good overclock for AMD 64 X2 4800 ?


Limp Gawd
Feb 14, 2006
I just built this new rig and I'm trying to get my money's worth here. Right now I'm running my 4800 at 2.64GHz with the AI overclock setting at 10% overclock that came with my BIOS, and my BIOS is telling me its about 35C.

what should I be able to overclock to without burning up my cpu and mobo? i've got a decent cooler with the OCZ reaper, but my case might be lacking in ventilation a bit.

also, can someone point me in the right direction to a tutorial site or something as to how i can overclock by more than just changing the bus speed I'm confused with voltages?

on a side note, does anyone know how to get a little more out of my 2gb of crucial ballistix? right now they're at 5-5-5-18 and the DRAM frequency is 440mhz. if it can do better than that, how can i change it so i can get more out of it?
most AMD x2's top out arround 3.0ghz. You can aim for the 2.8-3.0 range. my old Opteron 165 was clocked at 2.7ghz.

Trial and error. Basically for both your memory and CPU (ONE AT A TIME) overclock them 10 mhz, and then boot into windows, if you want or thinks there is any instability use a program like Prime 95 or orthos to test. if all seems good, reboot and go up 10 more. Do this until you run into errors or your PC wont boot any more. Pretty much as simple as that.
I have my 4600 oced to 2.8 ghz stable............Itll oc to around 2.9 but once I start gaming it will eventually crash. 3ghz wont even boot......
my x2 was totally stable at 2.6 (3800x2)

This was with a cheap water cool setup... I could boot at 2.7 but it was not stable at all. this was using an nforce 4 based board.

I also stuck a much larger cooler on the NB and believe that helped with the very high fsb i was using.
alright, i got the memory going pretty good, at 4-4-4-12 with 2.2v, which is what it says on the crucial site so it should be fine. I'm noticing that vista's superfetch is using less of my RAM now in my CPU usage monitor. so this is a good sign.

now that my RAM's taken care of, I'm having trouble with my CPU. what settings should i be messing with? the only thing I've been changing is bus speed, and whenever i go over 220MHz i start getting errors every once in a while, which leads me to think it's not stable. but that's only 2.64GHz, and i think this can do more. what should i be changing in addition to bus speed that will make it stable at higher speeds? i have no access to HT link or multipliers in my BIOS. i'm trying to get it to around of a little under 3GHz
set your memory default speed to 166 and not 200 that gives 34 mhz of overclocking the bus before your ram is at normal 200mhz speed... and if you had it 220 with the ram 1:1 you can bet on it being good for near that much over the 34mhz fsb overclock.

With no access to the HT link settings you will most likely be limited there... The HT link speed is usually good for 100mhz over the 1000mhz default. So use cpu-id to monitor the ht-link as you bump up the overclock... even if you end up having to settle with your ram running at 190mhz or so with a much higher cpu clock it will still be much faster. I dont think you will notice any difference at all.