Screen goes psychedelic when loading a game...?


Limp Gawd
Apr 18, 2006
I don't game anymore but recently I've noticed that a couple games that I do try to load make my screen turn to different colors in a streaked fashion. Is this the problem that 7900GT's were having when they first came out. I've never had any problems until recently with this. I'm up to date on drivers.
This seems to be a common problem with 7900gts and Vista. A lot of people including me have trouble changing resolutions in games since we get the same display errors you described. I dont believe that there is a fix for this as the new drivers have not solved the problem and in some cases make the problem worse. Some people say using an overclocking program to set different clock speeds solves the problem. Another solution is to try to warranty it and hope you get a different model replacement. Here is a link to a thread with people with the same problem as it seems to affect 7900gt regardless of brand.
Thanx for the help. I've sent an email to a XFX service tech.
I was looking through the warranty info since I'd purchased the card over a year ago. Thankfully I registered the card as soon as I'd received it :cool:
We'll see how it goes and hope for the best.
I have the same issues and it kinda sucks.

I am also getting zero support from eVGA regarding this.

It is like the 6800gt and NF3 issue all over again for people that have last gen stuff and not getting support. Companies are blaming each other and saying it is not our problem talk to the other guy.

I received a reply from XFX tech support...

If this only appears through Vista, then we have a workaround to fix the diagonal lines showing up when changing resolutions. Please try adjusting the memory frequency up by 10MHz through a program Rivatuner or Ntune, whichever one you choose, and see if that fixes things. If so, then we have a BIOS fix that we can send you to make the fix permanent.

I will try it tonight and see if it works. However, I'm not quite sure if he meant to bump up the frequency only 10MHz or 10MHz at a time.
A semi effective work around is to change your monitor turn off time to 1min. The video corruption will fix itself once the vid card gets the vid off notice.

So for instance with Civ4;
Start game
Video corruption
Alt-tab back into windows while the video is still corrupted
Wait for DPMS mode to turn off monitor
Alt-tab back into now functioning game
I updated to the new beta drivers and did the 10mhz memory bump. Not sure which it was but the problem seems to be fixed!
It was the 10MHz that fixed it.
I updated to the new beta driver by itself and that did not fix.