Need a new KT400a board with AGP/PCI bus lock or divider


Limp Gawd
Aug 20, 2001
What is a good board that will allow me to limit the pci/agp bus in reflection of a higher bus?

Price is no issue any board with these options is a candidate
They don't exist, sorry.

Only NForce2 locks the PCI/AGP.

The KT400a boards may have the 1/6 divider though.

No real reason to get KT400a, though. NF2 is faster for everything.
DFI Infinity (or Lanparty if $ is no object), and Abit NF7-S..Although, it seems the newer rev 2.0 Abit's don't o/c as well as earlier.. I've read that you can differentiate the 2 by the socket lever - older 2.0's (like mine) have plastic levers, newer ones metal.

A bit of a moot (sp?) point though, DFI boards seem to regularly o/c better than the Abit's nowadays..Of course theres the Asus/Epox boards, but noone seems to talk about them much these days.
DFI's are better overclockers but cost 50% more. I'd personally suggest the NF7-S, as I've built many and they are all stable and happy and good. and $50 cheaper than the DFI.