Oblivion pics from my PC....


Limp Gawd
Dec 17, 2002




I guess it looks ok....it autodetects ultra high @ 1024X768. My big complaint is the framerate, its ALL over the place. I've seen it drop to around 12 fps, and get as high as 80 fps. I would like to see a little consistancy.
I was waiting for pics. Thanks yous.

PS: Looks kinda empty. Show a monster or something.
Maybe it was the low res......but the game doesnt look that crisp/sharp to me.....
Khaydarin said:
Maybe it was the low res......but the game doesnt look that crisp/sharp to me.....
Yeah the landscape in the 3rd pic looks sort of crappy...
looks a lot like brothers in arms gfx, not very impressive to say the least. One thing that is amazing is the ability to see far, thats pretty impressive.

Of course, magazines always make things look better than expected
Given the hype engine surrounding it....well.....it really does look kinda "crap".

I guess we'll see from retail release pics, but....so far....totally, TOTALLY 'meh'.
Not in motion....

Acutally, when your in the caves n' stuff it looks amazing....then again I have every option maxed out, that guy might not.
dderidex said:
Given the hype engine surrounding it....well.....it really does look kinda "crap".

I guess we'll see from retail release pics, but....so far....totally, TOTALLY 'meh'.
The distant terrain quality can be increased by modifying the .ini, but nobody has really found the correct combination of settings to acheive this without affecting other things like the water or the close-by terrain. But there is a marked difference between the two:


Someone tell me how to take screenshots, and I will contribute.

I have tried changing "bAllowScreenShot" to =1 and tried shift-prtscrn and just prtscrn and alt-prtscrn but it does no good.
can you please restart the game and take a refrence shot for me in the jail cell when it zooms on the emporers face? i just wanna see if its normal mapped unlike the 360
I've got one from the first area, but not in the cell itself.


1920x1200, taken with fraps, bmp converted to 90% quality jpg.


My first outdoor encounter, note that the sky darkened, the wind picked up and a thunderstorm started.