Help on need for speed 2

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Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 11, 2003
I know theres gunna be questions about it so ill start it in one thread.

My question. where is the car lot? I got the call and message to go to the car lot but cant find it.
bring up the map.. i think its 'M' on the keyboard... if you have a dual analog controller with a D-Pad press the D-pad to the left side and it will bring up the map. Once opened any current objectives should be lit up on the map. The carlot will be a sea green color and it will say this on the left portion of the screen as well. Find the correct DOT on the map and click it; the game will ask you if you want to enable GPS and select 'yes'

Now close the map by hitting 'M' again and you will now have an arrow at the top of the screen that will guide you through the city to the car lot. This works for any objective shown on the map (the dots)

Now if i am wrong about 'M' being the key to bring up the map then you should simply go into the options and then controls and find the correct key that is used..


if you arent cheating with a save game or using the trainer id reccomend sticking with your first car until you can either purchase the tiburon or the supra. This is because for some time through the begining of the game you only have 3 car slots available to you and you HAVE TO purchase and use an suv to progress the game at a certain point so you will need one slot for an SUV.

save your $$$ and upgrade your first car as high as you can and use it as far as you can. ;)
wilkinru said:
I cant get banned for 1 word can I?
my other replys were deleted.

yes you can if its the wrong word
this is an international forum
and there is no tolerance for racism

this is an official warning
while normally there is a certain amount of slack given for new members to learn the ropes
willful transgressions against obvious social norms are dealt with promptly and decisively
that part confused me... when she says she wants her car back near the end of the first sponsorship... jus keep continuing with the game. it doesn't affect the progress of the game.

- jj
Ice Czar said:
yes you can if its the wrong word
this is an international forum
and there is no tolerance for racism

this is an official warning
while normally there is a certain amount of slack given for new members to learn the ropes
willful transgressions against obvious social norms are dealt with promptly and decisively

if i had said, White people.

Or, Hawaiians.

Or Caucasians.

Would I be given a warning?

But I say, Mexicans and you give me a warning for racism?

If you are to ban everyone that is racist, you may as well ban us all. We all are racist to some degree. When I said 'Mexicans', did you know it was degrading? Or did you think I meant it as degrading? Do you feel Mexicans as a word is bad? Do I feel that? Ah...many different types of racism out there, not always so obvious.
we confine ourselves to enforcing the overt
and yes any denigrating remarks against any racial group
bob_the_frog said:
bring up the map.. i think its 'M' on the keyboard... if you have a dual analog controller with a D-Pad press the D-pad to the left side and it will bring up the map. Once opened any current objectives should be lit up on the map. The carlot will be a sea green color and it will say this on the left portion of the screen as well. Find the correct DOT on the map and click it; the game will ask you if you want to enable GPS and select 'yes'

Now close the map by hitting 'M' again and you will now have an arrow at the top of the screen that will guide you through the city to the car lot. This works for any objective shown on the map (the dots)

Now if i am wrong about 'M' being the key to bring up the map then you should simply go into the options and then controls and find the correct key that is used..


if you arent cheating with a save game or using the trainer id reccomend sticking with your first car until you can either purchase the tiburon or the supra. This is because for some time through the begining of the game you only have 3 car slots available to you and you HAVE TO purchase and use an suv to progress the game at a certain point so you will need one slot for an SUV.

save your $$$ and upgrade your first car as high as you can and use it as far as you can. ;)
so when i get that message that she wants her car back i go to the car lot and choose a car?
Ice Czar said:
we confine ourselves to enforcing the overt
and yes any denigrating remarks against any racial group

no, what you perceive to be a degrading remark.
oh, and boosting that forum mod ego.

ill go ahead and make my disclaimer now: I hate mods, ops, etc. Bunch of people who have nothing better to do but stroke thier own ego. I think they should all go check out North Korea to see how the job is really done.
DRJ1014 said:
so when i get that message that she wants her car back i go to the car lot and choose a car?

actually you just drive around and power slide into walls since its faster than using the breaks. what a bad game. i hope you didnt buy it.
i think its quite funny that you are ALL on his case for saying "Mexicans". There is nothing wrong with saying the word "Mexicans". Jewish people are called "Jews", people from Italy are called "Italians", etc, etc. There is nothing derogatory about just calling out a race; however, it would have been poor behavior if the guy added an adjective in conjuction with a race. Therefore, the man didn't say anything wrong, so drop it...
wilkinru said:
no, what you perceive to be a degrading remark.
oh, and boosting that forum mod ego.

ill go ahead and make my disclaimer now: I hate mods, ops, etc. Bunch of people who have nothing better to do but stroke thier own ego. I think they should all go check out North Korea to see how the job is really done.

lets try this again
for starters I can see the post deleted by Duck
and if your memory is so short you cant recall it
it does qualify as denigrating

and I could really care less about your personal tolerance for authority
personally Im an anarchist myself
but I have accepted the responsibility to enforce the rules
rules you agreed to without anyone twisting your arm
if you cant abide by them,
then you have misrepresented your abilities and your not long for the forum
and one of the paramount rules is
(23) You must respect forum MODERATORS and ADMINISTRATORS and are bound to follow their directions and instructions.

if you want to debate the point your welcome to PM me
but this thread is derailed and now dead

sorry DRJ1014, feel free to repost
addendum wilkinru subsequently blew a gasket
and appearently decided to see exactly how fast he could get banned
which only took 2 more posts :p

how long that vacation is going to be is yet undetermined
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