At CES, The Tech Report got a private demo of a prototype Vive headset with Tobii eye tracking baked in. The demo starts with an accurate setting of interpupillary distance, which with today's headsets is a bit of guesswork. After that came several demos, including robots that could tell when...
I don't expect to see a lot of traffic on this thread, as the number of us that have TPCast units is likely pretty small, but I'm wondering if anyone else has been experiencing connectivity issues with their TPCast/Vive or TPCast/Rift combinations?
Some background on my setup, I'm running the...
Stupid question, but my htc vive came with two blue stickers. Do they serve any purpose for IR tracking? When I googled htc vive stickers I came across a reddit thread about recentering stickers in the wands?
If the info has already been posted my apologies, but the whole screen door/off center lense effect from “New Year’s” to a clear and easily readable “Resolution” makes me think something new/upgrades may be heading our way.
Got a few steam gift cards for christmas and wanted to see what others recommendation for non-wave shooters for the Vive..
Got fallout 4 vr and enjoying it but what else is out there that is a good non-wave shooter type game (locomotion seems to be the #1 issue right now with creating that epic...
Many of us VR fans have seen the worlds of mixed reality or alternate reality that very expensive products like Microsoft's HoloLens can produce. Stereolabs is telling us that for a mere $450 more, we can turn our Vive or Rift headset into a device that is capable of delivering a real AR...
Thrustmaster T.16000M FCS HOTAS
I recently bought this HOTAS as my overall pick of the market. It was designed in conjunction with Elite: Dangerous, which didn't really sell me on the stick, but did sell me on Elite this weekend while I was looking for something else to test the HOTAS with...
Just, like, my opinions man.
I really enjoyed my Vive but moving to the Rift w/ Touch has been a profound improvement in every way.
The touch controllers are dramatically better than the Vive. The thumbsticks are the reason I moved in the first place for the game I primarily play and I hate...
Current Rift / Vive owners, will you pick up a Windows VR unit too? Yea or nay and why?
I'm thinking about grabbing one of the higher resolution Windows VR units. The extra pixels are supposed to be a solid visual upgrade over Rift / Vive. I plan to wait for Steam VR support first though.
If you are looking into buying a Vive for awesome VR gaming, HTC is looking to sweeten the deal with including a free Steam key for the yet-to-be-released Fallout 4 VR. If you already own a Vive, you can use your Fallout 4 VR purchase and get three months free to Viveport, which includes...
In a blog post today, HTC has announced it's dropping the price on the Vive by $200, down to $599 for "the foreseeable future." Also all VVive purchases will come with a free trial to "Viveport Subscription." The article also mentions that they are working on new tracker software and hardware...
Been out of the loop with VR and haven't kept up with the developments or what's happening. But last weekend I tried my brother-in-law's Vive room scale setup and loved it and the wife told me I could buy a system. I'm seeing the deep discounted Rift package and honestly don't know which way to... to some time to pose some questions to HTC's General Manager of Vive, Dan O'Brien, and Vice President of Global VR Content, Joel Brenton. It looks as if HTC is happy with its meeting its first year targets with early VR adopters and are happy where things are going outside of...
I already have a VIVE and have a RIFT bundle on the way from Amazon Prime day bundle.
I was playing around with some older hardware, and just for fun, thought I would try VR using some stuff I had laying around.
Asrock Z87e ITX MB
Intel G3258 CPU 3.2 GHZ stock ($50 or so)
8GB DDR3 1600
Im hoping to leap into VR within the next 3-4 months once I have the cash saved up but I'm torn as to what I want to get. I mainly want to be able to either play sitting or standing but room scale would be awesome, and now that VR is starting to get some actual games like fallout 4 it feels like...
Palmer Luckey, founder of Oculus, who was forced to leave Facebook (which purchased Oculus) for his right-leaning political views, has now joined forces with Revive. Revive is a "hack" that allows HTC Vive owners to play "Oculus only" VR content. It was birthed by Jules Blok who is currently...
MSI VR ONE - Wireless VR Backpack Review - The MSI VR ONE is quite simply a full PC that comes in the form of a backpack that allows you to connect your HTC Vive for a "wireless" VR experience. This VR ONE unit packs a GTX 1070 laptop GPU to hopefully supply us with the needed 90 frames per...
We have not been shy about saying that VR is going to change the world, and while we here at HardOCP tend to obviously focus on VR gaming, the technology is going to extend into many different elements in our daily lives. Long time HardOCP reader, The_Heretic, was kind enough to share this news...
...the HTC Vive Deluxe Audio Strap that is. I have had a calendar reminder set up for a week or two now to check the HTC Vive site for its new Vive Deluxe Audio Strap, and to my amazement, there it was for sale this morning. I grabbed one for review, but it looks like if you did not get while...
Hopefully we can expect some sort of variant of this WiGig (Wireless Gigabit) HTC Vive headset in the first half of 2018. I have spent countless hours with the Vive headset on, and I can assure you, that while the wired headset in manageable, if I could go wireless, I certainly would. The huge...
We are big on VR around here, no matter the naysayers. And one thing we have found out is that when it comes to high-end VR graphics, it takes a metric buttload of GPU power to pull off amazing VR visuals in the HMD. Foveated rendering is a technique that can greatly increase VR graphics...
pre-order link to microsoft store
$99 release date 6/5
I'm more interesting in learning about what non gaming apps you guys use in VR (Rift/Vive).
And please don't say porn, I know many of you came here to write that ;)
So far as I know besides gaming VR can be used for:
Google Earth
Space exploration
Movies (including porn)...
Click-bait title, maybe, but it's how I'm feeling after about 2 hours screwing around with a Samsung Gear VR and a Galaxy S7 Edge. Mind you this is the original model which I found on clearance locally for $25; at that price I figured why not? The S7 Edge isn't on the officially supported list...
No matter how often we the consumer tell them we hate it, hardware vendors and content providers just can't seem to resist the temptation to enter into exclusivity deals locking out customers who just don't happen to have the right combination of hardware. It's as if they've forgotten that the...
Just moved my pc to the livingroom for an htpc tv vive setup. Have a second zone with an avr and monitor at my desk. There have been setup headaches but everything is pretty much working.
However there have been a few things I haven't found good solutions for and would like some advice rather...
I haven't gotten the chance to try out a vive. I'm curious about IQ between the two. I know that they use different style lenses and from what I hear the vive doesn't suffer from the godrays which I find by far the most annoying thing about my rift. White text on a black background looks...
So I finally got a Vive and 1080 Ti. Totally worth it.
I found the steam frame time tool, GPU is a pretty solid 7-8ms and cpu is like 3-4ms in about everything. Looks like I can turn this thing up a little (y)
I like Serious Sam a lot because the graphics settings work like a PC title, but...
Picked up My Vive today. Waiting on the mail on a Ti. So I set up my over head cable system. Works great but it does eventually tangle. covers the whole 14' x 10' . Keeps cable behind you at all times, never hits your arms either. it is at 8' 8" high , it could have been lower but hides...
Being that most interactive VR warriors have opted for the HTC Vive system over the Oculus, you were likely sad to hear that Robo Recall was going to be an Oculus exclusive title. Well, rejoice, as that exclusivity has ended for those of us that are willing to get our hands a bit dirty. And on...
I think we can all agree that unlike in the 90's when Virtual Reality first became a buzzword, VR today is pretty damned cool. One of the problems preventing it from really gaining as much traction as it should has been the rather steep up front cost. First you need a $800 headset, and then...