Why is PC gaming the better choice overall?

I would love to see your proof that consoles are the cheaper alternative. I just cant fathom that. If there are any responses to my post, please let it be this.

Then go look in the countless threads it's been posted in.

And monitors/TVs aren't considered because people game on any display nowadays. So for $300-$400 you can get a console with an extensive game library, and a weak PC that wouldn't even run games like crysis.
It's sad that you think this way. It wouldn't be on-topic to go into detail about all the great things about the console, but the main thing is you get games you'll never play on PC. You simply can't experience the full gaming spectrum without consoles.

If MGS4 never comes to the PC, I can guarantee you, you'll be missing out on one of the best game to come along in years. that game alone is a reason to get a ps3. simply extraordinary. You're just deluding yourself by rationalizing that there are no games you want to play on consoles.

It's not that I think that way, I just wanted to give the guy to explain why they are better. He gave no reasons. And you are absolutely right. There are just some games that will come out on the pc. And without trying to start a new argument, there are even more games that come out on pc that will never make it to a console. I owned an xbox once just so I could play soul calibur 2, among a few other titles that were exclusive to consoles... but you wont see Starcraft 2 on any consoles...
And biosergent your OP has off-topic elements. This thread isn't called 'why is the PC a better choice overall', so remove multitasking and other NON-gaming related points. And spellcheck as well.

This thread is a joke. It's a bunch of biased pc gamers over-exaggerating the strengths of the PC and denying any good thing about console gaming. guardians of PC gaming yeah, sure. me, im a guardian of gaming as I enjoy the strengths of both.

My question to you is why do you have a constant bug up your arse about this; if you don't like the topic of the conversation no one is forcing you into it....

On topic:

I don't mind consoles at all, my problem is I refuse to pay $3, $4, $500 for something I don't have the ability to repair myself. For the type of investment that a console becomes I won't spend that amount of cash if when it breaks I have to send it out to location 'x' for repairs and get it back 'eventually'. No thanks, would much rather be able to open the hood and at least try to fix it myself.

Keep in mind I do have consoles, but only when said consoles become priced to a point where they could be disposable, (currently own PS2, PS, still functions I think..., Xbox Wii), and the Wii was at the high end of my price scale... the wife's prodding made the price scale move a bit. ;)
It wouldn't be on-topic to go into detail about all the great things about the console
And yet you still felt the need to begin to do so. And this thread started out so well, too. Congrats to you and Baker for official thread derailment.
And yet you still felt the need to begin to do so. And this thread started out so well, too. Congrats to you and Baker for official thread derailment.

And yet I didn't go in detail like I said I wouldn't. But yeah I don't have a lot of respect for this thread because it never started out well at all.

Bio original post sounds like something from a cult leader or an intolerable hardcore christian that's talking about console brainwashing, and how he wants to win others to PC gaming. He's talking about it like a damn religion. Just creepy.
Then go look in the countless threads it's been posted in.

And monitors/TVs aren't considered because people game on any display nowadays. So for $300-$400 you can get a console with an extensive game library, and a weak PC that wouldn't even run games like crysis.

Not sure if I fall for this. You can play a PC game on a nice 24" monitor and get around the same visual quality as a 46"+ TV just because of viewing distance requirements (you sit farther back from TVs than monitors). So yes, you need to consider the cost of the displays.

And yes, I have both a PS3/360 and a 50" plasma.
Not many console games can play at 1080p res too.

without pc gaming you wont have online play to begin with. many of the features that your beloved console has such has onlien gaming, listening to music while playing, web browsing, DLC, mods, VOIP etc have all been taken and copies straight from the world of pc gaming.

Question: Name me some features that pc gaming has copied/taken from console gaming
Not many console games can play at 1080p res too.

without pc gaming you wont have online play to begin with. many of the features that your beloved console has such has onlien gaming, listening to music while playing, web browsing, DLC, mods, VOIP etc have all been taken and copies straight from the world of pc gaming.

Question: Name me some features that pc gaming has copied/taken from console gaming

Well this is really only because PC gaming existed before console gaming. Although the question of who copied who is really dumb because every idea is a derivative of a previous one.
Not sure if I fall for this. You can play a PC game on a nice 24" monitor and get around the same visual quality as a 46"+ TV just because of viewing distance requirements (you sit farther back from TVs than monitors). So yes, you need to consider the cost of the displays.

And yes, I have both a PS3/xbox and a 50" plasma.

You're agreeing with me without realizing it I suppose. The point is you can play your PC on a tv, or a monitor, and you can play a console on a tv or monitor. There's no obligatory display for any platform.

which is why it's ignorant assumption when people try and factor in a 52" plasma to buying a console. Oh, $400 + $3000, crap consoles are expensive!
Not many console games can play at 1080p res too.

without pc gaming you wont have online play to begin with. many of the features that your beloved console has such has onlien gaming, listening to music while playing, web browsing, DLC, mods, VOIP etc have all been taken and copies straight from the world of pc gaming.

Question: Name me some features that pc gaming has copied/taken from console gaming

not this tired crap again. pay homage! pay homage! give me a break. Who cares what came out with what first. How is that tangibly beneficial to anyone knowing these pointless facts? Again, it's this nazi elitism springing up. totally pointless.
Then go look in the countless threads it's been posted in.

And monitors/TVs aren't considered because people game on any display nowadays. So for $300-$400 you can get a console with an extensive game library, and a weak PC that wouldn't even run games like crysis.

Isn't the PS3 40GB running $400 right now? how does that budget include an "extensive game library" .. and besides, you cant play crysis on your $400 PS3 either.
Isn't the PS3 40GB running $400 right now? how does that budget include an "extensive game library" .. and besides, you cant play crysis on your $400 PS3 either.

hah. ok so that's what its coming to now, attacking my grammar? And if you've seen mgs4(which runs at 1080p) and a closeup of snake in his suit, the graphics are just as good as in crysis if not better.
hah. ok so that's what its coming to now, attacking my grammar? And if you've seen mgs4(which runs at 1080p) and a closeup of snake in his suit, the graphics are just as good as in crysis if not better.
i was not attacking your grammar, I am saying that there is a huge fucking difference between ZERO and an extensive amount of games!
And yet I didn't go in detail like I said I wouldn't. But yeah I don't have a lot of respect for this thread because it never started out well at all.

Bio original post sounds like something from a cult leader or an intolerable hardcore christian that's talking about console brainwashing, and how he wants to win others to PC gaming. He's talking about it like a damn religion. Just creepy.

Haha, cultist? hardcore christian? Ok, I think I've had enough. I can see you don't dig this thread. You may think whatever you want. I created a thread about why PC gaming is the better choice overall.

I'm not a biased PC gamer. Let's just say if I could only play on either the PC or the consoles for the rest of my life. I would choose the PC because it is the better choice overall. Maybe not particularly for you, but that's just your opinion. And so this is my opinion.

You can joke about the gaurdian list if you like. It was just to motivate others to post good ideas. But now you've just pretty much ruined that.

For the record I own a PS2, I play couple titles that I love like Rock Band. Stop derailing this thread and don't assume things about others. It's a lot worse than what you say I'm doing. Really, cultist? You're the joke. This arguement is over. Go post somewhere else, or even better, make a "why console gaming is the better choice" thread.

By the way, did you read this when you made your first post?
ATTENTION: Do not flame or criticize this thread, I took deep thought into what I was saying so I would not sound rude or irritated in any way. I would highly appreciate friendly posts. If you have something to say contradicting my opinions, please post in a mature fashion and I will respect your opinion.
Oh, btw, I can build a complete working computer that meets or exceeds the recommended system requirements for Crysis for less than $350
Oh, btw, I can build a complete working computer that meets or exceeds the recommended system requirements for Crysis for less than $350

go for it.

BioSergent, you may have tried to not be offensive, but when you start talking about 'brainwashing', and conveying PC gaming as THE side to be on, as if we are forced to choose, then you're being elitist and you're going to get flak for it. Why have such feelings of superiority, it's just not called for and is going to create animosity.
And why not let your friends choose what games they play? If they like console gaming, maybe thats a good thing that they are enjoying themselves? Telling them the strengths of PC gaming is one thing, but the way you word your original post, it looks like you are on a crusade to convert them from the evil consoles.
Every gamer is different. Some like one platform, some like both. Personally, I like PC gaming the best because I find the games to be more in depth, saving options are better and other previously mentioned reasons like better graphics, upgrade options and more. I just like PC games better. I play only FPS games and RPG's. Neither of which I've enjoyed at all on consoles. Racing games, sports games and platform/jumping style games are all better on the console from what I understand. I just don't like those types of games. For those who do, then the console is obviously the better choice. I believe you should play the games you enjoy, own the platform(s) of your choice and respect everyone elses right to do the same... ;)
And why not let your friends choose what games they play? If they like console gaming, maybe thats a good thing that they are enjoying themselves? Telling them the strengths of PC gaming is one thing, but the way you word your original post, it looks like you are on a crusade to convert them from the evil consoles.

I think you are missing the point. Everyone has a choice. Hell, you can do both, but if you had to choose one or the other, we want to know why. I personally don't understand why people just quit buying consoles, and just buy pcs.
wider variety of games, 1000x better graphics, better controls, can watch pr0n while game is loading, easier voice chatting, various addons and mods, better community
wider variety of games, 1000x better graphics, better controls, can watch pr0n while game is loading, easier voice chatting, various addons and mods, better community

hell, I'm running dual monitors, I watch pr0n while I play games.:cool: Now, if I just had a third hand....
And why not let your friends choose what games they play? If they like console gaming, maybe thats a good thing that they are enjoying themselves? Telling them the strengths of PC gaming is one thing, but the way you word your original post, it looks like you are on a crusade to convert them from the evil consoles.

Not only is damonposey totally right, I'm willing to bet most of you would have been far less civilized than he coming into a similar thread convincing people why they should play console games rather than pc ones.

OP, your initial post is clearly slanted so heavily towards pc gaming that it is bound to instigate a response from those who disagree. Its a public forum on the internet, get over it. Furthermore, prefacing and subsequently making an argument where you ignore rather than refute all your shortcomings isn't an argument at all, its just a waste of time and it won't convince anyone with half a brain of anything.

Very rarely do you see console fans attacking pc gamers, and yet the wrath in the opposite direction is painfully strong. I really think console gamers are far more accepting because they're used to changing platforms due to console lifespans and worthwhile exclusives, and even now the inevitable fanboy war at the start of a generation has calmed down as people just enjoy the games. Its like pc gamers personally blame console gamers for the decline of certain genres on their platform. Face it, certain games are better on pcs, and others are better on consoles. Any true gamer would not spend hours constructing an argument about why not only he but all of his friends should stick to one specific platform.
I think you are missing the point. Everyone has a choice. Hell, you can do both, but if you had to choose one or the other, we want to know why. I personally don't understand why people just quit buying consoles, and just buy pcs.

To be fair, the op didnt, he explicitly said he wanted pc reasons.

On your topic though, I think its because pc gamers feel more tied to their platforms, whereas console gamers are tied to switching. If someone spends $400 on a new video card, they dont consider it a new platform. There's more blind loyalty and reluctance to switch, I think.
go for it.

BioSergent, you may have tried to not be offensive, but when you start talking about 'brainwashing', and conveying PC gaming as THE side to be on, as if we are forced to choose, then you're being elitist and you're going to get flak for it. Why have such feelings of superiority, it's just not called for and is going to create animosity.

Thank you for the friendly post. I totally agree with you there. I'll take the brainwashing down in just a bit. But propoganda is correct, many (not all) loyal teenage console gamers are completely naive. They always believe what they hear and have a huge lack of knowledge in PC gaming, mostly due the fact that their sources never talk about it enough.

It really confuses me how a person can make a final decision that consoles are simply the better choice when they are so ill informed about the PC. It make just about as much sense as a christian saying "god exists" then plugging their ears when a scientologist tells him/her the other side of the story.

I'm gonna take a quick break, I'm a little paranoid about my writing.:)
Face it, certain games are better on pcs, and others are better on consoles. Any true gamer would not spend hours constructing an argument about why not only he but all of his friends should stick to one specific platform.

What games are better on consoles? If they made all games for all platforms, consoles would eventually die out and everyone would game on PCs anyway.
You're agreeing with me without realizing it I suppose. The point is you can play your PC on a tv, or a monitor, and you can play a console on a tv or monitor. There's no obligatory display for any platform.

which is why it's ignorant assumption when people try and factor in a 52" plasma to buying a console. Oh, $400 + $3000, crap consoles are expensive!

No, but to get the same experience from a PC vs a console from the display, the console display is going to cost more.
What games are better on consoles? If they made all games for all platforms, consoles would eventually die out and everyone would game on PCs anyway.

Platformers, sports games, and most third person action games that aren't mostly shooters would be the main ones imo. Some of my favorite games over the past year have been Mario Galaxy, Ratchet and Clank, and Uncharted. Sports games are getting too recycled, but lots of them are still great fun, especially if you have people to play with in your living room, and these are far better on consoles, if they exist at all on pcs.
No, but to get the same experience from a PC vs a console from the display, the console display is going to cost more.

Why would the console display cost more? How many monitors nowadays lack dvi/hdmi inputs? Most good ones even have component.
Why would the console display cost more? How many monitors nowadays lack dvi/hdmi inputs? Most good ones even have component.

So you play your console at a desk? If so, then obviously they would be the same. However, I am under the assumption one of the luxuries of a console setup is the ability to play from your couch.
maybe on your TV, but my TV says 1920x1080x60hz when it switches to the game, whereas other games say 720p. And it looks better than any other game I have on the ps3.
We call this 'upscaling': the 1280x720 frame is upscaled to 1920x1080. Your TV displays 1920x1080 because the PS3's handling the upscaling, so it's simply displaying the frame resolution it's receiving, not the original frame resolution.

Even if MGS4 rendered at 1080p, it still wouldn't hold a candle to the sheer visual intricacy of Crysis (which can run at theoretically any resolution, even Full Aperture 4K if you were bat shit nuts), so...
I did a little reworking of the orginal post to make it sound like more what I wanted it to sound like.

Please keep the debates from getting out of control.
Platformers, sports games, and most third person action games that aren't mostly shooters would be the main ones imo. Some of my favorite games over the past year have been Mario Galaxy, Ratchet and Clank, and Uncharted. Sports games are getting too recycled, but lots of them are still great fun, especially if you have people to play with in your living room, and these are far better on consoles, if they exist at all on pcs.

Ah, but why theoretically, would they be better on a console? Just because they are played better with a controller? I can play with the exact same controller on my computer.... or a better one... If they just made them for pcs... why don't they, I wonder. the same goes for fighting games. Its not that they are better on consoles, it that they dont make these games for computers.... why...
I dunno, I like em all...

I love my gaming PC, I love my consoles. I'm playing through MGS4 right now and it is pretty mindblowing. I'm just a gamer, period. Obviously some genres like first person shooters and real time strategy games are better suited to the PC, but then there are games that are better suited to sitting on your couch and playing them on a big HDTV. Hell, there are some games that are better suited to a little handheld like the DS while you're waiting at the airport or something. :)

Its all good.
So you play your console at a desk? If so, then obviously they would be the same. However, I am under the assumption one of the luxuries of a console setup is the ability to play from your couch.

but you could do the same with a pc
but you could do the same with a pc

Exactly, which is why this argument is circular and therefore stupid. You can play a console on a monitor or you can play a pc on your tv, but in either case you lose some of its advantages...comfort, in the case of a console, and usability, in the case of a pc. Not only can the display be interchangeable, but I use my hdtv for tv and movies far more than I use it for games. A pc may be more versatile as a machine, but my hdtv is more versatile as a display, and you have to be take this into account if you want to argue that the display should factor into the "cost" of a console setup.

n3g471v3 d3c1b3l said:
Ah, but why theoretically, would they be better on a console? Just because they are played better with a controller? I can play with the exact same controller on my computer.... or a better one... If they just made them for pcs... why don't they, I wonder. the same goes for fighting games. Its not that they are better on consoles, it that they dont make these games for computers.... why...

I don't necessarily think they're inherently better in theory, just in practice. Theoretically either machine can do both. They could release usb keyboard and mouse drivers tomorrow for 360 or PS3 and you could make the opposite argument (in favor of dropping pcs for consoles completely) but it would still be a bit of a stretch because in practice they just aren't the same.

I think it comes down to the way the game was meant to be played. Pc game makers center around a keyboard and mouse and a smaller, higher res display. Control schemes factor heavily into game design, and even if a pc game is developed with a controller in mind they still have to support all sorts of layouts, sizes, and such. Think about how different the feel of analog sticks and buttons are between controllers (aside from sensitivity and such, just the looseness, weight, etc). A console game can balance these out of the box and not have to rely on the user making the game "feel" right.

Fighting games are a good point too, and thats a genre that just hasn't taken off on pcs, whereas sports games at least were once somewhat prevalent. I think those have more to do with the in room competition aspect, especially since they came out of arcades originally.

Also, as one last unrelated note, let me be the first to say that RESOLUTION IS OVERRATED! Give me a well anti-aliased game running at lower resolution with more fluid and believable movements over a more jerkily animated higher resolution render any day. And don't get me started on vsync tearing. There, I said it...flame on :)
Umm, ESPN had that big madden NFL tour. come back when you see PC competitions on a main stream channel.

While I know your nationalistic narcissism will make you reject this response purely on principle, there are entire channels dedicated to competitive play of Starcraft in Korea.