*HOT* $99AR 2GB dual channel kit DDR & DDR2 - Fry's "day after xmas" sale

i just hope they dont run out of the ram and the r30 polks by late afternoon when i get home.

also, anyone know how well that ram will overclock, and if it would mix ok with 1gig of crucial?
I love near 3 fry's, im probably going to try to get 3 sets (bringing my gf and friend along). I Dont even need these, im going to sell them for a littel extra cash.
PM me if you dont live near a Fry's and I will try my hardest to get you some (after I get mine). I'll go in grab a few with friends (who dont need it). Let me know probably can only do this for two people.
Uh is there going to be huge mongerfest outside the store like blackfriday? Or is this not exceptional enough to warrant a camp out fest for most people? I wont go if there will be a long ass line early in the morning!
Dear god, us Michigan'ers and East Coast got the shaft.When your little state breaks off and floats away though...mwhahahahah. :p

I think I'm gonna go for the OCZ on outpost though.
Went to Fry's this AM and the Corsair 3200 is a package of Value Ram

I passed since I bought a pair of Gskill for 180 off NewEgg
I just bought a pair of this ram. Does Value Ram sucks? Will it work good on games BF2?
god I wished there was a Fry's close to me as I would have been on this

glad a few people got in on it though :) enjoy :)
XLeezardx said:
I just bought a pair of this ram. Does Value Ram sucks? Will it work good on games BF2?
Value Ram is pretty good and stable (from the good companies, i.e. Corsair, Kingston, etc.). You just won't be able to overclock (much or at all sometimes).
I got back from fry's about an hour ago. The line was pretty long 5 minutes before store opening when i got there. All i wanted was the $10 toaster oven and $48AR Samsung laser printer. That only took 10 minutes to get and check out. By 7:15am i was at home eating breakfast. :p
I was about to have someone I know in CA grab the RAM for me when I realized it was just CL3. Passed on that one.
I went to the Frys in houston and got my 2 gb 3200. They had them instock when i went there 30 minutes ago. Glad I went to houston for the holidays instead of staying in NJ.
OK to the comment about it being value ram...hmmm
Maybe your reffering to this:


But if I go $180 then I'm gonna go $199 and get this:


As for the Corsair memory it ran in my Asus mobo at 1T for 1 hr. (not really enough but a good sign.) Switched it over to my friends box and testing it there for maybe 5 hrs. We had to remove the security sticker on his e-machine (barf) so I wanted to make sure the ram was good before we 'tampered' and voided warranty. lol, he's reading while I type. He's an idiot :). He wants me to type that I'm the idiot ...but I won't. Sigh Christmas is a time for family and annoying friends. hehe. (ouch punch in arm) I don't think he understands this could turn into a breakdance fight!

Overall, I still think its a good deal. Hey when you need memory you gotta decide on the $ your willing to spend.
bought some and threw it in my ic7-g. got past the ~270fsb brickwall i was getting with my expensive ocz ch-5 ram. no asyc issues here, running stable at 280fsb now... will push later.
vibe said:
One of my friends that used to live out west was telling me how the local fry's has marble columns and nice carpet and all. Weirdness!

Not to mention a hundred cash registers and a centrally placed deli cafe with a b&n sized newstand next to it. Being practically raised by a Fry's store all your life (it started out as a small supermarket chain btw), you tend to forget what life would be like without one. I'm curious if any of you haven't actually seen actual pictures of one. For some reason, I was reading the tidbit on Fry's history and now I want to see all the themes other Fry's stores have.
the line was pretty long in houston, i was about 50 people back, but i was only #2 in line to get the salesman to write me up, the line got long quick after the first few minutes
To all those that don't live near a Fry's, why not just order it from the link in the first post? The deal is good online too.
Deal is now online @ $140, you just have to add to cart to see new price!
I got to the frys in Downers Grove il at around 9 today, it wasn't really crowded at all.

Picked up the 3200 and the seagate 300 gig drive ($69 AR).

Installed the ram, system kept restarting at 245, so dropped to 220. So far so good. Been at it for about 2 1/2 hours with no problems at all.

I might be able to go higher, but i'm also running 512 of corsair twin x in this machine, and I think my MB is holding it back (asus a8v deluxe).

I'm sure for the uberl33t overclockers this stuff is junk, but if you're not trying to push it to hell and back it is worth the $99 AR.

I only WISH I could pull 280 on this system.
Nitro_APBT said:
I got to the frys in Downers Grove il at around 9 today, it wasn't really crowded at all.

Picked up the 3200 and the seagate 300 gig drive ($69 AR).

Installed the ram, system kept restarting at 245, so dropped to 220. So far so good. Been at it for about 2 1/2 hours with no problems at all.

I might be able to go higher, but i'm also running 512 of corsair twin x in this machine, and I think my MB is holding it back (asus a8v deluxe).

I'm sure for the uberl33t overclockers this stuff is junk, but if you're not trying to push it to hell and back it is worth the $99 AR.

I only WISH I could pull 280 on this system.

Yank your 512MB modules and tell us what happens
does anyone know if they have any good deals on external or internal hd? i dont feel like driving 10 min to find out lol .
i live in houston was thinking about dropping by after helping my dad......long line eh?....im sure its nothing compared to black friday.
vibe said:
No the deal is $50 higher online and therefore not hot.

not today it isnt


sku # items:
qty unit price ext price
4705569 DDR2 2GB PC4200 (533MHz) Dual Channel Kit (2x1gb) Corsair Value Select VS2GBKIT533D2 1 $139.99 $139.99
subtotal $139.99


tax $11.39
Ground Shipping
(via Airborne Express) $6.93


total $158.31

minus $40 rebate

they also have 300gb PATA HD for $75 a/r today

t0mmyr said:
I was like, oh shit it is, I am getting it

but then.. saw the MIR... motherfucker...
now i really have to decide on going for it or not... I have refrained from buying anything with a MIR that is not a good deal in teh first place. Cause either I am lazy and don't send it in, or never get teh damn thing if I do..... so... hmm...... is it worth it to me at the moment.. hmm...

damnit, that is DDR2... I need the DDR....
I haven't found it yet... looking...

ahh sweet, thanks to the next poster :D
ADD TO CART FOR $140 price!!!

4700789 2GB PC3200 DDR Dual Channel Kit (2x1GB)
Corsair Value Select VS2GBKIT400C3, Lifetime Warranty
1 $139.99 $139.99
subtotal $139.99

tax $0.00
2nd Day Shipping
(via Airborne Express) $9.05

total $149.04
I just ordered mine from here
when you add it to the cart, the price drops to $139
I got mine for $155.85 shipped. Awesome deal even if the rebate doesn't come for a while
frumper15 said:
I just ordered mine from here
when you add it to the cart, the price drops to $139
I got mine for $155.85 shipped. Awesome deal even if the rebate doesn't come for a while

Apparently you use Intel ;) DDR2!
$100 DDR2 deals come and go, the DDR is the hotness here...
well I said fuck it, and bit :D

sku #

qty unit price ext price
4700789 2GB PC3200 DDR Dual Channel Kit (2x1GB) Corsair Value Select VS2GBKIT400C3, Lifetime Warranty 1 $139.99 $139.99
subtotal $139.99

tax $0.00
2nd Day Shipping
(via Airborne Express) $9.05

total $149.04
I got to our local Frys @ 4:30am..was #1 and by 5:30 there was around 70 people in line, @ 7am a couple of hundred.

I went just for the ram


I'm running Asus p4c800-e deluxe w/3.4 [email protected] (225FSB)
had Corsair CMX512-4000 x2 and added
Corsair VS1GB400C3 x2 for a 3 gig total.
Was able to o/c to 225FSB on the value ram (keep same config as before adding value ram) and keep timing at 1.1.

3 gigs fast stable..well worth the early morning wait
I have tried to add the PC3200 DDR1 and the PC4200 DDR2 to my cart.
Neither will add.

The PC3200 DDR1 is listed as $189.99 - $40.00 MIR for $149.99, not $139.99 - $40.00

THE PC4200 DDR2 is listed as $139.99 - $40.00 MIR for $99.99

This is online at outpost.com mind you.
raz-0 said:
you could do a stag upper from AIM surplus for $475, then hit up del-ton for a stag lower with an arfx stock, RRA 2stage trigger, and an ambi sure-grip ergo grip for another $340.

That gives you a decent rifle with flip up rear sight, decent trigget, and a nice stock and grip for a touch over $800. You could go for cheaper trigger and stock, but they are worth the cash if you ask me.

Anyone else think this is a coded message from one of Bin Laden's boys in Al-Qaeda? How much ram does
your assult rifle take?
unterhausen said:
Anyone else think this is a coded message from one of Bin Laden's boys in Al-Qaeda? How much ram does
your assult rifle take?

more likely a case of tabbed browsing/reply gone bad.