NVIDIA Cuts Prices On Its GTX Line

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
For those of you that haven’t seen this yet, NVIDIA is slashing GTX 260 and GTX 280 prices to counter AMD’s latest offerings. One thing is for sure, the upcoming ATi HD 4870 X2 cards will keep the pressure on the green team both performance and price wise.

Nvidia said Sunday night that the GeForce GTX 280 is now available for $499 and the GTX 260 for $299. The high-end GTX 280 was originally $649, while the 260 was priced previously at $399. Both products were rolled out less than a month ago. Nvidia's graphics boards are now more in line with ATI's newest offerings. At $299, the GTX 260 price now matches that of ATI's comparable HD 4870.
Yeah that's when I bought my MSI GTX 260 Overclocked card when it was $299.99 with a $40.00 rebate. The new ATI cards are nice as well. Finally Nvidia has real competition and they can quit their bullshit price setting scheme with the IMAP. ATI forced their hand :D

Was quite the steal considering it was quite a bit faster than my 8800gtx and I paid a S-Load more for my 8800 than I did the 260.
Hopefully the Shanghai CPU will follow the footsteps of the 4x series.
I feel sorry for nvidia, having to bite $250 million cause of the 8400/8600 mobile GPUs. And ATI with product that can match their 200 series on even ground.
I'm really pleased all this is happening. It's a good time to be a consumer. Maybe not so much to be a stockholder. Shame I don't get around to playing any of the newer games anymore, eliminating my need for high end computing :/.
aww man im so excited about this gen of cards.. too bad there isnt a game that my 8800gtx doesnt provide me decent performance..
Was quite the steal considering it was quite a bit faster than my 8800gtx and I paid a S-Load more for my 8800 than I did the 260.

I say the 3xxx series screwed us all. The 9800 series shouldn't of existed but did just to pillage us because of the non-competition.

Now look, price cuts, REAL PERFORMANCE for ~$150.


----Random Consumers Everywhere

Damn you for making us work

---- Nvidia
Too late, nVidia: I bought an ATI card just 10 days ago. If you'd had a more competitive price point when I bought my 4870 from Newegg, I probably would've gotten the GTX 280.

Oh, well. Your loss, all the more if I decide to get a second card and then need a crossfire MB to go with it. Crossfire MB means no nForce MB. You lose again, and it's your own greedy fault.
I had my heart set on a 4870...but now Nvidia price cuts!!!

Ever worsening economy, yet I can have decent performance per dollar?

I have never been so happy that I can continue my hobby without worrying about my car payment, yet be so undecided on my next upgrade...
I am so damn glad ATI has finally provided some competition.. Just a few weeks ago I was contemplating a GeForce 9800 GTX for my new build intended to be completed in August-- the way things are going, by that time I'll be getting an overclocked GTX 260 for less than I was looking at for that.

Cheers! :D
I honestly hope this will encourage ATI to bring their 4870 X2 down in price to at least $500 when it launches...

I don't intend to give my money to Nvidia this round, specially since they don't give me free AA in my games... :p
aww man im so excited about this gen of cards.. too bad there isnt a game that my 8800gtx doesnt provide me decent performance..

the PC hardware hobbyist in me wants a gtx280/4870x2 so badly, but realistically, my 8800 gtx can rock any game on the market currently at 1920x1200, 2-4x AA, maxed out settings except crysis

i play a lot of GRID, SupCom:FA, Vegas 2, Frontlines (Game runs a bit shitty given it's only UE3, Bioshock runs and looks much better for whatever reason), World in Conflict, TF2, etc. none of them really push my 8800 gtx except maybe GRID and that's just because it doesn't run at 60fps, the game is perfectly playable @ 50fps
Paying 500 (or 450) bucks for a video card these days is just inexcusable. With the leapfrog performance gains and the drop in prices, I'd feel like a fool getting one of these and having it be yesterday's news not a few months later.
Paying 500 (or 450) bucks for a video card these days is just inexcusable. With the leapfrog performance gains and the drop in prices, I'd feel like a fool getting one of these and having it be yesterday's news not a few months later.

Have you been into performance computing very long? Leapfrogging performance has been a fact of life since people could build their own computers. LOL
BAHAHAHAHA! Building a machine in a couple months is lookin' better and better and better and ... oh yeah. :D Hurray for competition! ATi has done a great job.
While I belive that there is a need for a greater card then the 8800gtx, the games I play just dont warrent it. Maybe FC2 or RAGE will be the one game to push me over the edge and get one.

aww man im so excited about this gen of cards.. too bad there isnt a game that my 8800gtx doesnt provide me decent performance..
This is good news. ATI is definitely helping to keep the prices competitive. If ATI continues to improve the linux support even further.... I just might purchase an ATI card this time around. Believe me, I really want them to improve that support so I can partake in the great price vs. performance their cards are offering right now.