Search results

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    8800 GTS (G92) Overclocking Results

    Gigabyte| 800 / 1018 | 53 / 65 | Stock cooler I got a pretty crappy overclock on the memory side :(
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    MSI 8800GT $208 @

    Got the same notice and am canceling as I type this!
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    Gigabyte 8800GTS 512mb 331.84+Ship No Tax for US

    From NCIXUS. This seems like a decent deal. $370 on newegg. The specs say it is not overclocked, but newegg model GV-NX88S512H-B shows that it is. 700core, 2000 mem and 1700 shaders. Gigabyte site only lists one product for G92 8800GTS. Comes with NWN2 and some old Rainbow Six game. I think...
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    ZZF 8800GTS 512mb 340-20=320 AR

    XFX version. Not as good as mwave deal, but that might be cancelled.
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    Does Bioshock truly utilize dual-core CPUs?

    Gamespot has a very brief comparison
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    Screen goes psychedelic when loading a game...?

    This seems to be a common problem with 7900gts and Vista. A lot of people including me have trouble changing resolutions in games since we get the same display errors you described. I dont believe that there is a fix for this as the new drivers have not solved the problem and in some cases make...
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    7900gt can only run games at 1600x1200?

    I recently installed vista on my desktop computer but I have been having problems with games. I've used the latest official drivers on the nvidia website and the more recent 162.22 release. However the problem remains the same. I can only run the game at 1600x1200. If I attempt to change the...
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    G.Skill 2GB HZ D9GMH $$117.99 + S&H Newegg

    How long will this code be good for?
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    FS: Opteron 165 and DFI Lanparty Ultra-D

    Here is my ebay feedback.
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    FS: Opteron 165 and DFI Lanparty Ultra-D

    I am selling an Opteron 165. Stepping is CCBWE 0551 UPMW. Used for about 3 months so it is in good shape. I bought this as OEM so no box. I am asking for $225 shipped OBO. I am also selling a DFI Lanparty UT NF4 Ultra-D which is roughly half a year old for $75 shipped OBO. This includes the...
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    Thank you to our [H]ard OCP loyal customers

    Yeah I got an email today as well.
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    your 7900GT oc's!

    My XFX Extreme 520/1500 is at 560/1720
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    Will import expansion work with US version original game?

    Hi, If I buy an import version of a pc game because it is cheaper, will it work with the US version of the original game? Thanks
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    [H]ot Monarch Computer Deals - Check Often

    Dude where are some deals on 7900gts they are going higher and higher :( :( :(
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    High temps on X800XL?

    These temps are fine. Mine idles at 37ish with the fan at 30% and goes into the 50's during load. I am running at 450/550.
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    *HOT* newegg - ATI $50 off $349

    Isn't this stickied on the top of this forum?
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    Oblivion pics from my PC....

    Yeah the landscape in the 3rd pic looks sort of crappy...
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    ATI equivalent to a 7900GT???

    This german site I found on another forum shows benchmarks for the 256 mb X1800XT. It seems some games like COD2 are affected greatly by the difference in memory.
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    Return of the eBay/PayPal coupons.

    Can you elaborate on the potential problems with the code? I dont want to buy an item because of the potential discount and not get the money off. Thanks
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    EVGA Video card explosion @ Monarch

    Mine just got shipped. ^_^
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    EVGA Video card explosion @ Monarch

    I just noticed that while other cards say "in stock ships in 1-2 days" the 7800 gt co se does not have this. The regular CO version does say in stock. Does it mean it is backordered?
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    Very low Opteron 165 overclock...

    Hello, I just got an Opteron 165. I tried to see the limit of this cpu. It seems that it wont get higher than 240 x9 no matter how high the voltage is. I did this using the RAM at 1/2 divider. I can do 300x7 with no problems. Fiddling with the RAM timings seems to provide no benefit at all...
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    cs_militia freezing/crashing?

    Yeah I have had this problem with HDR on. This is with a Dell 9100, pentium d 820, 2 gb ram, 6600 GT.
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    Upgrading Dell Dimension 9100 Ram.

    Well it is value ram so I dont think that should be a problem ^_^
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    *HOT* $99AR 2GB dual channel kit DDR & DDR2 - Fry's "day after xmas" sale

    Uh is there going to be huge mongerfest outside the store like blackfriday? Or is this not exceptional enough to warrant a camp out fest for most people? I wont go if there will be a long ass line early in the morning!
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    Upgrading Dell Dimension 9100 Ram.

    I saw that Frys had a great deal on DDR2 ram on Monday. I am wondering if there will be any compatibility issues with Dell? Are they picky with RAM? My friend had a 4700 and he bought some OCZ ram and it did not work well with the Dell. Thanks for any input.
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    How to test HDD health?

    My computer has repeatedly had windows corrupted. I initially suspected the HDD, but it seemed to check out fine using SMART. I then switched out various other components without any change. So now I am thinking that it still might be the HDD again. Is there some other way to test it besides a...
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    DFI Ultra-D Make me crazy, is it defective??

    Actually I forgot to say I have flashed to latest 6/23 bios. Do you really think the PSU is defective? I am not sure how I would go about testing it since the problem is sort of hard to replicate.
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    DFI Ultra-D Make me crazy, is it defective??

    I've had my DFi Ultra-d for 6 months now and i've had numerous problems. In the beginning, I would get machine check exception errors for no reason. I would pass prime, superpi, 3dmark, and memtest for hours upon hours. Then, for no reason at all, i would get the error at startup. Eventually it...
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    9800 Pro running slowly & weird 3dmark error

    I installed a 9800 pro replacign a geforce 4. I used the manual add remove and drivercleaner as well. I installed the latest ATI drivers. But, when I try to run 3dmark05, it gives me an error: IDirect3DDevice9:: Present failed: Device lost (DEDERR_DEVICELOST) This always happens in the middle of...
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    Question about ATI Tool

    Does the AA and AF mode in ATI tool override the AA and AF settings in games? If I set it to off by default and I try to enable it in HL2, will it not be turned on? Thanks
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    building a gamer....

    Doesn't the 2400 lack an AGP slot
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    Connect3d X700 Pro Overheating

    Wow I just ran the source test and it went up to 127 degrees.
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    Connect3d X700 Pro Overheating

    I just got a new x700 pro for 80 bucks but I noticed it has a really tiny fan for cooling. I tried to play FEAR to test it out, but it would lock up with the VPU recovery message. When I looked at ATI Tool, it said that it was running at 96 degrees celsius! That is clearly way to high. What...
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    Question about Pentium D 820 and CPU-z

    1.30, btw this is a dell dimension 9100.
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    Question about Pentium D 820 and CPU-z

    Hi, today I was looking at cpu-z and i noticed that for the "cpu 1" it lists it as a Prescott 521. Now under core 2, it is shown as a smithfield pentium d 820. Is this normal? Seems sort of strange. In windows task manager, it does show two cores.
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    Uhh windows error checking messes up computer?

    I was doing the windows error check at startup and after it finishes it would give me a machine check exception error. I cannot boot into windows now even in safe mode. My computer is at stock speeds. What can I do? Also, does this somehow point to a particular source of the problem (drivers...