Is this a good motherboard? MSI K7N2 Delta-L


Aug 21, 2004
I am planning on buying the following motherboard from Newegg. It is a MSI K7N2 Delta-L. I have read the users manual on it, but I would like to hear from someone who has this actual board, or has built a machine with it. I will be putting my existing 512MB DDR in it along with my XP 2100. That should do everything I want it to do (Doom3 isn't a big concern for me currently).

I have owned several ASUS and ABIT boards, but after my last ABIT KG-7 RAID board, I have decided to try something else. I would also like to hear about what you guys think of MSI as a company? Do they release timely BIOS updates? Etc... THanks in advance.
i have this board, or thought I did, apparently I got a K7N2 non-Delta in a Delta box with a Delta manual. However flashing to Delta bios(which i thought i had) caused my computer to no longer boot...nice.
Anyway my K7N2 was a good board until this went down.
I don't have the Delta, but I do have the K7N2G and I like it. I considered the delta when I bought this board, but I was looking for a cheaper upgrade and the onboard graphics, sound etc at the time was the cost cut that made the grade.
i have the said board and it was the best computer related 79$ ive ever spent.. Might even be cheaper yet now.. Works very well for me and my 2500+barton
I have this board ... got the first revision ... and still running strong ... get a 2500+ with it ... bump the FSB to 200 ... and you're set ... you'll need a good PC3200 memory with it ...

longest time I've ever had a motherboard, I don't even know when I'll upgrade, since it's still enough for my needs ...