OCing my 2200+to 3200+??? This Can't Be


Apr 22, 2004
Just bought a 2200+ tbred 266fsb cpu BEFORE i found out on the web that they are horrible OCer's. Anyway since I had already spent the money I tried OCing the thing anyway. What I found is troubling...

Multiplier SHOULD be locked at 13.5 but I was able to lower mine to 13 in the bios with verifiable results. I'm now running 13 multi x 170 fsb and hitting 2.21 GHz stable all day long and benching in SiSoft Sandra 2004 just OVER their benchmark for a 3200+ system

How is this happenning??? Multi should be locked in the first place and after a ton of research I can't find a single person OCing this chip to 3200+ or better. I even got a crap BioStar M7NCD Ultra mainboard that I'm doing all this on!

This can't be

Someone please tell me what's happenning?
not sure if your CPU fall in this category but many AMD cpus came factory unlocked for a short time during the climb to 3200+ and beyond
you might have a t-bred b DLTC3 or something like that

the L meaning default voltage is 1.5, giving you alot of room for oc'ing