Post your NFSU2 rides here

tylerhskate said:

Sweet ride, but I think you need new tires. Otherwise the ride "might" be a bit bumpy.
in the game, my miata with all the mods beats the tt with all the mods..... on the dyno

and in the game it handles much better.... hmmmm
Corporal79 said:
Anyone know what you have to do to unlock the mustang? I'd like to upgrade from my Tiburon

You unlock cars and progress in the game by completely the URL races. Each time you win those, a new car is unlocked. Also, as you complete your sponser contracts, you unlock more cars.

Few other things i learned...

When you tune your car for circuit, thats what carries over into explore mode.

If you skip an upgrade package, make sure you go back to "individual parts" and buy the parts you skipped, or you won't be making the most power you could. Some parts (like fuel filter in level1) will give you more power if you go back and buy it individually, if you skip over it by completely bypassing level 1 upgrades, so make sure you go back and get it. On the same note, other parts will downgrade your car, so make sure you read the message when you try to buy it.

I've found this game is MUCH easier to play with a controller or wheel. They keyboard just doesn't give you enough control, but it'll work if that's all you have.

The more shops you find, the more parts you unlock. (find a body shop, more apperance items show up..etc)

That's about all I can think of for now. I dont care a whole lot for the ricing and some of the cars, but I'm hoping EA makes an american muscle version of this game someday.
W.O.T. Stang said:
That's about all I can think of for now. I dont care a whole lot for the ricing and some of the cars, but I'm hoping EA makes an american muscle version of this game someday.

I'd buy it!! I'm doing my best to unlock the stang, I love the look of the 05. I turn the in game music down all the way and do quick race free roams with the GTO just to listen to the V8 purr
You could always drive around and find them, like the rest of us did. Check your inbox for clues as to where the hidden shops are.
Some nice cars...some very bad I wouldn't be caught dead driving them, even in a game. Sucks that you have to rice out your car to get a "good" reputation. Should be able to keep it nice and clean and still develop a reputation.

Anyway, where are the friggin' DSMs? I didn't see one through this whole thread. There's gotta be someone out there racing one.
Im running it on a fx 5200 ultra so the graphics suck

ill have more soon
here are my cars... sorry for the large files but its the broadband age. :D


This is my favorite car as im sure it is for alot of you...

I have tuned it and recorded a quarter mile time of 8.05sec @ 170.3mph wich took me like 4 hours to achieve. :p


The RX-7


Here is the miata.. I think it looks tits! :D






Does anyone else have a good quarter mile time? I wonder if 8.05 is really fast or if i can get it lower. (maybe 7s?)
I sincerely hope including that Escalade in the game was a sick joke. :D
bob_the_frog said:
here are my cars... sorry for the large files but its the broadband age. :D


This is my favorite car as im sure it is for alot of you...

I have tuned it and recorded a quarter mile time of 8.05sec @ 170.3mph wich took me like 4 hours to achieve. :p


The RX-7


Here is the miata.. I think it looks tits! :D






Does anyone else have a good quarter mile time? I wonder if 8.05 is really fast or if i can get it lower. (maybe 7s?)
how long have u had the game?
snoop_1 said:
Some nice cars...some very bad I wouldn't be caught dead driving them, even in a game. Sucks that you have to rice out your car to get a "good" reputation. Should be able to keep it nice and clean and still develop a reputation.

Nice and clean = Sleepy and boring.
Thank you DRJ1014, because we really, REALLY wanted to see his pics twice, I'm sure the 56k users that missed them the first time really appreciate. :rolleyes:

StratocasterMaster said:
Thank you DRJ1014, because we really, REALLY wanted to see his pics twice, I'm sure the 56k users that missed them the first time really appreciate. :rolleyes:


IE has a cache and won't dl a pic twice! Thats why u'll see the SAME pics load at the same time! IE may be a pos but its not THAT dumb! :p
StratocasterMaster said:
Thank you DRJ1014, because we really, REALLY wanted to see his pics twice, I'm sure the 56k users that missed them the first time really appreciate. :rolleyes:

ya anytime
Tazman2 said:
IE has a cache and won't dl a pic twice! Thats why u'll see the SAME pics load at the same time! IE may be a pos but its not THAT dumb! :p

Never underestimate the power of IE and its evil ways... :eek:

As for the guy who posted a pic of his 5200 graphics, i have a 9200se and my graphics are fine. I customized my graphics settings and they are all at how i like them so its not too shiny and its perfect looking. I didnt put it on higher settings because there was such a glare on the cars that it looked stupid.

Thats my 240sx, working on my first sponsorship contract. Ill pick up the mustang soon as it comes available.
where did you guys get nfs:U2 my local circut city and bestbuy are always sold out and it takes forever for them to get it back in stock(sometimes even 3 weeks!). Gamestop doesnt sell it near me, ebgames doesnt either.
My settings are all maxed out at 1024x768. I got mine at BB. There was a single box left on the shelf and it was hidden behind some lame edutainment softwares. Someone musta been trying to "reserve" a copy.
ati_azn said:
where did you guys get nfs:U2 my local circut city and bestbuy are always sold out and it takes forever for them to get it back in stock(sometimes even 3 weeks!). Gamestop doesnt sell it near me, ebgames doesnt either.
wut eb games doesnt? my friend bought his at eb games for 40. you might wanna check again. Game stop will also have it. check again
bob_the_frog said:
here are my cars... sorry for the large files but its the broadband age. :D

Another RSX user. Had the same vinyl on mine in Part 1.

Post mine had soon as i reach home. Unfortunately the Tibburon is using my unique parts.

Here is my RX8, I REALLY want the mustang but haven't figured out what needs to be done to get it.

Edit: oh yeah I took the screenshot at 1600x1200 full detail BUT I can only play at 800X600 half detail <sigh> must upgrade video card...
I unlocked the Mustang after winning the 5th or 6th URL race in level 4.
Ludic said:
I unlocked the Mustang after winning the 5th or 6th URL race in level 4.

nice! now how does one get to the next "level"? :confused: I have a bunch of cars now but am unsure what level I'm on. My latest car that was unlocked is the G35 if that helps