DFI Ultra-D Make me crazy, is it defective??


Mar 17, 2005
I've had my DFi Ultra-d for 6 months now and i've had numerous problems. In the beginning, I would get machine check exception errors for no reason. I would pass prime, superpi, 3dmark, and memtest for hours upon hours. Then, for no reason at all, i would get the error at startup. Eventually it seems my windows gets corrupted. I would run windows repair and it would crash and I would have to reinstall windows. I have had to reformat 3 times. I have replcaed my CPU, flashed the BIOs, and swapped in 3 different pairs of ram all without any effect. Plus I tried to run it without any drivers, with updated drivers, and with the drivers that came with the mobo. Now today I boot up after another reformat and it says I am missing a system32/pci file or something to that effect and that windows has been corrupted.

So.. What could be causing all of these problems? I have tried multiple fixes without any results. I have also run SMART to check my HDD and it checks out at 100%. What could be the problem? Is there anyway the motherboard is defective somehow? I can't think of any reason at all. ANY help would be VERY appreciated. Thank you
well if you already replaced the ram and cpu then i'll likelly the board is bad unless you have a bad PSU. So before you RMA the board try a friends PSU and also you can try updating the boards bios to the latest stable release (623 i believe).
Actually I forgot to say I have flashed to latest 6/23 bios. Do you really think the PSU is defective? I am not sure how I would go about testing it since the problem is sort of hard to replicate.
BigHubris said:
I've had my DFi Ultra-d for 6 months now and i've had numerous problems.

You are making me nervous, I just bought one today, not installed yet.... tomorrow will tell.
Alaskan said:
You are making me nervous, I just bought one today, not installed yet.... tomorrow will tell.
I have one installed in a case beside me, no CPU or Video Card yet.

I am proud to own it.

I should be getting my x800GTO^2 tomorrow, and I still don't know when my CPU is getting here.
BigHubris said:
Actually I forgot to say I have flashed to latest 6/23 bios. Do you really think the PSU is defective? I am not sure how I would go about testing it since the problem is sort of hard to replicate.

well sounds like you eliminated pretty much all the other culprits (drivers, cpu, mem, hdd) so that would pretty much leave the mobo being or the PSU being bad. They are both good brands but ever so often you can run into that one random defective one - this is what wrranties are for.

As far as testing the PSU try borrowing another psu and see if the problemes will still eventually show up. Or you can try testing it with a multimeter here is how:

Alaskan said:
You are making me nervous, I just bought one today, not installed yet.... tomorrow will tell.

don't worry its an excellent mobo. However its a bit picky on memory and not very noob friendly.
check out dfi-street forums, they are amazing at solving problems

also try putting your ram in the yellow slots instead, if it works out
BigHubris said:
Do you really think the PSU is defective? I am not sure how I would go about testing it since the problem is sort of hard to replicate.

I had a PC that had a power supply in it which started to cause problems for me. I had a hard time believing that the system was crashing due to a power supply problem but that is what the problem was. I checked the DC output to the core in BIOS and indeed it was occasionally sagging too much causing intermittent failures.

A DC volt meter is a good thing to have when checking for problems like that, but many BIOS now have voltage monitoring built in or even a monitor to watch it while fully booted. Although that wont help you much since yours won't even boot but a volt meter might narrow it down further for you.

The way I confirmed the power supply problem was to take the case off of a good second PC and disconnected the power cables from it to run them over to the failed PC and found that the PC with the bad power supply would then run fine.

Finding a DFI forum sounds like the thing to do