SP2 Firewall won't leave me alone...


Aug 14, 2004
Apologies beforehand for starting another SP2 thread. :rolleyes: I can't find anybody else that has this problem...

I have been having problems turning the SP2 firewall off. Well, not really, actually the problem is that when I do turn it off (right now I'm using Sygate Personal Firewall), Windows Security Alerts nags me everytime Windows starts up, despite me telling the Security Center not to monitor my firewall settings.

Actually, I also noticed that if I turn the firewall on, then reboot, it will inform me that the firewall is off again. :confused: I am restarting properly, so that's not the problem.

Anyone have similar problems, or at least some thoughts? I think I'll try uninstalling it, then reinstalling.
I know that Sygate 5.5 does not get picked up by windows security center, but if you tell security center you will moniter it yourself it should go away, any other Sygate users experience this?
START>RUN> type in "msconfig" hit enter
Under the "SERVICES" tab, uncheck "Security Center"

now that stupid Windows shield thing won't pop up on start up and it won't annoy you anymore.
Open the security center and on the left hand menu click "change the way security center alerts me"

Once there uncheck the firewall.....

SP2 seem to cram this shit down your trought...

Mine keeps telling me autoupdates is off, ....(not shit...i say to my self)
Unfortunately in my case, even if I told Security Center not to bother me anymore, since I run my own firewall, it would after about two or three reboots. It seems that in my case Security Center just has a hard time "remembering" things. Anyway, Security Center is run as a service, so I found it in services.msc and switched it to "manual" then stopped it. I still have to reboot to see if it works. If not, maybe setting the service to "disabled"...

I guess it's not a big deal having that stupid red shield in the taskbar, but I don't like having extraneous crap on my desktop, or computer in general. :)
Directions posted here for removing the nag.

Just to reiterate: stop disabling services and editing the registry for such a simple issue. Windows makes it easy to turn off.

Anyone telling you that disabling a service or editing the registry is the way to handle the nag problem is woefully inexperienced with SP2.
Gotta agree with GreNME on this one. If there's a simple way to disable just what you want, do it that way. Many services depend on other apps and services, and vice versa. You may solve one problem, but if it creates 2 other problems, your not getting anywhere.
flobadon said:
Unfortunately in my case, even if I told Security Center not to bother me anymore ... it would after about two or three reboots.

Gren, I don't know how many times I tried your guide with no success. I'm not saying your guide is wrong, because it isn't, but for some reason in my case it didn't work. I'm not by any means telling anyone to disable services, that's their call.

EDIT: Agreed. So far I'm not seeing any ill effects from having the service stopped. I'd sooner deal with the nag then stop a service that was required for my system to run properly.
flobadon said:
Gren, I don't know how many times I tried your guide with no success. I'm not saying your guide is wrong, because it isn't, but for some reason in my case it didn't work. I'm not by any means telling anyone to disable services, that's their call.

EDIT: Agreed. So far I'm not seeing any ill effects from having the service stopped. I'd sooner deal with the nag then stop a service that was required for my system to run properly.
What other services have you stopped or other tweaks have you done? If it isn't working, then something is interfering and resetting it. That is what you need to track down, because disabling services is just a band-aid and not treating the problem.
GreNME said:
Directions posted here for removing the nag.

Just to reiterate: stop disabling services and editing the registry for such a simple issue. Windows makes it easy to turn off.

Anyone telling you that disabling a service or editing the registry is the way to handle the nag problem is woefully inexperienced with SP2.

thats the thing, im doing exactly that, and it keeps reenabeling itself...
bob_the_frog said:
Open the security center and on the left hand menu click "change the way security center alerts me"

Once there uncheck the firewall.....


That's what I did.
You guys aren't getting it. It's not about stopping the firewall from resetting itself, because that is not default behavior with SP2. There is something going on that is causing the settings to default back, and that is where you need to search for the problem, not with trying to (practically arbitrarily) turn off services.

For example: what services have you personally disabled? Have you found out if any other firewall you have, if running one, is interfering with or turning on any services? What messages are in your event log, since resetting something is sure to put up a message, even if just one for restarting it.

These are important questions that are being dodged when you just keep trying to shut stuff down without finding out why.