your 7900GT oc's!

is there any way of manually removing that "failed test error" in the Nvidia control panel?
Powerstrip will allow you to get around that. My experience though is that if it fails that test, chances are going higher then it will produce errors.
pxc said:
Yep, it needs to be updated. None of the low level (or driver) options work on my 7900GT, making RT worthless.

edit: see this thread for Unwinder's comments on the release of a 7600/7900 compatible RT:

and nobody read this for why the current RT doesn't work on the new nvidia cards:

bah! that sucks

i am sure a simple registry entry will disable the test


my 7800gt would test and run at 530/1260

after voltmod and disabling test, 540/1280 was all i could get out of it, so its probably not worth it
so currently waht is everyone using to overclock? my evga 7900 only goes up to 530/816
im using coolbits... i may switch to something else later on..

i wish there was an "NvTool".
Well I just cleaned and then reapplied AS5 and reseated my NV Silencer 5 but I'm still getting same idle and load temps . . . is it possible my AS5 could have gone bad?

Also I really wish a 7900 compatible RT would come out so I can set my fan speed to 100%, which should decrease load temps some . . .
The_Dark_Abyss said:
Well I just cleaned and then reapplied AS5 and reseated my NV Silencer 5 but I'm still getting same idle and load temps . . . is it possible my AS5 could have gone bad?

Also I really wish a 7900 compatible RT would come out so I can set my fan speed to 100%, which should decrease load temps some . . .

why dont you step it up a notch and stop using those entry level Silencers.......get the Zalman heatpipe model cooler or the Thermalright V1 Ultra if you aren't scared of a challenge and want the best

keeps my 7800GT with a 1.5v mod at 530/1260 running under 50*c fully loaded, and those 7900GT's run much cooler

no it's not your thermal paste, contrary to popular belief, thermal paste does not affect temps 5-10*c, more like 1-2*c at most
hmmm. im trying out ATiTool with my new 7900gt. Think its safe to overclock with this tool or should i wait for RIvatuner?
nobody_here said:
why dont you step it up a notch and stop using those entry level Silencers.......get the Zalman heatpipe model cooler or the Thermalright V1 Ultra if you aren't scared of a challenge and want the best

I think it might be my case . . . after I opened it up I'm getting load temps of 52-53C with my card @ 600/1800 so I think I'm gonna try to clean things up inside my case a little . . . besides I don't feel like paying $50 + shipping for a VF900 when I already have an NV Silencer lying around unused . . .

BTW, I got the fan control and overclocking, etc. to work in RT by forcing VGA ID 92 under "System" in the Power User section. It's not perfect, but everything except the temp monitoring seems to be working now . . .
Just volt modded my XFX 7900GT to 1.4v. Coolbits detects it at 630/1800 now although I can bench beyond 650/1860 before there are any visable artifacts. Temps are okay under maze 4 waterblock at 33c idle and 44c load.
Jason711 said:
ooo.. i want that thermalright, where is the best place to get that? :cool:

let me tell you, it is extremely hard to mount for most people, thats how i got it, a guy on another forums board i know was trying for six hours and couldn't get it, so he shipped it to me for $35, normally they are like $50+shipping

i got it and had it mounted in about an hour, but i also am a "locksmith" if you will, work with my hands, tools, metal, all the time, so if you aren't mechanically inclined or easily fustrated, i would avoid it, but it is well worth the hassle
My main thing about the V1 Ultra is that it's a little bulky for my case . . . they go for around $40 on online retailers such as sidewindercomputer.
Pushing 705/1822 now . . . stable so far, but I get blank screens in Oblivion after some time of playing. Don't know what that is about. (Doesn't happen to any other app)
580 Core 1720 memory with my "entry level" NV5 Silencer. Cools very well and exhausts the hot air out of my case unlike the Zalmans.......
XFX Extreme

Stock: 520/1500
OC: 550/1800

I can play some games artifact free at 1950mem, but 3dmark artifacts all the way down to 1825.

Is anyone else having a problem with coolbits/powerstrip not utilizing 3D clock speeds even when in 3D mode? It seems I have to force my 2D speeds to 3D speeds in order to get my games and benching programs to run at the correct speeds . . .

i.e. I have my 2D clocks set at 500/1828 and 3D clocks set at 700/1828 but in 3Dmark and in games my card is only running at the 2D clocks of 500/1828. Only when I set my 2D clocks to 700/1828 can I get my games to run at those clocks.
Are you guys using after market cooling to achieve these OCs?

And coolbits caps me at 810 for memory, I'm guessing RivaTuner?
Are you guys using after market cooling to achieve these OCs?

And coolbits caps me at 810 for memory, I'm guessing RivaTuner?

You'd have to force VGA ID in order for Rivatuner to work on the 7900 series. Go under "Power User" --> "System" --> "FoceVGADeviceID" and change that value to "92" Then it will detect your GT as a 7800GTX so that you can at least do overclocking and fan control, as well as low-level driver tweaks. Temp monitor doesn't work for me though.

Yeah you really need aftermarket cooling. Those mem chips especially get very hot without heatsinks with the stock cooler.
The_Dark_Abyss said:
You'd have to force VGA ID in order for Rivatuner to work on the 7900 series. Go under "Power User" --> "System" --> "FoceVGADeviceID" and change that value to "92" Then it will detect your GT as a 7800GTX so that you can at least do overclocking and fan control, as well as low-level driver tweaks. Temp monitor doesn't work for me though.

Yeah you really need aftermarket cooling. Those mem chips especially get very hot without heatsinks with the stock cooler.

Ah yeah, no ram sinks.

Well, still hoping this is a temporary solution, so if anything I'll just grab some ram sinks. I'll jump on the "wait for DX10" wagon, at least before I go SLI again.
The_Dark_Abyss said:
Yeah you really need aftermarket cooling. Those mem chips especially get very hot without heatsinks with the stock cooler.

I'm sure it helps, but I don't really know if it's worth it. Those Zalman heatsinks are pretty expensive ($65 CDN for the VF900)

I'm on stock cooling (i.e. nothing on the ram) and I can get it to 1800 artifact free. That's a massive OC. With better cooling, I might be able to get it to 1900-1950, but is that really worth the money?

Can anyone tell me where a faster core will benefit and where faster memory will benefit? For example, the 7900gtx stock clocks are 650/1600. I'm running 550/1800. I'm guessing that means the gtx is still faster. But I'm not really sure how much.

asmielia said:
I'm sure it helps, but I don't really know if it's worth it. Those Zalman heatsinks are pretty expensive ($65 CDN for the VF900)

Yeaht he VF900 is a bad price right now at the 50 USD price point. You can get a VF700Cu for about 20 USD less though and get about equal cooling performance at 12v.

Can anyone tell me where a faster core will benefit and where faster memory will benefit? For example, the 7900gtx stock clocks are 650/1600. I'm running 550/1800. I'm guessing that means the gtx is still faster. But I'm not really sure how much.


I don't think the GT is bandwidth starved at 550 mhz quite yet. I'm about to compare 700/1500 with 700/1828 in 3DMark05 and see if there is a significant difference since I would imagine it would be more bandwidth limited at that point.

700/1500: 10287
700/1850: 10806

So a 520 pt bonus in 3DMark05 for a 350 mhz boost in memory. Doesn't look like the GPU is too bandwidth limited even at 700 mhz.
The_Dark_Abyss said:
You'd have to force VGA ID in order for Rivatuner to work on the 7900 series. Go under "Power User" --> "System" --> "FoceVGADeviceID" and change that value to "92" Then it will detect your GT as a 7800GTX so that you can at least do overclocking and fan control, as well as low-level driver tweaks. Temp monitor doesn't work for me though.

Yeah you really need aftermarket cooling. Those mem chips especially get very hot without heatsinks with the stock cooler.

Am I stupid or something? Trying to do that, wont let me go beyond one digit. It's either 9 or 2, wont let me put in 92.
Am I stupid or something? Trying to do that, wont let me go beyond one digit. It's either 9 or 2, wont let me put in 92.

Weird. Works fine for me. Maybe try copy & paste?

The_Dark_Abyss said:
Weird. Works fine for me. Maybe try copy & paste?


No I'm stupid. I tried to delete the post because I figured it out right after I posted that. I didn't press "enter" to change the value. I just clicked the value, and it only let me enter one digit. When I hit "enter" it opened up a box within the value which then let me type in "92" Stupid thing. They should have a retard button somewhere. :p

Anyhow, got up to 540/1740, went to 540/1800 and it passed the test.. but when I tried it again later, no luck.

Most importantly, I didn' get a performance boost out of Oblivion. If anything, the framerate began to fluctuate even more. Between 35-37fps stock inside Chorral, then 34-38 after the OC.
Little update finally broke 10 k in 3D Mark 05 @ 585 Core 1800 Memory. :D
Was gonna do the 1.4 voltmod, but have decided not to. EVGA 7900 GT CO Superclocked. For everyday use I run 575 Core 1720 memory. Odd thing is at those speeds ( 585 Core 1800 Memory) I see no artifacts in Aquamark or 3D Mark 05, but ATITool finds artifacts so I run at the 575 Core 1720 memory for everyday use
The_Dark_Abyss said:
Yeaht he VF900 is a bad price right now at the 50 USD price point. You can get a VF700Cu for about 20 USD less though and get about equal cooling performance at 12v.

I don't think the GT is bandwidth starved at 550 mhz quite yet. I'm about to compare 700/1500 with 700/1828 in 3DMark05 and see if there is a significant difference since I would imagine it would be more bandwidth limited at that point.

700/1500: 10287
700/1850: 10806

So a 520 pt bonus in 3DMark05 for a 350 mhz boost in memory. Doesn't look like the GPU is too bandwidth limited even at 700 mhz.

That is right.

I have my card clocked at 650mhz core and 1660mhz mem. I get similar results with the card clocked at 650mhz core and 1600mhz mem and 650mhz core and 1660mhz mem.

Higher memory clocks didn't do much. Infact starting form 1680mhz mem onwards I saw a drop in performance.

I think 1600mhz mem is good enough. The ram on the Geforce 7900 GT is rated to run at 1400mhz or something right?

Anyway, the full load temp after running 3DMark 2006 for 2 loops is 40 degrees C (650mhz core and 1660mhz mem). Is this good for air cooling. Using the Zalman VF900 heatsink.

I get artifacts with the memory running at 1680mhz. How are you guys reaching 1800mhz without artifacts? I have put the VF900 ramsinks on the ram. Is that causing it to not overclock well?
Manoj said:
I get artifacts with the memory running at 1680mhz. How are you guys reaching 1800mhz without artifacts? I have put the VF900 ramsinks on the ram. Is that causing it to not overclock well?

Well I'm using a silencer so the fan cools the mem as well. As for ram sinks, there are some situations in which RAM may overclock better without heatsinks on them but I don't think that is the case with the 7900GT.

But yeah I'm also finding it interesting how the GT is able to reach GTX mem speeds while having a higher mem latency.
^^ yes... with cooling your video mems you need to use high quality thermal adhesive (or compound, what have you) to get optimal heat xfer to the sinks.. most themal tapes which come on those little zalman sinks is pretty crappy imo..

BTW - just started testing my cards OCing levels.. they seem to run at 570/1700 with no issues at all with default voltage.. I have zalman vf700cu's on the cores now, but the memory is bare.. I am going to try the 1.4v mod in a while.. will post back results afterwards..
Is it easy to remove the ramsinks that came with the Zalman VF900? I think I will just remove them then.
XFX 7900gt stock--> 520 - 1500
Auto detect--> 563 - 1686
Current OC --> 590 - 1720

Temps at Current OC 44c iddle & 63c load (1hour of rthdribl)

This are at stock voltage...

To those that have tested... whats the difference in FPS when reaching 650mhz+ (gtx speeds) compared to what i Currently have now?

Im trying to weight the worthiness of the extra $ for a vga cooler to do the 1.5v mod which might be too much heat for the stock cooler. 2-4fps is not worth $50 in my book, My rig is loud (open case & four 12cm fans) already, wouldnt mind routing of those 12cm/110cfm fans towards the video card if its going to do the same job.
a little update... i went ahead and did the 1.5V mod and used a 220cfm fan placed on the side of the gpu. my max were 635-1720 anythign above that it would fail nvidia test. Everyone else seems to get much higher.. although my temps went up way too much..

iddle: 52 load: 80+ (in less than a minute it reached 80 on stock cooling, about 2 mins with the side fan on. I stoped when it reached 80-81)

i guess im getting a VF1 from the egg..
pxc said:
My XFX 7900GT Extreme 520/1500 version does 540/1750 stable so far. I hope I can get another 20-30MHz on the core.

Same with me except ofr mine only does 540/1720, Coolbits won't let me set it higher, keeps saying it fails.

(Tried using powerstrip but had artifacting at 550/1800)