Why is PC gaming the better choice overall?

Platformers, sports games, and most third person action games that aren't mostly shooters would be the main ones imo. Some of my favorite games over the past year have been Mario Galaxy, Ratchet and Clank, and Uncharted. Sports games are getting too recycled, but lots of them are still great fun, especially if you have people to play with in your living room, and these are far better on consoles, if they exist at all on pcs.

How would they be worse on PC considering you can use any kind of modern gamepad on it (x360, ps3, ps2, pc dedicated ones).

Altrough that holds true the other way too - if developers wanted they would give you option of using keybord on mouse on FPSes with PS3/x360 (and i think newest PS3 unreal indeed does)
How would they be worse on PC considering you can use any kind of modern gamepad on it (x360, ps3, ps2, pc dedicated ones).

Altrough that holds true the other way too - if developers wanted they would give you option of using keybord on mouse on FPSes with PS3/x360 (and i think newest PS3 unreal indeed does)

I touched on this in a later post, I think its a blessing and a curse to be able to support any number of different gamepads, just as it is supporting a ton of different video cards and such. Its not optimized or tailored for any specific one.
I can prove that PC gaming is better than Console. Just play Orange Box on a PS3, then play it on a PC... game over.

IMO, people should own consoles and high end PC. If you cant hang finacially thats your problem.
Baker: How do you develop new mods on your PS3? Is there some user interface where you can create those mods? Or does that require a PC to create new mods?

Damonposey: Is it really all that hard to use the freaking "edit" button?

Spaceman_Spiff: Granted, this is a public forum, but its a PC section.
We call this 'upscaling': the 1280x720 frame is upscaled to 1920x1080. Your TV displays 1920x1080 because the PS3's handling the upscaling, so it's simply displaying the frame resolution it's receiving, not the original frame resolution.

Even if MGS4 rendered at 1080p, it still wouldn't hold a candle to the sheer visual intricacy of Crysis (which can run at theoretically any resolution, even Full Aperture 4K if you were bat shit nuts), so...

Then why is that other games on my ps3 display 720p? I'm just reporting what my TV says, if you want to prove it runs at a certain resolution and is upscaled, then you'll have to back it up with proof.

Despite this, my comment still stands, snake looks much better and more detailed than any crysis character. This is coming from someone who's seen both, so unless you have seen both, no need to voice your opinion.
The dynamics of a arguement between the different platforms is complex, but (sadly) it is oftern riddled with ill-informed people, generalizations and speculation. Some of the points being made are accurate, but i guess this thread needed to be more humble in nature in order to survive. I respect peoples opinions if they are based on facts, but most of the time there is a big grey area that is created when we use words like "best" and "overall".

Therefore i suggest that when we have discussions like this we do so not from a gamers perspective but from a economic perspective.

What is the purpose of PC's in the gaming market?
What is the purpose of Consoles in the gaming market?

If these questions are given thought then some conclusions can be developed.
PC's are often used as cutting edge of the hardware market. They are intricate and complex, but they are flexible.
Consoles on the other hand are mass-marketed and used to distribute the advances and innovations to the average person. They are structured and simple to use.

Really you can find these two halfs in any science/technology based market.
Is one really better than the other one?

Its all about preferences...

PC gaming is the "better" choice if you enjoy troubleshooting and being more involved.
I like working hardware and software so i ,naturally, like pcgaming better, It is fun to me.
Then why is that other games on my ps3 display 720p? I'm just reporting what my TV says, if you want to prove it runs at a certain resolution and is upscaled, then you'll have to back it up with proof.

Despite this, my comment still stands, snake looks much better and more detailed than any crysis character. This is coming from someone who's seen both, so unless you have seen both, no need to voice your opinion.

If you want to use a game as proof of your argument, you need to back it up.
Not that it matters anyway, there are only a few games that can use 1080p on the PS3 so its not a strong point for the PS3 or console gaming.
If you want to see how well the PS3 can handle the requirements of many modern games, take a look at GTA IV.
It is a shame.
Multitasking: Because right now im talking to you while waiting for a slot in my counterstrike 1.6 zombie mod server to open up... while listening to thornly.
Then why is that other games on my ps3 display 720p? I'm just reporting what my TV says, if you want to prove it runs at a certain resolution and is upscaled, then you'll have to back it up with proof.

Despite this, my comment still stands, snake looks much better and more detailed than any crysis character. This is coming from someone who's seen both, so unless you have seen both, no need to voice your opinion.

Ignorance is a positive for console gaming?
If you want to use a game as proof of your argument, you need to back it up.
Not that it matters anyway, there are only a few games that can use 1080p on the PS3 so its not a strong point for the PS3 or console gaming.
If you want to see how well the PS3 can handle the requirements of many modern games, take a look at GTA IV.
It is a shame.

I don't need to back anything up. my ps3 is set to autodetect, and my tv displays 1080p when i get into mgs4. I'm not going to take a picture with a camera and prove it to you, you can trust me that my TV does in fact say that. Now you made a claim that it doesn't run at a true 1080p, and you may be right, but you need to back THAT up. I couldnt' care less if it's not a real 1920x1080 or not, as I've said before, it's the best looking ps3 game I've seen, or played for that matter.

Ignorance is a positive for console gaming?

I may be ignorant of the true resolution of mgs4, but so are you as you haven't given me an proof as to what it is(I can't be assed to go find it because I don't particulary care). Like I said above, It's not a big deal to me, I'm just telling you what my TV says and that it looks great.
I can prove that PC gaming is better than Console. Just play Orange Box on a PS3, then play it on a PC... game over.

IMO, people should own consoles and high end PC. If you cant hang finacially thats your problem.

One comparison = definitive proof!

That's excellent logic training you received ...somewhere?

Also, consoles = poor people
high end pc = smart people!

got it.
I don't need to back anything up. my ps3 is set to autodetect, and my tv displays 1080p when i get into mgs4. I'm not going to take a picture with a camera and prove it to you, you can trust me that my TV does in fact say that. Now you made a claim that it doesn't run at a true 1080p, and you may be right, but you need to back THAT up. I couldnt' care less if it's not a real 1920x1080 or not, as I've said before, it's the best looking ps3 game I've seen, or played for that matter.

I may be ignorant of the true resolution of mgs4, but so are you as you haven't given me an proof as to what it is(I can't be assed to go find it because I don't particulary care). Like I said above, It's not a big deal to me, I'm just telling you what my TV says and that it looks great.

Just because you can't trouble yourself to find facts, doesn't make them untrue. A simple google search will tell you that MGS4, Halo3, pretty much any game you want, doesn't run at the resolution on the box. Most 360 and ps3 games aren't even true 720p, but are actually upscaled. It's a fact, stop being pedantic and lazy and denying it.
I don't need to back anything up. my ps3 is set to autodetect, and my tv displays 1080p when i get into mgs4. I'm not going to take a picture with a camera and prove it to you, you can trust me that my TV does in fact say that. Now you made a claim that it doesn't run at a true 1080p, and you may be right, but you need to back THAT up. I couldnt' care less if it's not a real 1920x1080 or not, as I've said before, it's the best looking ps3 game I've seen, or played for that matter.

I may be ignorant of the true resolution of mgs4, but so are you as you haven't given me an proof as to what it is(I can't be assed to go find it because I don't particulary care). Like I said above, It's not a big deal to me, I'm just telling you what my TV says and that it looks great.

I am glad you believe everything your TV says.
In ways the statement Of "ignorance is positive for console gaming" holds true. I work at job with about 200 employees, and there are countless gamers, pc or console. BUT the big statement of ignorance is "I like console cuz i can play on my TV and not have to sit on a desk/table and use the keyboard".

There's countless ignorance that a computer can hook up to a TV and that countless gamepads are available to the public. Ignorance like that benefits the console groups.

I'm not trying to say I'm better than console gamers, I just prefer and like the personal nature of PC gaming.. Everything can be manipulated and adjusted to my comfort level and the variety in software makes it the best platform to me. If people were more aware of that maybe they'd see what great games the PC offers. I've never been a huge RPG fan but playing Nox back in the day, Neverwinter Nights, Oblivion, and the Witcher over the past years I'm hooked on pc rpging and other games!

Everyone is different and that's why for consoles I give more "props" to Nintendo, the wii is an awesome platform, and that's one area that graphics don't have to be everything.
Baker: How do you develop new mods on your PS3? Is there some user interface where you can create those mods? Or does that require a PC to create new mods?

Damonposey: Is it really all that hard to use the freaking "edit" button?

Spaceman_Spiff: Granted, this is a public forum, but its a PC section.

About what Baker said: There is an SDK for Unreal Tournament III to create mods for the PS3.
Superiour platform, superior games.

Could go in depth as to why but thats been done to death and everone with a brain knows the benefits, consoles are just a poor mans PC.
I'm not going to take a picture [of MGS4] with a camera and prove it to you, you can trust me that my TV does in fact say that.
I don't doubt that at all, and I certainly wouldn't ask you to prove what you're saying by breaking out your cam (don't be silly).

What I suggested is that the PS3 is upscaling MGS4 to 1080p by default, whereas most other games will not (instead rendering at 720p or rendering at a lower resolution and upscaling to 720p). I did a little digging and found some sources that say it's 720p natively, but there's also a lot of confusion about what's truly going on (enough so that I can't find a definitive answer either way). So, I'll send out a couple e-mails and try and get the real answer. No big thing.

I couldnt' care less if it's not a real 1920x1080 or not, as I've said before, it's the best looking ps3 game I've seen, or played for that matter.
Not debating that either. The debate here is which game is more technically demanding and visually complex, and I'm pretty sure that's Crysis. "Best looking" is too subjective a metric, really.
Just because you can't trouble yourself to find facts, doesn't make them untrue. A simple google search will tell you that MGS4, Halo3, pretty much any game you want, doesn't run at the resolution on the box. Most 360 and ps3 games aren't even true 720p, but are actually upscaled. It's a fact, stop being pedantic and lazy and denying it.

Who's the lazy one who doesn't retrieve any links to backup his claims? Well you are. It's a lose-lose for you. It would benefit me knowing the information, and it makes you just a lazy spammer for making excuses why you can't find the info.
I am glad you believe everything your TV says.

The point is, It's information that doesn't impact my life at all, lol. Sure it'd be cool to know what the true resolution that its upscaled from, although no one seems to know yet.

It looks incredible, that's all that matters. And after beating MGS4 last night, I can safely say, after playing mostly PC games for the last few years, that it is the best game I've played in years.
The point is, It's information that doesn't impact my life at all, lol. Sure it'd be cool to know what the true resolution that its upscaled from, although no one seems to know yet.

It looks incredible, that's all that matters. And after beating MGS4 last night, I can safely say, after playing mostly PC games for the last few years, that it is the best game I've played in years.

Agreed, as I said before, resolution is overrated even in the graphics department. We really don't care what it runs at because it still looks and plays great, not because we're "ignorant", "poor", "stupid", or "kiddies." I find it interesting that the op wanted to keep this civil and if you read over the last few pages its a few of the pc fans who can't seem to maintain an intelligent level of conversation (not all, of course, but a select few).
Who's the lazy one who doesn't retrieve any links to backup his claims? Well you are. It's a lose-lose for you. It would benefit me knowing the information, and it makes you just a lazy spammer for making excuses why you can't find the info.

Yawn, I can google you some confirmation that the sky is blue, and that water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen too while we're debating "things everyone who is not an idiot knows".
About what Baker said: There is an SDK for Unreal Tournament III to create mods for the PS3.

What platform does the SDK run on?

The point is, It's information that doesn't impact my life at all, lol. Sure it'd be cool to know what the true resolution that its upscaled from, although no one seems to know yet.

It looks incredible, that's all that matters. And after beating MGS4 last night, I can safely say, after playing mostly PC games for the last few years, that it is the best game I've played in years.

If you want to filter out information that doesn't impact your life, most of this forum is useless.
Yawn, I can google you some confirmation that the sky is blue, and that water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen too while we're debating "things everyone who is not an idiot knows".

Yeah why don't you go ahead and do that. Also I'd prefer it in PDF form, mmkay? That would be greaaaat. Thanks a bunch, Technoob! </lumberg>
Good stuff man. Here's my 2 cents;

PC Gaming includes gaming on notebooks as well, and gaming on a notebook obviously grants the user the freedom to play from ANYWHERE and now with wireless ISPs becoming a standard, with internet as well. Even with a normal ISP, most of those supplies wireless routers so at least you can game anywhere in your own home with a standard ISP.
With a consol? - You're stuck with your tv and that's not gonna change.

Now you may not have the cash for a notebook compatible with the latest games, but the difference from notebooks and PCs are becoming more and more gradient, with choices for super small PC cases, moving your PC around becomes much easier. While you cannot carry one of those in a bag, you can still basically have one under you arm. Basically I'm talking about PCs physical size and weight is highly customizable, and new products and innovations are continuously being developed.
I remember the computer format war among 4 great origins in the 1980s:

The PC eventually squashed them all except for maybe a bit of Apple. There is no way a console is going to threaten the PCs throne after all the trouble that was went through with the computer format war in the 1980s, not again. There will always be a place for the PC even if consoles take a part of the gaming pie.

The PC will always be number 1 because of the age old feature that it always had and that is:


Plus the PC now has a huge game library history.:)

btw Nvidia just released the new GTX 280 and ATI is going to be releasing the new Radeon HD 4870 featuring DX10.1.
just wanted get my say i n here also ..

I beleive that the console vs pc debate comes down to if you are really a hardcore gamer.

A True hard core gamer will have a pc because for all the reasons listed so far in this thread ..

but also because a true hardcore gamer will do what it takes to get the most out of his games ..

if you look at all the mods and user created content for pc games it all has one thing in common and that is getting all you can out of it..

the pc is about community and that community is all about getting the most from their machines rather it be hardware software or useability there is a community dedicated to it .

and if your a hardcore gamer you are involved in some form or fashion in this community rather it be reading the forums, playing the games or creating content.
the hardcore gamer is pushing his gaming experience to the limits ...

how does this differ from the console gamer ?

the console gamers takes what is giving to them gobbles it up like candy and then moves on to the next best thing.(xbox 1 for example)

console gamers are really just casual gamers they want a easy ride plug it in and it works mentality .. there is nothing wrong with this because time is important and the benefits of being able to play a game right then and their is immeasurable

but it is not the hardcore attitude .

thats the way i look at it a true hardcore gamer is going to have a decent computer
because they are wanting to make the most of there game play experience

be it playing the latest bleeding edge tech demo , beta or playing a new mod for the 10 year old games they own (fallout 2 still being moded can you belive it ?)
or playing there old console games in emulators just to see how good they could have looked if only the hardware was better .. or wait even better to play a modded version of the console game .. and then to end it all in some good ol team based fps with competent players and good communication laying the smack down on the opposing team.

That is hardcore gaming .

your freind has to make a choice is he a hardcore gamer ?

or is he just another casual gamer who likes it easy and desires nothing more from his gameplay experiences except just what is provided for him out of the box.
These threads are moronic, each platform has its benefits and downfalls. Instead of artificially limiting your overall gaming experience by being a fanboy for one camp or the other, game on both platforms.
just wanted get my say i n here also ..

I beleive that the console vs pc debate comes down to if you are really a hardcore gamer.

A True hard core gamer will have a pc because for all the reasons listed so far in this thread ..

but also because a true hardcore gamer will do what it takes to get the most out of his games ..

if you look at all the mods and user created content for pc games it all has one thing in common and that is getting all you can out of it..

the pc is about community and that community is all about getting the most from their machines rather it be hardware software or useability there is a community dedicated to it .

and if your a hardcore gamer you are involved in some form or fashion in this community rather it be reading the forums, playing the games or creating content.
the hardcore gamer is pushing his gaming experience to the limits ...

how does this differ from the console gamer ?

the console gamers takes what is giving to them gobbles it up like candy and then moves on to the next best thing.(xbox 1 for example)

console gamers are really just casual gamers they want a easy ride plug it in and it works mentality .. there is nothing wrong with this because time is important and the benefits of being able to play a game right then and their is immeasurable

but it is not the hardcore attitude .

thats the way i look at it a true hardcore gamer is going to have a decent computer
because they are wanting to make the most of there game play experience

be it playing the latest bleeding edge tech demo , beta or playing a new mod for the 10 year old games they own (fallout 2 still being moded can you belive it ?)
or playing there old console games in emulators just to see how good they could have looked if only the hardware was better .. or wait even better to play a modded version of the console game .. and then to end it all in some good ol team based fps with competent players and good communication laying the smack down on the opposing team.

That is hardcore gaming .

Actually no, that's not hardcore gaming. hardcore gaming is gaming on all platforms, because there are great games on each one and you miss out if you only choose one platform. Nice effort though.
One comparison = definitive proof!

That's excellent logic training you received ...somewhere?

Also, consoles = poor people
high end pc = smart people!

got it.

That 1 comparison is just a hint of the obvious... Consoles can never match PC in any category. Only reason to have a console is for the exclusive games.
That 1 comparison is just a hint of the obvious... Consoles can never match PC in any category. Only reason to have a console is for the exclusive games.

And the only reason to have a PC is for the exclusive games. That's the whole point to own any platform. Yes some PC ports are going to be better and more full-featured, but these ports usually come out months later if at all.
And the only reason to have a PC is for the exclusive games. That's the whole point to own any platform. Yes some PC ports are going to be better and more full-featured, but these ports usually come out months later if at all.

PC is essenital, console is optional. # 1 reason to own a PC is its versitility. I can scroll and click through Porn thumbnails alot easier on a PC. PC Exclusive games is a bonus. Starcraft 2 Anyone??? :D
Anyone doing an essay on fanboyism on the internet, be sure to take notes in this thread. and there are plenty to interview.
just wanted get my say i n here also ..

I beleive that the console vs pc debate comes down to if you are really a hardcore gamer.

A True hard core gamer will have a pc because for all the reasons listed so far in this thread ..

but also because a true hardcore gamer will do what it takes to get the most out of his games ..

if you look at all the mods and user created content for pc games it all has one thing in common and that is getting all you can out of it..

the pc is about community and that community is all about getting the most from their machines rather it be hardware software or useability there is a community dedicated to it .

and if your a hardcore gamer you are involved in some form or fashion in this community rather it be reading the forums, playing the games or creating content.
the hardcore gamer is pushing his gaming experience to the limits ...

how does this differ from the console gamer ?

the console gamers takes what is giving to them gobbles it up like candy and then moves on to the next best thing.(xbox 1 for example)

console gamers are really just casual gamers they want a easy ride plug it in and it works mentality .. there is nothing wrong with this because time is important and the benefits of being able to play a game right then and their is immeasurable

but it is not the hardcore attitude .

thats the way i look at it a true hardcore gamer is going to have a decent computer
because they are wanting to make the most of there game play experience

be it playing the latest bleeding edge tech demo , beta or playing a new mod for the 10 year old games they own (fallout 2 still being moded can you belive it ?)
or playing there old console games in emulators just to see how good they could have looked if only the hardware was better .. or wait even better to play a modded version of the console game .. and then to end it all in some good ol team based fps with competent players and good communication laying the smack down on the opposing team.

That is hardcore gaming .

your freind has to make a choice is he a hardcore gamer ?

or is he just another casual gamer who likes it easy and desires nothing more from his gameplay experiences except just what is provided for him out of the box.

That's a clever perspective and I agree with you.
Anyone doing an essay on fanboyism on the internet, be sure to take notes in this thread. and there are plenty to interview.

"My dad is better than your dad" is exactly what this thread is NOT about. Here's finally a list of the legitimate facts to why PC gamers are more privilegded than console gamers, playing the fanboy card here isn't gonna work.