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    PC restarting randomly (video card?)

    its a mystery
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    Restaurant Uses iPads For Menus

    This is effing genius and you know this will start a trend that anyone in the restraunt business wishes they had adopted earlier, or thought of first. WITH that said... Im not so sure the price will be worth the whole change.
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    Intel Core i5 Captured in the Wild

    Now we just need some performance benchs.
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    Old PC part: AMD 939, Geforce 4's, etc.

    What else do you have?
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    FS : Q9650 $290 shipped (U.S. only )

    What is wrong with it? Why areyou selling such a good/new cpu? :confused:
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    Spy Photos

    seems pretty cool to me. I would buy the case not so sure the whole computer...
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    good overclock for AMD 64 X2 4800 ?

    set your memory default speed to 166 and not 200 that gives 34 mhz of overclocking the bus before your ram is at normal 200mhz speed... and if you had it 220 with the ram 1:1 you can bet on it being good for near that much over the 34mhz fsb overclock. With no access to the HT link settings...
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    good overclock for AMD 64 X2 4800 ?

    my x2 was totally stable at 2.6 (3800x2) This was with a cheap water cool setup... I could boot at 2.7 but it was not stable at all. this was using an nforce 4 based board. I also stuck a much larger cooler on the NB and believe that helped with the very high fsb i was using.
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    EVGA 8800GTX 339.99 (MIR)

    excellent find ~ I wonder if these deals are the way of the future to offload the current 8800 series before the 98xx drops.
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    10313 3DMark06 on eVGA 8800GT 512 [img]

    i think im only 11500 or so with my setup
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    High temps on a Manchester 3800+ X2?

    Mine ran below 40c under load at 2.6 with a higher vcore. (water though) Try removing the heatsink and cleaning off all thermal grease and take some fine sand paper to the top of the cpu and the bottom of the heatsink. reapply thermal grease ad try again.
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    Extraordinary OC and Temps E6750

    Mine is at 3.6 with 1.48 voltage. Boots at 3.8 with slightly more volts but is not stable. I think Im gonna have to find an intel based board to try.
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    GeForce 8800GTS Overclocks... What are you getting?

    Fully stable at 640 / 950 with ease. Also made a full 3dmark 06 run at 700mhz core with no issues. Very hot though at that setting.
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    Im interested in overclocking my 4200+

    200-400mhz of overclock
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    Cant get my CPU past 2.42

    my friend has a watercooled 4200+ which he only gets 2450mhz or so out of.
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    XBOX(360) Mods?

    yea know that site quite well. More curious about modchips and/or boot hacks similar to those for the regular xbox. Seems accessing the HD of an xbox is pretty easy using a PC now just hacking the dashboard! thanks anyhow
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    XBOX(360) Mods?

    Aside from firmware are there any other mods that can be done to XBOX-360's ? Just curious.
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    X2 - Un-Capped

    This thread is hilarious. :p
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    PHPNuke resources

    Thank you JAW
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    PHPNuke resources

    Where are some good places to find various downloads for PHPnuke? I use version 7.x on my site
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    Love your socket 754?

    im in
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    XBOX SoftMod site is up.

    I prefer the hard mod myself... But rather than pay for any old modchip i like to just close the correct points on the mobo and flash the TSOP with any bios of my choice. ussualy an X2 variant. I LOVE IT! woo Those new X3's are loooking cool though.. might be worth a purchase. As for the IDE...
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    XBOX SoftMod site is up.

    oh well.................................................. :D
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    XBOX SoftMod site is up.

    Just got the basic page up.. anyone interested in softmodding should find resources.
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    VIA K8M800 chipset ( Biostar K8VGA-M) - Overclocking help (bios has nothing...)

    Can anyone help me to get better results with this board? I recently purchased it along with a socket 754 A64 because it was cheap and I didnt feel like waiting to afford a better board. The bios has no voltage options for anything, I believe the problem to be the VIA chipset and no AGP/PCI...
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    How do you start a player vote-kick in CS"Source??????

    OMG This fucking kid is soo annoying me.. keeps vote kicking me because i use arabic characters in my name... thinks im hacking... omg ass his steam name is barky73 Flame his ass!@! :eek: :eek:
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    Maxtor DiamondMax 10 6B250R0 250GB Ultra ATA/133 7200RPM Hard Drive w/16MB Buffer

    have one sitting in my lap that overheated i presume and melted some of the contacts on the logic board. With a little bending and wiggling it worked but it quit again shortly after... Now the power connection molex is completely torn off thanks to my brilliant handy work. If only I were better...
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    Help on need for speed 2

    bring up the map.. i think its 'M' on the keyboard... if you have a dual analog controller with a D-Pad press the D-pad to the left side and it will bring up the map. Once opened any current objectives should be lit up on the map. The carlot will be a sea green color and it will say this on the...
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    Post your NFSU2 rides here

    here are my cars... sorry for the large files but its the broadband age. :D This is my favorite car as im sure it is for alot of you... I have tuned it and recorded a quarter mile time of 8.05sec @ 170.3mph wich took me like 4 hours to achieve. :p The RX-7 Here is the...
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    My 2800+ Barton Temperature is too hot.

    I have the same mobo (K7N2-L) I use a barton 2500+ and the temps are ussually closer to 50c under load.. I would double check the heatsink placement and if you didnt buy retail make sure your thermal grease is applied correctly. Also try downloading the PC ALERT 4 software from msi.. it...
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    Is this a good motherboard? MSI K7N2 Delta-L

    i have the said board and it was the best computer related 79$ ive ever spent.. Might even be cheaper yet now.. Works very well for me and my 2500+barton
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    SP2 Firewall won't leave me alone...

    Open the security center and on the left hand menu click "change the way security center alerts me" Once there uncheck the firewall..... -Joe
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    Coolermaster Jet 7 (Fan Only) + Swiftech MCX462 Heatsink Combo???

    the JEt 7 is louder than crap.. i mean really loud.. i hear its cooling isnt bad though
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    OCing my 2200+to 3200+??? This Can't Be

    not sure if your CPU fall in this category but many AMD cpus came factory unlocked for a short time during the climb to 3200+ and beyond
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    Need a new KT400a board with AGP/PCI bus lock or divider

    Ok what NF2 board is good.. I am thinkin of getting the MSI K7N2 Delta L
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    Need a new KT400a board with AGP/PCI bus lock or divider

    What is a good board that will allow me to limit the pci/agp bus in reflection of a higher bus? Price is no issue any board with these options is a candidate
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    Problem with using S-Video -> Composite converter for TV-Out

    enter bios setup and find CRT+TV option or something similiar to it in the bios..