GeForce 8800GTS Overclocks... What are you getting?

Blue Falcon said:
Much better, even the temperatures look about right now. In your other screenshot it was showing like 72C or something. I WISH I could get my 8800 to run at 72C under load, lol.

I retract my doubt and offer my congratulations...

I bet these babies would really benefit from some third party cooling....

Ghetto Mod
623/999 here rock solid....setting the fan via Rivatuner to 85% keeps my full load at 72c,right now we are in a cooler time, so summer would probably see about 5c higher.

3DM05 13,169

Games are flawless at this setting, although artifact tester errors will show up at 999mhz on the memory, with an occasional dot, nothing big. currently testing to see where that goes away....
yea my scores from last spring using 7900gt sli and a 3800X2 @ 2800 are about the same as my c2d at 3500 with 1 gts. so following the logic that the gts is supposed to be at least the equal of 7900gt sli, that means my X2 @ 2800 is equal to my c2d @ 3500. in 3dmark o5 at least.
...with Far Cry running looped demos at 1680x1050 w/ 4xAA and 16xAF, everything to "very high", for 6+ hours....PLUS 2 folding@home instances running....had fan speed set to 80%, and the thing never had a hitch nor did it ever get over 73c load temps on the gpu. My overclock is at 625/999 and that's where I am going to leave it. ATI Artifact tester will show a single error although I can't see it on the screen when it happens, and there are no sparklies or anything in any of the games. At all.

Man these cards are badass.......I am very happy with my GTS, it literally doubled my framerate in my newer games at the native resolution and I can turn on ALL the eye candy....even Quake4 holds a constant 60fps (using vsync) and is buttery smooth.
625/999 idles around 53 maxes at 80,

3dmark06 score is 10810

c2d e6600 @ 3.15
2 gig pc 8500 OCZ reaper
680i a1
I set mine to 665/1000, but that equates to actual clocks of:

675 core
1566 shader
1998 mem

Vista 3DMark06 score in sig
Check out me sig. :cool:

I might try to up my core/shader clocks to the next bracket, though I know I'm closing in on the limit at that point.
Took my BFG 8800GTS 320 OC from 550/800 to 625/900, AtiTool, 3Dmark and CSS gaming stable.

Figure it'll go higher, but ambient temps in room are high. I figure it's high enough for now.
eVGA 8800GTS 640mb
A3 core

Core: 648
Shader: 1512
Memory: 945

77* Ambient Temperature
Fan@ 74%

58* Idle
80* Load
2d: 297/756/1008 ~52c (fan auto)
3d: 648/1620/1008 ~78-79 under heeaaavy load. Normally around 75c when gaming. (A3 core.)

Inno3d geforce 8800 GTS 640mb (I really love this card, very quiet and good overclocker)
Mine runs fine at 600/900, but most of the time I run it at 540/835. It's not like it is slow at that speed, and it stays a bit cooler.

anything higher than 690 core, and it freezes up. 690 is fine though, played cd2 for hours, no probs.
On my GTS 640:


Memory could probably go higher. Honestly, the overclock was so easy I thought I was cheating.
On my GTS 640:


Memory could probably go higher. Honestly, the overclock was so easy I thought I was cheating.

I feel the same way. :cool:

Well, except there is nothing easy about modding a case for an internal watercooling install as your first WC loop experience. :eek:

I obviously got it done, but it was not "easy", exactly...
Amazing how much variance there is in the cores. I had a rev 2 8800GTS 320 that ran in the upper 70s at stock speed/stock fan speed, lower to mid 90s in games until I pegged the fan to 100%, at which point temps were still upper 60s at idle / upper 80s in games. I could overclock about 10% though.

Just traded it for another rev 2 8800GTS, but this time a 640 mb. At stock fan speeds, temps are 60 at idle / 80 max in game. Pegging the fan at 90% gets me 54 idle, 72 max I've seen in-game. Currently clocked at 652/925, with zero problems, and with temps that low I'm sure there's more headroom in there -- only installed it a couple hours ago so haven't pushed it hard as yet.
621/900 on mine current, haven't tried pushing the memory at all, if I find it is the bottleneck in games I'll push it some more, but its always running at that speed so didn't want to strain it.
Amazing how much variance there is in the cores. I had a rev 2 8800GTS 320 that ran in the upper 70s at stock speed/stock fan speed, lower to mid 90s in games until I pegged the fan to 100%, at which point temps were still upper 60s at idle / upper 80s in games. I could overclock about 10% though.

Just traded it for another rev 2 8800GTS, but this time a 640 mb. At stock fan speeds, temps are 60 at idle / 80 max in game. Pegging the fan at 90% gets me 54 idle, 72 max I've seen in-game. Currently clocked at 652/925, with zero problems, and with temps that low I'm sure there's more headroom in there -- only installed it a couple hours ago so haven't pushed it hard as yet.

I agree on the variability part. I bought an XFX (std clock) 8800GTS 640MB a few months ago that was (stock) 63 @ idle and 76C at load (3DMark06 a few times) on its stock cooler (before I switched it to water).

I just got my second card (the same XFX 8800GTS 640MB), and I am getting the components together for converting it to water cooling. The thing is, I let my roommate run it in his Alienware to see if he cares about getting an 8-series (and to make sure it wasn't DOA -> RMA). It gets 55C idle and 67C at load (again, a few runs of 3DMark06). I have high hopes for this second on on water, since the first does 675/1566/999 (the effective clocks you get when setting core/mem to 665/1000) all day long.
643MHz Core / 900MHz Memory, and it shows stable after 7 hours and 50 minutes, almost 8 hours. I did this using ATITool 0.27. The screenshot was taken approximately 2 minutes after stopping the artifact test, which showed 0 errors. It haven't crashed, or showed any abnormality in any game.


Whoa, this has really changed my experience.Before, I was able to get a good frame-rate in Call Of Duty 4, which was 40~50fps average using 1920x1080@max/0xAA. Now, I'm able to get the exact same frame rate with 1920x1080@max/2xAA. That little change in AA makes the game look so much better.
As far as Crysis goes, I tried to play it with 1920x1080@High/0xAA. Without the overclock I got 15~19fps, and With Overclock I got 20-24fps. Either way, both of them look too choopy for me, so I decided to stay with the overclock and play at 1920x1080@Medium/0xAA. With those settings, I get 35~45fps, which is a lot more fluid and enjoyable.
I'm waiting to get the time to find a good guide on how to overclock my CPU. After I find out how to do that, I might even squeeze more fps out of my games, and HOPEFULLY, be enough to allow me to change the settings in Crysis to HIGH, or at least somewhere in between.
I play at 615/1450/2000

I haven't stressed tested it outside of playing Crysis (stressful enough? ;)) Haven't tweaked the core enough to know its max and haven't tried to go above 1050 (or 2100) on memory.
702core 1782 shader 2308memory no Vmods yet on Air ,card is a lil more than year old and runs 8hours a day:DIve been working on my SM2.0 and SM3.0 scores and Bandwidth while keeping my (Cpu @3.48ghz =2700 cpu points)for all my bench marks from (10314 3Dmark 06@STOCK GTS settings) to the now 12219+Oced GTS setting and going for more! .Soon ill crank my Cpu back up to 3.61ghz where i can hit 13000+ with my X2.. I keep the Cpu @3.48ghz because im waiting for new pump.. going from 100gph to 300gph cools way better! Makes all the differance.:D

Note: GPU-Z wont display higher than (@1674 shader) due to a XP64bit bug . See how it dosnt show driver version and it displays the shader as if it were linked (@704/1674)...while using the Unlinked mode for shader in RivaTuner 2.06.

Just picked up an EVGA 320GTS from my local Microcenter this past weekend and started OCing with Rivatuner today since I can't seem to get ATI Tool to work. Looks like I'm stopping at 702/1674/1053. This gives 11700 in 3dmark06 with my rig listed in my sig, can't complain!

One weird thing someone might be able to shed some light on. I've noticed that about 20% of the time that I boot up, the card stays in 1x Link Width mode instead of 16x according to CPU-Z and I get really bad performance in games. A reboot fixes it usually, but it's weird that it happens randomly. Anyone seen that before?
Just picked up an EVGA 320GTS from my local Microcenter this past weekend and started OCing with Rivatuner today since I can't seem to get ATI Tool to work. Looks like I'm stopping at 702/1674/1053. This gives 11700 in 3dmark06 with my rig listed in my sig, can't complain!

One weird thing someone might be able to shed some light on. I've noticed that about 20% of the time that I boot up, the card stays in 1x Link Width mode instead of 16x according to CPU-Z and I get really bad performance in games. A reboot fixes it usually, but it's weird that it happens randomly. Anyone seen that before?

My old P5B Deluxe would do that when I had the NB or NB termination voltage above 1.45v. Play around with that and check for a fix.

My 8800GTS could hit 640/1030 ATI tool stable for 15+ minutes, never had problems in games either.
Mine's in sig I believe... eVGA 640MB A3 core that was ATi Tool stable at 675/whatever the shader core jumped to when linked/1998.
A3 rev, 675/1728/1044

11.9K in 3DMark06 in Vista, back when i was running XP i was scoring 12.6K :(
Ok Rivatuner is the correct Overclock, Gpu-Z dosnt show the Higher Shader clock because it will only show LINKED GPU/Shader speed Not UNLINKED when running XP64bit....

Im still overclocking this card for more:D Oh i also did small Vmod for GPU....ON AIR!


Fully stable at 640 / 950 with ease. Also made a full 3dmark 06 run at 700mhz core with no issues. Very hot though at that setting.
So, I guess I have just a bum card? I have mine at 576MHz, but it doesn't like a THING above it. I tried 594MHz earlier and it was artifacting like crazy, with yellow streaks covering the cube in ATI Tool's Artifact Tester.

Darn, I was hoping for at least 612MHz! :(

I have the fan at 100% and 4x120s in the side of the case. Temps are good, I hit 69C on load with the stock XFX cooler. Is there anything I can do, short of a voltage mod/new cooling?

650/950 with no artifacting in AtiTool - I run the fan at 77%, which keeps it below the noise threshold for my system, and it runs plenty cool for me - can't remember the actual temps.
My 640MB 8800GTS rev. A3 maxes out at 702 core, 2200 memory and 1836 shader stable. So far no Vmods and it is on water. With my aging S939 Opteron 165 My 3DMark06 score is 10243.

some of you guys are getting 700+ on the core. i just cant break 690, or it goes to crap. my temps are fine though, so thats not the problem.

oh well, i guess 690 isnt too bad.

BTW- im scoring 12775 in 3d mark '06 with this card. not too bad, eh?
Failed the artifact test overnight within about 2hrs , so i dropped the core down from 755 -> 740 and it passed fine!

Zotac 8800GTS 512MB

Anybody got a recommended cooler , want to bring my hard load ati tool tests down as it got upto about 62C
Failed the artifact test overnight within about 2hrs , so i dropped the core down from 755 -> 740 and it passed fine!

Zotac 8800GTS 512MB

Anybody got a recommended cooler , want to bring my hard load ati tool tests down as it got upto about 62C

Nice OC! Welcome to [H] you Rage veteran :p
Did an overnight ati tool test and it passed . Yet i play some cod 4 or oblivion and it doesn't like it , you get core artifacts in about 40mins of play indicating the core is too high. Then it froze up , so ati tool doesn't show everything :mad:

Anyhoo had to downlock it to 733/1030 even though my core temps never went over 63C during cod4 /oblivion gaming.