10313 3DMark06 on eVGA 8800GT 512 [img]


Jan 2, 2008
So, I'd like to get some input on my most recent 3dmark score. (using all default demo settings)

Based on the screen shot below, is my CPU the bottleneck, or do AMD processors just really not score well on this particular program? >_<

Running OS: Vista Ultimate x64

AMD X2 is scoring low in the CPU section and bringing down your overall score.

I am NOT saying the CPU is a gaming bottleneck, it is a 3D mark06 bottleneck, there is a substantial difference which is often not understood.
Nature of the beast, AMD CPUs just don't do as well in 3DMark06. As far as gaming goes, you'd be a hard pressed to find a difference.
Very nice memory OC on that GT! could you do me a favor and run 3dmark03? I am particularly interested in the game 2 test (battle of proxycon). My GT runs everything fine with mem speed in excess of 950mhz... but 3DM03 test 2 freezes at anything over 897mhz. thanks!

Your score look fine to me. I get about 10800 w/ E6600 + 8800 512MB on stock.

Thats a very nice OC on your CPU but Vista probably lowers the score a bit compared to XP.
How the hell does everyone get 5200/4600+ on 3Dmark06 with their 8800GT's? :( While I'm stuck at 4600/4600
how do you get the results to show in the actual program. mine says "online" for all the subscores, is that a pro feature?

btw i get 12072 on stock Q6600 and factory 675/975 8800GT, quad makes a difference for sure.
I get around the same score with my vanilla 8800GT for sm2 and sm3. When I overclock it to the specs in my sig, it raises significantly.

I am no expert, but what I do is set texture filtering to performance in the nvidia control panel, and everything else off too, except for trilinear optimization and threaded optimization. I'm also using the 169.25 beta drivers. These helped increase my score a bit.
OP's cpu is holding him back.

I'm getting just over 12K with my 5600+ 3.5Ghz and 8800GT 700/1800/920

My GT's memory stock doesn't OC well... will try softVmod next.
AMD X2 is scoring low in the CPU section and bringing down your overall score.

I am NOT saying the CPU is a gaming bottleneck, it is a 3D mark06 bottleneck, there is a substantial difference which is often not understood.

True story.

Sometimes it seems like 3DMark is the most popular game. :rolleyes:
I only get 8,000-8,500 with my set up and i'm not sure why. I think it may be my motherboard because BFG sent me 3 8800GT's and they all got the same score. My CPU is better then yours aswell.
Nice overclock on the CPU! I thought 2750mhz on my X2 4200+ was pushing it but now I might try a little higher :) although mine is a socket 939, I didnt notice if yours was AM2 or not.
So, how does it play games?

I don't like buying hardware so I can get a high score watching a movie....

The amd won't be holding anything back while gaming.
The smaller L2 cache of AMD chips can be a big factor too. Especialy comparing the x2 and core 2
So, how does it play games?

I don't like buying hardware so I can get a high score watching a movie....

The amd won't be holding anything back while gaming.
Im getting 12,028 with my 8800GTS 320mg in my below rig.. here again my cpu scores are a hair over 3000 so it looks like your card is running about right.
Nice setup and overclock on 6750. I bet it could have been highier with new GT/GTS
Im getting 12,028 with my 8800GTS 320mg in my below rig.. here again my cpu scores are a hair over 3000 so it looks like your card is running about right.
Nice setup and overclock on 6750. I bet it could have been highier with new GT/GTS

Think I have my card sold and im gonna try the 8800GTS (G92) Evga. I didnt plan on doing much gaming but now im kinda hooked. I just built a sytem with a 3850 512, E8400 @ 3.6ghz that got 10,520. It makes me want the 3870x2.

To the Thread Starter.... 10K is respectable and should game fairly well. We all know not to depend on 3dmark as a complete judge of gaming performance.
Hmm. How are your GPU scores so much higher. I set my GPU settings to the same as you and I got 4000/4800 + my 2100 score on my CPU got me 9611. I have a 4000 and I had it clocked at 2.90ghz when I ran this.
Think I have my card sold and im gonna try the 8800GTS (G92) Evga. I didnt plan on doing much gaming but now im kinda hooked. I just built a sytem with a 3850 512, E8400 @ 3.6ghz that got 10,520. It makes me want the 3870x2.

To the Thread Starter.... 10K is respectable and should game fairly well. We all know not to depend on 3dmark as a complete judge of gaming performance.

Amen :D I totally agree with you, 3dmark is CPU hog, and peeps should measure their systems when benchmarking using some real games. Btw I'm getting 12350 with my rig ;)
3d mark gives you a MUCH higher score for having a quad core cpu, irregardless of how it performs.
Amen :D I totally agree with you, 3dmark is CPU hog, and peeps should measure their systems when benchmarking using some real games. Btw I'm getting 12350 with my rig ;)

Not bad at all.. ive seen ppl getting pretty high with the 8800GT card... you got a nice OC on yours and with a quad you would be pushing some good numbers.
Yes 3dmark is multithreaded and likes quad cores. It also likes SLI
But the scores are somewhat meaningless.
For example old HD2900pro and XT performed well in 3dmark but were easily passed by 8800cards in real life.
Not bad at all.. ive seen ppl getting pretty high with the 8800GT card... you got a nice OC on yours and with a quad you would be pushing some good numbers.

Thanks, my plan is to buy Penryn quad a year or two from now when the prices fall to $100 range... :D
That's the same basic result everybody with X2's gets.

It's nothing new or to be alarmed about. 3DMark is simply not kind to X2s in the CPU score. Your CPU is 300MHz faster than mine, but that only gets you about 150 more marks.


3800+ X2 @ 2.6 GHz
XFX 8800GT Alpha Dog @ XXX
2GB OCZ PC-4000 EB Platinum