:
none existing lag:
more players online:
ability to practicly make a whole new game using a popular pc game engine ie source, UE3
Ok, what's so good about console gaming? you tell us.

It's sad that you think this way. It wouldn't be on-topic to go into detail about all the great things about the console, but the main thing is you get games you'll never play on PC. You simply can't experience the full gaming spectrum without consoles.

If MGS4 never comes to the PC, I can guarantee you, you'll be missing out on one of the best game to come along in years. that game alone is a reason to get a ps3. simply extraordinary. You're just deluding yourself by rationalizing that there are no games you want to play on consoles.