PHPNuke resources

No offense, but the best thing to do with PHPNuke is rm -rf and do more research to find a product that more closely fits your needs with better security and performance.

I used to be a nuker, but once I really sat down and planned out my site, I found Mambo to be awesome for my purposes, and with 1% of the BS problems PHPNuke tends to have.

brainchasm speaks the truth. I created a few sites with postnuke and phpnuke and kept running into giant problems. once i switched to mambo everything became easy. creating templates and the such.

check out mambo at and if you need any help, is your place to go. There are about 20+people always on there who can answer your questions. I post a lot on there and most people get their site up rather quickly. I've been working on for 2 months now and its coming along nicely. All while doing school work and my day job.

If you want something easy to use that doesn't have a crap load of BS, get mambo. ditch phpnuke. If you need help, drop me a PM and i'll help you out.