9600GT Low profile RELEASED

Um cool, I guess I won't have to go with that Pci-e angle connector to shoe horn a 8800GT into my HTPC project after all.
I don't know, I have a XFX 8600 GT XXX that I was able to pull about 30fps out of Crysis on high at 1680 x 1050 no AA no AF

The HD4850 can't even pull 30FPS with everything on high at 16x10, so there's no way in hell an 8600GT could have done so.
Okay. It only took them five years to release a 256-bit low-profile card, at a %50 price premium. Do you want a cookie?

I mean, sure, it's cool, but it's really nothing special to most of us. You can already do HD video just fine on an 8600, and most of us who consider gaming important buy systems with full-size slots :)
I don't know, I have a XFX 8600 GT XXX that I was able to pull about 30fps out of Crysis on high at 1680 x 1050 no AA no AF

Ahaha, right. You just keep telling yourself that...

I mean, sure, it's cool, but it's really nothing special to most of us. You can already do HD video just fine on an 8600, and most of us who consider gaming important buy systems with full-size slots :)

For those of us that want to put together a SFF/gaming with a more recent card, now we have a solution.
Originally Posted by sparksterz View Post
I don't know, I have a XFX 8600 GT XXX that I was able to pull about 30fps out of Crysis on high at 1680 x 1050 no AA no AF
Ahaha, right. You just keep telling yourself that...

lol yeah... the 8600 was a mild upgrade from the 7600.. or perhaps the 6800 :)