Fallout 4 VR Included with HTC Vive Purchase at $599


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
If you are looking into buying a Vive for awesome VR gaming, HTC is looking to sweeten the deal with including a free Steam key for the yet-to-be-released Fallout 4 VR. If you already own a Vive, you can use your Fallout 4 VR purchase and get three months free to Viveport, which includes rolling access to over 250 VR titles.

Check out the video.

Register your interest now to pre-order a Fallout 4 VR Steam Key (while supplies last) and you'll get three FREE months of Viveport Subscription. All we need is your email address. We'll contact you in November with a link to complete your purchase of Fallout 4 VR, when you’ll also get three free months of Viveport Subscription.
Tempting. If we could get a few more Fallout 4 quality VR titles and I may just have to buy something like this.
Tempting. If we could get a few more Fallout 4 quality VR titles and I may just have to buy something like this.
I'd say it's already a pretty damn good reason, with Doom VFR coming soon after.

The AAA era of VR has begun. And despite all the flak Bethesda gets about CC and paid mods, they have to be commended for breaking the vicious cycle of AAA publishers waiting around for the VR market to develop before they jump in - while the VR market can't fully develop UNTIL they jump in.

Fallout 4 VR is incredibly significant for the VR space. Can't wait to play, can't wait for the [H] review!
Not really holding my breath for it... early reviews as to the demos don't sound all that encouraging and then there's the fact that Fallout 4 overall wasn't all that great a game to begin with. Charging the full price for the VR makeover (to those that already paid for and own Fallout 4) is also somewhat of a lame move/cash grab.

They really should have just gone after a $19 VR upsell instead. Going to take a wait and see approach on this one. I do hope it's successful though and it helps drive more VR support in AAA titles.

A refresh of Skyrim with full native VR support built-in along with some new content would be way more up my alley. (I know the VR support there is also in the works...)
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They really should have just gone after a $19 VR upsell instead. Going to take a wait and see approach on this one. I do hope it's successful though and it help drive more VR support in AAA titles.

The problem is that the cost to re-create the game in VR is going to cost so much that a $19 upsell wouldn't cover their costs. As far as I understand, they basically have to re-create it all from scratch. This isn't a crappy port. If I'm mistaken, I'd love to hear it.
The problem is that the cost to re-create the game in VR is going to cost so much that a $19 upsell wouldn't cover their costs. As far as I understand, they basically have to re-create it all from scratch. This isn't a crappy port. If I'm mistaken, I'd love to hear it.

I seriously doubt this VR version is being created from "scratch". Sure, there are new assets to develop/contend with and the user interface is pretty much a revamp, but the bulk of the game, it's engine, content, etc. is all being recycled. And, whatever they build/develop will most certainly be leveraged in the Skyrim VR effort not to mention any other new titles they develop, so it's not like these are throw away assets / sunk costs on a single title that they'll need to recover immediately.
458 hours in FO4. I own an OR and can't think for the life of me why I would want to play it in VR. I know I'm against the grain but games are awful in VR.
458 hours in FO4. I own an OR and can't think for the life of me why I would want to play it in VR. I know I'm against the grain but games are awful in VR.

How about for entertainment? What are the usual reasons you play games for?
How about for entertainment? What are the usual reasons you play games for?

The point was that VR doesn't add anything to a game like FO4. There is a point where "Moar Immersion" isn't an improvement. Sure it is cool as F for about 30 minutes. Then it becomes tedious as your neck starts hurting and head starts getting hot from all that shit strapped on it.
458 hours in FO4. I own an OR and can't think for the life of me why I would want to play it in VR. I know I'm against the grain but games are awful in VR.

I guess I’m not on board at all with your generalization of “but games are awful in VR”. Games not designed for VR can be awful in VR, especially if it's just a hacked on mess with little to no thought expended as to locomotion and interface adaptation for VR, but have you ever played Lone Echo?

That game is utterly amazing in VR. And if you own a Rift + Touch, stop reading now and go buy it immediately and play it. (No, Seriously!!!)

For a game actually designed with VR in mind, the gaming experience can be truly phenomenal. How about Pavlov, Onwards, Robo Recall, Elite Dangerous, etc? Or are you saying that you don’t like any VR games, full stop?
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