PC Gaming is Soooo not dead

I think to sum up PC Gaming:

1. As soon as new consoles come out and match High end PC Gaming rigs the majority of people (including myself!) Say PC Gaming is dead.
2. When the current gen onsoles have been out a year or 2 Cheap/decent gaming rigs and even laptops easily match/outperform them ie nvidia 9600gt and core 2 duo processors and oodles of ram getting real affordable prices (this is the cue for people to say PC Gaming is very much alive!)
3. Then we go in a complete circle and go back to point 1.

Pretty much sums up pc gaming if you ask me. I ditched my pc gaming rig a while back but im about to pick up a semi cheap 17" sony laptop for all the 360 games i love plus the pc exclusives like trackmania etc.
For every one person savvy enough to pirate and crack games, there are ten more that don't know their computer from a lawnmower and who will buy the game legit. Piracy has been around forever, and it hasn't stopped companies from developing all sorts of software on the PC (not just games)

According to an interview with the crytek ceo, the ratio is actually 20:1...in the opposite direction you suggest. Personally I think you're both heavily exaggerating, and you'll never prove it because those numbers are impossible to get accurately.

That having been said, your argument of "pc gamers don't know hardware" is the same one pc gamers often use to insult console gamers...seems like selective use to me.
Ahem... Let's take a look at the consoles recent and upcoming titles

Gears of War2
Ninja Gaiden2
Metal Gear4
Devil May Cry4
Call of Duty4
Resident Evil5
Rainbow Six Vegas2
Mario KartWii
Super Smash BrosWii
Guitar Hero3
Super MarioWii
God of War3

Plus football, soccer, baseball, need for speed updates 08 and 09... we're not looking at a very original lineup for consoles either. Doesn't mean they're bad or going to be bad, but don't put the blame on pcs - especially when developers flock to consoles specifically for the fact that they can churn out shit and know that there are enough people with consoles to support their laziness.

Yeah, lets buy the brand new console and spend $500 to play the new madden game!!! woo!!! or we could play the EXACT same game on our PS1s and just imagine that the player names are all current.

Proof that PCs are still on top:
Barbie Princess Horses Palace!!!
Ahem... Let's take a look at the consoles recent and upcoming titles

Gears of War2
Ninja Gaiden2
Metal Gear4
Devil May Cry4
Call of Duty4
Resident Evil5
Rainbow Six Vegas2
Mario KartWii
Super Smash BrosWii
Guitar Hero3
Super MarioWii
God of War3

Plus football, soccer, baseball, need for speed updates 08 and 09... we're not looking at a very original lineup for consoles either. Doesn't mean they're bad or going to be bad, but don't put the blame on pcs - especially when developers flock to consoles specifically for the fact that they can churn out shit and know that there are enough people with consoles to support their laziness.

To make full use of all those games youd have to buy all three consoles and pay the higher console game price!
I think to sum up PC Gaming:

1. As soon as new consoles come out and match High end PC Gaming rigs the majority of people (including myself!) Say PC Gaming is dead.
2. When the current gen onsoles have been out a year or 2 Cheap/decent gaming rigs and even laptops easily match/outperform them ie nvidia 9600gt and core 2 duo processors and oodles of ram getting real affordable prices (this is the cue for people to say PC Gaming is very much alive!)
3. Then we go in a complete circle and go back to point 1.

Pretty much sums up pc gaming if you ask me. I ditched my pc gaming rig a while back but im about to pick up a semi cheap 17" sony laptop for all the 360 games i love plus the pc exclusives like trackmania etc.

Largely true, but this generation in particular has shown that there's more to it than just hardware. The Wii and DS have fed off new, untapped markets and produce sales numbers (often on borderline terrible games) that pc game makers can only dream of. You can't really fault developers for going to where the money is, as long as the games are good, at least.

There's also now an ever increasing emphasis on smaller titles brought on in large part by xbox live arcade. $10-15 titles are accessible to both players and developers and usually don't require crazy hardware to run. If you take away the graphics and scalability argument the playing field changes quite a bit.

Certain things will never change and the pc market can certainly evolve along with it but its much harder for it to do that because its so much more fragmented. Imo, perhaps the biggest evolution in pc gaming in the past 5 years or so is steam, which unifies distribution, patching, and such, and gives developers a smaller platform they also have access to via xbox live, psn, wiiware, and even the upcoming iphone stuff (which just copies them all, btw). Its a bit ironic that such a task was undertaken by one company, when pc gaming's main strength is its openness and freedom.
Lets see now, S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Clear Sky. Oh that's right, sorry console gamers, but you can't have this!

Crysis Warhead? Oh sorry, you can't have that either consoles.
Lets see now, S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Clear Sky. Oh that's right, sorry console gamers, but you can't have this!

Crysis Warhead? Oh sorry, you can't have that either consoles.

Why would anyone care that they don't get crysis? That game was shit on the pc, the dev dumped all support for it, and expect us to lap up another one that's supposedly going to fix the unplayability and shitty optimization that they left in the first one....yeah, i'm so psyched for that....
PC gaming will die the day before Duke Nukem Forever is released.

I was about to say PC Gaming must live for DNF!!
Ahem... Let's take a look at the consoles recent and upcoming titles

Gears of War2
Ninja Gaiden2
Metal Gear4
Devil May Cry4
Call of Duty4
Resident Evil5
Rainbow Six Vegas2
Mario KartWii
Super Smash BrosWii
Guitar Hero3
Super MarioWii
God of War3

Plus football, soccer, baseball, need for speed updates 08 and 09... we're not looking at a very original lineup for consoles either. Doesn't mean they're bad or going to be bad, but don't put the blame on pcs - especially when developers flock to consoles specifically for the fact that they can churn out shit and know that there are enough people with consoles to support their laziness.

Thanks for reminding me that I have no interest in anything that consoles have to offer.
To make full use of all those games youd have to buy all three consoles and pay the higher console game price!

True. If you want to play with friends? Throw some money on controlers and accessories. You want full HD? Plop down a grand for a tv. You want that extra stuff for that $60 video game you paid for? You get nickel and dimed to death with their online servic... I mean their fantastic streaming content that is graciously provided by MS.

But hidden costs are a whole other topic for games :)
Not to mention that there are too many sequels.

QFT. I came in to state this very same thing. I do not understand why the gaming industry is like Hollywood, constantly recycling old titles. For Hollywood, its been movies like King Kong, Dukes of Hazzard, Miami Vice, etc. For the gaming industry, we diablo, battlefield series, call of duty, ninja gaiden, starcraft, the sims, etc.

When some of these games came out, they revolutionized that segment of the market (Doom). What does it take to continue that trend without churning out the crap all the time?
Why would anyone care that they don't get crysis? That game was shit on the pc, the dev dumped all support for it, and expect us to lap up another one that's supposedly going to fix the unplayability and shitty optimization that they left in the first one....yeah, i'm so psyched for that....

My previous video card, and especially my current video card handle Crysis with ease, and now its smooth as butter, with framerates constantly in the 35-60 FPS range at 1600x1200 on a custom very high config.

That framerate at that res is simply impossible to attain on a console for Crysis at medium settings even, let alone a custom very high.

Lack of optimizations on the PC?
I don't think so.
Cyrtek themselves just recently stated that the CryEngine 2 (note: NOT Crysis itself, but a watered down version of a demo they put together using CE2) would chug along at 30 FPS on the consoles, at what we consider as "medium" settings on Crysis, and that was at half the resolution most people run Crysis on their PC's.

The power for PC's to run Crysis is there in spades these days, assuming youve got the right equipment and dont mind tweaking the system.cfg file, which can be done with relative ease if you know how to use Google.

Consoles however are horribly outdated already compared to modern PC hardware.
A HD 4870 for example is, as ATI noted, "more powerful than every game console [ever released] combined".
Consoles however are horribly outdated already compared to modern PC hardware.
A HD 4870 for example is, as ATI noted, "more powerful than every game console [ever released] combined".

haha, what an irrelevant quote. like that means anything at all. It's funny that the only propaganda they spout to support cutting edge pc gaming is related to touting how much raw horsepower there is compared to consoles.. god forbid they talk about the game lineup.

yet again it's apparent that with PC gamers like hamidxa, all that matters is hardware and graphics.
haha, what an irrelevant quote. like that means anything at all. It's funny that the only propaganda they spout to support cutting edge pc gaming is related to touting how much raw horsepower there is compared to consoles.. god forbid they talk about the game lineup.

yet again it's apparent that with PC gamers like hamidxa, all that matters is hardware and graphics.

Hey console fanboys by and large couldnt thump their chests fast enough when the (now current gen) consoles first launched -- touting how great of a deal they supposedly were, or how they cant be beat in terms of price/performance, or about how they put to shame many PCs out there.

Now the shoe is on the other foot (and has been for quite some time mind you), but especially with the advent of these new 4800 series GPU's at their amazing price points, why shouldn't we state the obvious?

When in reality, the truth of the matter was that even then, PC's were more powerful than any one of those consoles, but that power came with a steep price, admittedly...but such is NOT the case anymore.

So, why shouldn't we state that consoles by comparison appear horribly outdated already, and cards such as the HD 4870 and 4850 nullify the argument that PC gaming is too expensive.

When an HD 4850 for example, can run a game such as COD4 at 2x the res, 4x the AF, 2-3x the AA of consoles and still net better framerates for only $199, you better damn well bet that it's something to be appreciative of and thus commend.
im glad that the new cards are fast, I'm planning on getting one actually near the end of the summer, BUT, it's just lame to compare hardware to consoles, as if that somehow makes consoles a bad choice. you keep saying 'horribly' outdated, lol, and that just shows how biased you are against consoles to be blind to the great games that come out on them.

It's obvious you've never played mgs4 on a 1080p TV to appreciate the great graphics on it, but it's great looking and nowhere near 'horribly outdated'. in fact, snakes model in the game is the best looking model i've seen in any game.
One of my favorite things to watch is an angry golfer. This thread is approaching that level of enjoyment, lol. Argue on gentlemen, I'll be watching closely.
Can we sticky this thread? That way we won't have to see another "PC Gaming is (or is not) Dead" threads get created again.
Why do we keep having these threads? No one who has been paying attention for even a couple years actually believes PC gaming is in trouble.

The only ones who are bitching are the developers of games that failed to meet sales expectations. And the only games that didn't live up to sales expectations are the games that didn't live up to the gamer's expectations. Of course, no developer will admit that they dropped the ball, so they'll always use the tired 'piracy excuse'. Even Epic whined about the state of PC gaming since UT3 flopped, despite it flopping on the console as well.
I blame Piracy :O

For realz though.. I'd say Nintendo, Playstation, xbox, and PC are the 4 that are staying around for years to come!.

The lead may shift here and there, but they'll all hold enough of the market to continue development.
haha, what an irrelevant quote. like that means anything at all. It's funny that the only propaganda they spout to support cutting edge pc gaming is related to touting how much raw horsepower there is compared to consoles.. god forbid they talk about the game lineup.

yet again it's apparent that with PC gamers like hamidxa, all that matters is hardware and graphics.

Did you not read my original post??? This whole thread started by saying that I hope I don't have to hear people make comments like the on you just made, because there are so many good titles that are coming out exclusively or primarily for PC.

The powerful hardware is just considered a bonus for anyone that frequents a forum called [H]ard (As in Hardware) Forum
Hey console fanboys by and large couldnt thump their chests fast enough when the (now current gen) consoles first launched -- touting how great of a deal they supposedly were, or how they cant be beat in terms of price/performance, or about how they put to shame many PCs out there.

Now the shoe is on the other foot (and has been for quite some time mind you), but especially with the advent of these new 4800 series GPU's at their amazing price points, why shouldn't we state the obvious?

When in reality, the truth of the matter was that even then, PC's were more powerful than any one of those consoles, but that power came with a steep price, admittedly...but such is NOT the case anymore.

So, why shouldn't we state that consoles by comparison appear horribly outdated already, and cards such as the HD 4870 and 4850 nullify the argument that PC gaming is too expensive.

When an HD 4850 for example, can run a game such as COD4 at 2x the res, 4x the AF, 2-3x the AA of consoles and still net better framerates for only $199, you better damn well bet that it's something to be appreciative of and thus commend.

uhh, the point was about how shitty of a game crysis is, but since you went there....

Not only do pc's out-graphics consoles NOW, but they did when the "next gen" came out. The xbox 360 and ps3 were NEVER more powerful than the high end pc's available at the time...who ever said they were? That's right, you, with your straw man argument that has nothing to do with the point that was being made.