High temps on X800XL?


Limp Gawd
Apr 26, 2005
I downloaded ATITool to monitor my card temps and it's telling me I'm at 35C with an ambient temp of 37C. I have an HIS X800XL with a rebranded AC5 heatsink and AS5 compound. Whenever I try to OC the temps jump way up into the 50's. Does anybody know why this might be happening? TIA! :)
These temps are fine. Mine idles at 37ish with the fan at 30% and goes into the 50's during load. I am running at 450/550.
Well see, if I try putting my core/mem up to where yours are at the temps jump up into the 40's-50's at idle. Load would be in the upper 50's/low 60's.
those seem fine my X800XL is at with the AC Silencer...

idle @ stock-33C
load @440/585-46C

just try re-seating the heatsink if thy go over liek 55C@load
