What is the Next Big First Person Shooter ?


Jan 7, 2001
So What is the Next Big First Person Shooter that is going to be released soon ?
Other than the follow up Crysis Games Crytek will be releasing are there other games being made with the Cry2 engine by different companys that will be out soon ?
I'm highly anticipating STALKER Clear Sky. I loved the original game, so the sequel is definitely at the top of my list. Project Origin (the prequel to FEAR) is also up there with Clear Sky, as the FPS I want to play the most.

Crysis Warhead and Far Cry 2 also come to mind. Except for Crysis Warhead, no game will use Cry Engine 2.
I'm highly anticipating STALKER Clear Sky. I loved the original game, so the sequel is definitely at the top of my list. Project Origin (the prequel to FEAR) is also up there with Clear Sky, as the FPS I want to play the most.

Crysis Warhead and Far Cry 2 also come to mind. Except for Crysis Warhead, no game will use Cry Engine 2.

Yes, Clear Sky, Crysis Warhead and Far Cry 2 pretty much covers it.
There is another one that seems sort of interesting called...THEM or THEY something like that. The monsters looks similiar in style to Final Fantasy: Spirits within movie.
Left 4 Dead
Stalker: Clear Sky

That's all I can think of right now.

For me the next huge fps release will be HL2: ep3
I'm excited for STALKER: Clear Sky. The developers say it's the STALKER they wanted to release in the first place.

Everything's been mentioned so far.
Clear Sky is going to rock my face. I 'tried' the first one to see what it was like, and then immediately bought it. This new one's on pre-order.
Don't forget Rage, which is id's FPS/driving hybrid thing. I doubt it's 'nearing completion', but it's probably pretty far along at this point.
The ones that come to mind are: Left for dead, Doom 4, duke nukem forever. I don't know what the 'next' big one will be though.
Weird. I can't believe you guys aren't talking about Battlefield: Bad Company. Maybe I'm talking to soon though...
Every game people say is the 'next big thing' is a sequel. The next "big thing" needs to be something original, or at least a rehashed idea that hasn't been done lately. Left 4 Dead perhaps, id's thing perhaps, or even better, a new game in the vein of System Shock or even a sci-fi mashup like Halo (but this time again with feeling).
"They" looks kinda ghey.

Clear Sky should be the next big thing, chronologically, I think.
"They" looks kinda ghey.

What's ghey about it?








Doesn't look too bad so far to me.
I'm highly anticipating STALKER Clear Sky. I loved the original game, so the sequel is definitely at the top of my list. Project Origin (the prequel to FEAR) is also up there with Clear Sky, as the FPS I want to play the most.
Project Origin is a sequel to FEAR, not a prequel. It is, essentially, FEAR 2, but since Vivendi owns the F.E.A.R. name, Monolith had to come up with something else.

Crysis Warhead and Far Cry 2 also come to mind. Except for Crysis Warhead, no game will use Cry Engine 2.
Actually, a few games will use Cry Engine 2. Go here and scroll to the bottom. There aren't many games, but there are a few.
XboxodX said:
Actually, a few games will use Cry Engine 2. Go here and scroll to the bottom. There aren't many games, but there are a few.

I was referring to the games I mentioned obviously...
Don't forget Rage, which is id's FPS/driving hybrid thing. I doubt it's 'nearing completion', but it's probably pretty far along at this point.

I actually didn't forget that one, but the OP asked for "released soon" and I doubt Rage is released even this year.