
  1. B

    To wait or buy now?

    I really want a Vive. It seems that V2 could posses a lot of nifty and worthwhile updates but rumors project a 2018 release. What do you guys recommend?
  2. bluesynk

    So I finally got to demo a vive

    So I finally made it to the Microsoft store to try it out. I have a gear vr and I've done my homework, so I knew what to look for. Low fov low res screen door. Yep it was all true. As soon as the game started none of it mattered. I was no longer looking through a screen door. Fov was infinite...
  3. L

    Vr pc purchase vs upgrade help needed.

    Hey, I need help with either upgrading a build I have, or purchasing a new pc... or maybe a whole new build that will run VR. I found this PC that also has a bundle version that includes the Oculus headset on amazon...
  4. cageymaru

    Valve is Developing Three Full Games for VR

    Eurogamer covered a media event at the Valve offices where Gabe Newell announced that Valve is ready to start creating new software to go with the VR hardware that they have released. He goes on to announce that Valve is developing three full games; not experiments for VR. These games will...
  5. bluesynk

    Can't decide 1070 or cf 480 for VR?

    I'm almost ready to jump into vr. I built my pc with it in mind (6600k z170mx) just needed some graphics. I was pretty sure I wanted to go with a 1070. Right price range on top of a Vive. Price on the 480s have dropped to where i can get 2 for $300 (4 gig) or $400 (8 gig). I'm thinking 8...
  6. C

    Prepar3D v3.4 (MS FS) now w/ built in VR support

    Just a heads up to anyone using flight sims with the Rift or Vive. Lockheed Martin added built in support for the Rift and Vive in their Prepar3d (P3D) flight sim. This is the spiritual successor of MS Flight Sim but has been revamped. You can change between the monitor and VR HMD with a...
  7. H

    Vive Tracker Shown At CES 2017

    HTC took the wraps off its Vive Tracker at CES 2017. According to the video we've embedded below, the Vive Tracker is a small device that allows you to put real world objects into the virtual world.
  8. D

    My Only Experience of VR is With Samsung GearVR

    My only experience with VR is using my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge with 1st and 2nd generation GearVR (Consumer editions) headsets.I find the GearVR low cost, highly portable and pretty powerful with a lot of potential. I've never actualy used a Vive or Rift before and was wondering how much better...
  9. D

    What should I upgrade

    i purchased a htc vive for my son for Xmas His system is an i7 3.2ghz, 8 gig, SSD, 290x video card. He hasn't mentioned any issues with his VR but I wonder if it would look even better with in particular a video card upgrade. I've only personally tried a Star Wars demo. If I were to upgrade...
  10. H

    Can You VR On A Laptop?

    It's easy to say your product is VR capable but, as we've seen in our testing time and again, that isn't always the case. That's why the crew at VR Jive decided to take the MSI GE62VR laptop out for a spin to see how well it handled VR gaming.
  11. H

    No Vive 2 At CES, HTC Confirms

    HTC has just put all those rumors of a Vive 2 announcement at CES to rest today. The company told UploadVR that it is focusing on "building out a strong and growing ecosystem" for the current Vive and has no plans to make a Vive 2 announcement at this time. HTC confirmed to UploadVR that it...
  12. H

    TPCAST Wireless Vive Kit Review

    If you are a Vive owner you'll no doubt want to check out this review of the TPCAST wireless unit over at UploadVR. How do you test a wireless adapter for a VR headset? Have a gymnast do back flips while playing a game. I'm not kidding. :D I wonder how well this would work with our VR...
  13. H

    The Dark Side of VR

    Remember those pods in the first Matrix movie? Well, that's where VR is taking us. Want to know how? Strap on our tinfoil covered headsets and click the link (red pill) and see just how deep the rabbit hole goes. But as the tech industry continues to build VR’s social future, the very systems...
  14. Q

    Touch, Rift, and Vive working on same PC

    This thread over on OCUK may be of interest to those who use VR.
  15. FrgMstr

    Drunkn Bar Fight VR Game Giveaway

    Drunkn Bar Fight VR Game Giveaway Post ONCE in this thread to enter the chance to win one Drunkn Bar Fight Steam Game Code. You do need a fair large room space to play this game, so keep that in mind. You can find the Drunkn Bar Fight Guide at the link.
  16. H

    Can You Do VR On A Budget PC?

    Is it possible to do VR on a budget? John Gatt over at VR Jive set out to see if it was possible to build a budget system for VR gaming and, from what I can tell, he seems more than a little pleased with his findings. To test the experiences and games I have on the HTC Vive I wanted to come up...
  17. H

    Black Friday & Cyber Monday Deals for Vive

    What's that you say? You've been enjoying our VR performance reviews so much that you want to pick up a Vive of your own? Good news! According to the Vive blog you can get $100 off a Vive on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. There is also a 50% off sale that is running through the weekend. Hit the...
  18. MavericK

    Doom 3 BFG VR Mod

    Apparently this is the hot new thing on the Vive - Doom 3 VR mod. I haven't tried it yet but it looks fairly cool. Video:
  19. A

    Anyone share experiences of using a 970 with the Vive?

    Even though some lower cards are the minimum specs, from all these reviews, seems like the 1070 should really be the decent minimum. I have a MSI 970 4GB card, Trying to get a sense how it will work out in the real world, or should I consider a new GPU as part of the Vive decision?
  20. MavericK

    Vive Wireless Kit Coming soon...$220 and 1.5 hour battery life with a larger pocket battery coming later. Thoughts? Personally getting rid of the cable is not worth $220 to me, and the battery life of abysmal. But it's progress and I can appreciate that.
  21. FrgMstr

    React Lab Test Cut

    Tell me what you guys think about this format.
  22. H

    The Mods and Teams From The VR Funhouse Game Jam

    For all you VR enthusiasts out there, Epic is showcasing the mods from the most recent VR Funhouse Game Jam. The best part? VR Funhouse is free and all the mods listed on the page can be downloaded from the game's workshop page. Don't know anything about VR Funhouse? You can see our VR...
  23. H

    Accounting VR Game For Free

    If you like free games and you have a HTC Vive, you should probably fire up Steam and grab this game called Accounting for free. In case you were wondering, it's a VR game about know, like numbers and stuff. The game has a "Very Positive" rating from over 287 reviews. Not...
  24. H

    New HTC Vive Controllers In The Wild

    More images of the in-development next-gen Vive controllers have popped up on Twitter. What do you guys think of the new design?
  25. MavericK

    Accounting - free experience by Rick and Morty creator

    Like Rick and Morty? Play this shit! It's free! Short but good.
  26. MavericK

    John Wick Chronicles - Coming Feb. 2017 to Vive

    This has definitely caught my attention. Might just be something like a wave shooter (not really clear at this point), but graphically looks very good and I loved John Wick.
  27. H

    HTC Vive Helps Legally Blind Man See Clearly For The First Time

    This is really a great story. Hopefully HTC hears about this and sends the guy a Vive for "medicinal purposes." At least that way the guy wouldn't have to make trips all the way to London just to get a 15 - 20 minute VR demo. :cool: Soar suffers from a hereditary eye condition known as...
  28. W

    initial thoughts

    finally got my vive hooked up - WOW! incredibly immersive. even standing in the vive portal with my fear of heights tested me a bit. i looked up how to enable super sampling and that line is not in my steamvr.vrsettings file. maybe b/c i only played demos? lightsaber deal was closest to a...
  29. RushFan

    Vive and AsMedia USB

    I have an Asus X99 Deluxe II motherboard running Win 10 Anv update. The M/B uses the AsMedia USB controller and I have had nothing but trouble tracking the Vive headset and controllers. They are constantly losing tracking. I found an few posts on reddit about tracking problems and bought the...
  30. W

    Viveport sale

    Anything worth grabbing off their launch deals? Some of it looks pretty cool for the $.
  31. MavericK

    VR Games Worth a Second Look

    Hey guys, Found this article today and thought it had some really good recommendations, based on my experience. These are games that have been good for awhile, but have undergone some massive content updates and/or bug fixes and are in a much better state than when you may have first seen...
  32. H

    VR App Will Let You Draw in Mid-Air

    Gravity Sketch is a mixed reality 3D creation tool that allows you to draw in 3D and then export your drawing to a 3D printer or a program like SolidWorks. Here's the video from the company's Kickstarter page.
  33. H

    PlayStation Will Lead Premium VR Market

    Let's hope this doesn't come true. Those of you that have been following our GPU VR performance reviews know that doing VR right takes a good deal of GPU horsepower. This means that, in order for Sony’s PlayStation VR to become the "standard" VR titles are developed for, we'll once again be...
  34. H

    Valve Office Tour In Virtual Reality

    I think virtual reality tours like this will eventually be everywhere. It's kinda neat to be able to take a virtual tour of Valve's offices from the comfort of your own home and feel like you are actually there, wandering around their offices.
  35. H

    Vireo Perception 4a3 out Great little injector tool for vr. I used it a lot with my dk2 , just got my vive so I haven't checked it out yet but incase anyone wants to give it a spin
  36. H

    VR's Brookhaven Experiment Kicks Off AAA Push Into Casinos

    What do you guys think about VR games in casinos? Personally, I live in Las Vegas and I just don't see it becoming popular but then again, people will bet on damn near anything so who knows? "When you start the experience you basically choose a bet amount - I think right now it's $15, $25, and...
  37. H

    Lose Weight With This HTC Vive Workout

    Here's something you might not have thought about when it comes to playing room scale VR games. You can actually use games to get some exercise and have fun at the same time. Although we own an Oculus Rift, we use the HTC Vive here for our VR performance reviews because of the fact that it does...
  38. H

    Raw Data The First VR Game To Hit $1M In Sales In A Month

    Remember our VR performance guide using the game Raw Data last month? Well, it would seem that the game has gone on to become the first VR title to sell one million copies in a single month. If you want to know what kind of hardware it takes to get the best experience out of Raw Data, make sure...
  39. A

    Choosing between Rift and Vive...this should make it easier

    New Oculus update adds Facebook integration, real-names policy | ExtremeTech
  40. FrgMstr

    Cockroach VR Wife Experience
