Extraordinary OC and Temps E6750


Jan 24, 2007
Installed 2 days ago my new setup, and I am absolutely SHOCKED!
This chip Oced right of the bat to 3.6Ghz on stock Voltage!!! temps are, well you will see the best I've seen in my entire life, and I've seen a lot, considering this is Air Cooling.
Can boot to 4Ghz at about 1.51 in windows, but its not Orthos stable.
Found the sweet spot, 475x8=3.8Ghz @ 1.42Vcore, all other voltages are stock. Vdimm is 2.1V. Temps are about 42C after 5+ hours of Orthos stress test. Using, of course Thermalright Ultra-120 Extreme.
Please take a look at my screenshot, and tell me if the temps look right, cause I started suspecting that some reading stuff is off or something... The temps in bios are similar to Coretemp 0.95.4 that im using.
ok someone from xtremesystems forum figured out right away what wasnt right... tjunction was supposed to be 100C so he gave me the link for the latest coretemp and it pretty much ads 15C to what i had, which is still ib my book pretty incredible temp!
Awesome tempartures. :eek:

I have my Q6600 @ 3.6 GHz and temparture on SMP Folding atm is 52C.
Wow, those are some great temps man. I think I might pick up one of those ultra-120's, they seem to perform better then my Scythe Ninja, my temps do lower when I have my side panel off however
We are running darn close setups...

I have the same board/cpu/memory and a 520 watt thermaltake with a BFG 8800GT OC

I can post at 3.8 such so far but cant post at 4Ghz (only had this thing running 2 hrs so far since building it)
We are running darn close setups...

I have the same board/cpu/memory and a 520 watt thermaltake with a BFG 8800GT OC

I can post at 3.8 such so far but cant post at 4Ghz (only had this thing running 2 hrs so far since building it)

Get yourself the same cooler as me, and I'll help you get up there. BTW is your E6750 packaged 11/20/07 (its on the box)
Mine is at 3.6 with 1.48 voltage. Boots at 3.8 with slightly more volts but is not stable. I think Im gonna have to find an intel based board to try.
mine at3.6ghz ran at pretty much all stock volts.temps were insane too! never over 40C full load after hours in orthos.