Cant get my CPU past 2.42


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 14, 2007
Per my sig i cannot get my CPU past 2.42 even with a voltage bump, i ran it to 2.53 but it wouldnt go into windows and if it did it would crash in a few seconds after loading giving me PFN_List BSOD. I ran it a 1.40V for the 2.53 and it was @ 330FSB and my Ram was at 2.80V.
well u could´ve gotten a really bad CPU for OC, it happens
i remember i used to have a 939 Athlon 64 3200+ and i could only OC 10Mhz !!! out of it
i´m assuming that u have a good cooling solution, right?
Sig mate... sig.... i have a Zalman...

also ive been having alotta problems with my mobo, but when i sent it in to monarch they said it was fine(like a year ago)

You were probably given a chip without much potential. Some are great overclockers, some aren't. It's luck of the draw mostly. My s754 Athlon 64 3200+ will only go 100MHz above it's rated speed. I consider that to be rather poor as far as overclocks go and it's not limited by temperature either, that's just the most the chip can put out.
I run my Opteron at 1.5v...24/7 basically for well over a year now with zero issues and rock solid stability. It sounds like you're creeping up on your wall, but I think with good air cooling like that you can afford to go a little higher on the voltage if you want to really open that thing up.

Won't set any records but I bet you could get it close to 2.5 stable.
well u could´ve gotten a really bad CPU for OC, it happens
i remember i used to have a 939 Athlon 64 3200+ and i could only OC 10Mhz !!! out of it

sounds less like your cpu and more like your ram or motherboard, 10mhz wtf, no way that is your cpu unless it is faulty.

Either that or you forgot to lock your pci bus and ended overclocking that as 10mhz would be roughly right before the pci bus would start shitting itself and start fucking up and weird shit happening and possibly ruining your OS install. I just cant believe a 3200 was only good for 10mhz unless it was faulty or what I said above was happening and you didnt realise and thought it was the cpu that was causing the problems, as 10mhz + OC without the pci locked does seem to be the magic number, some boards can get higher but not much higher before shit happens.

If it was locked, then either your board/ram was shite or borked or the cpu was faulty, if it was the cpu then you should of got rid of the bitch, RMA FTW ;)
I have to ask...are you using a RAM divider, or are you staying at 2:1? Your ram may very well not be able to break 220FSB, and yanking down to 5:3 or 3:2 can make a different. I'm running essentially the same board as you and I managed 2.8 and I can keep going.
If it was locked, then either your board/ram was shite or borked or the cpu was faulty, if it was the cpu then you should of got rid of the bitch, RMA FTW ;)

hehe, don´t worry about it, i sold it long ago, i now have a X2 4800+ :)
I have to ask...are you using a RAM divider, or are you staying at 2:1? Your ram may very well not be able to break 220FSB, and yanking down to 5:3 or 3:2 can make a different. I'm running essentially the same board as you and I managed 2.8 and I can keep going.

Its not just my RAM, i can tweak with those settings i just dont feel safe OCing when my Vcore is that insane.
What's your CoreTemp reading like? The Armor has pretty good airflow (I like mine), so that shouldn't be an issue, so unless you live in the desert or something your case/CPU temps should be decent..The Zalman may not be the baddest cooler on the block, but you should be able to pump at least 1.45v through it no problem.
Exactly my dilemma its pretty good, my airflow is pretty good and my CPU temps are around 32 idle... which is fine...
Update.... Asus has given me two... very unsavory options...

1. Rma your board and expect it to be fixed in a minimum of 10days+Transit+i have to pay to send it in for an issue that is known to exist on these boards... Which amounts to about 15 dollars+3 weeks of not having a computer which is unacceptable for me

2. Cross Ship a new board for drum roll please........ 200 dollars upfront which i dont have right now and will immediately be charged on my card and then returned to me once my old board arrives to them.

Sounds great doesnt it for issues that has plagued these boards....:(
Try dropping your HT multipler from 5x (1000Mhz) to 4x (800mhz) or 3x (600mhz). I think that may be your problem.
Try dropping your HT multipler from 5x (1000Mhz) to 4x (800mhz) or 3x (600mhz). I think that may be your problem.


Why the hell did nobody see this?!?!

The HT link should be <or = to 1000 mhz.

In your bios that would be listed as either the HT link multiplier or the LDT multiplier. The math goes LDT multi * HTT freq. =HT link speed.

Why the hell did nobody see this?!?!

The HT link should be <or = to 1000 mhz.

In your bios that would be listed as either the HT link multiplier or the LDT multiplier. The math goes LDT multi * HTT freq. =HT link speed.

All the AMD converters forgot how to OC on AMD :D
Your Cpu is 939-2.0 Ghz x2 stock right? Look at my Sig its AM2 but simalar to 939 and i can Oc it to 2.5Hz F2core with 1.32vcore on AIRcooling..... Mines a single core but X2 4200 I believe Oc better than mine from what Ive seen...Look at my CpuZ Screens this is with a 4x HT Not 5x with ram at 1:1 and dont let your HT exceed 1000 or it will mostlikely become unstable...I also have a 754Newcastle3200+2.2Ghz stock on air @2.53Ghz 1.63vcore and my Ht was @ speed of 939 system 1920Hz just shy of 2Ghz and 754 only uses 4x Ht ..1600Mhz but the trick is to come close or not EXCEED 2000Mhz HT!

@ 11multi CPU .........X2 2.2Ghzstock----------11x200=2200=2.2Ghz........So overclocked on your FSB it reads only 200Hz over which isnt much ...Looks like your Ht needs to drop down ..Your at 5xmulti right now you should be at ((((4X--HT )))) and 240Fsb for a 2.64Ghz Oc! 230Fsb for a 2.53Ghz at 4x Ht:D
11multi Cpu @ 240FSB =2.64Ghz @ 1.35v- 1.40v core--- you want to use .........4xHT ----240x 4 HT =960x2= 1920 =under2000Ghz will be stable.....Then tweak your Memory....

Your Cpu should be able to go 2.6 on Air and BH (E4 -1stepping) does Oc pretty well ,just retweaked my Brothers 4200+ 939 few weeks back with a Msi Diamond Mobo:cool: He ran his at stock but I Oced it to show him how fast it could go we did 2.53 no prob with Stock cooler and NoVcore bump! Hes a stock kinda guy:p

4x Ht usually works and your Cpu Should Handle it Always check your temp after too...Sometimes you will need to Run a 3x Ht but most time 4x will work...
Lower your HT and make shure your ram is as loose as you can get it for now and once you get your final Cpu clock then tighten your ram back up...I try not to use Dividers when i dont have too..;)


Ok Look at my ram Speed next Screenie


What is in my SIG is my 24/7 Clocks ...Your Mobo should have better FSB than Mine if you can run @330!and mine can run up to only 280stable but then i need to super cool my NorthBridge!

So if ya can Play with your HT and relax your Mem ,even try 2/3 mem divider , Im shure youve checked out how high your mem goes but if it dosnt clock well use the divider and when your FSB come up to 240 your mem will be 400 = 800mhz with a 10multi on your CPU ...

Hope This HELPS Ya ;)
I will try this, but im pretty sure my motherboard is still messed up. And ill try this out when i get a new board. Thanks.

Just tested all of that even with mem tweaks and STILL wouldnt boot into windows... the CPU is hitting the clocks but something his causing the instability.
This may sound like a ridiculous sugestion, but i couldn't overclock on my A8N board until i RE-enabled the floppy drive controller which i had disabled.

It was a bug with the bios or something, having it on made a big difference.
set the bios to its highest stable setttings, up the voltage to what you want, and drop the htt multi to 2x,then boot into windows and use clockgen to oc

for example i can only boot to 290fsb on my mobo, but i can clockgen it up to 303 before it restarts
set the bios to its highest stable setttings, up the voltage to what you want, and drop the htt multi to 2x,then boot into windows and use clockgen to oc

for example i can only boot to 290fsb on my mobo, but i can clockgen it up to 303 before it restarts

if you're looking to test only the motherboard, you'll also want to slap on a big memory divider.
Guys remember this is a mainstream board its not a 680i and i dont have that many options. lol
In order to find out which component is holding you back, I suggest following this guide. It will walk you through finding the max stable area of your system to determine what is creating the problem.

Thanks, i will try this out.
Guys remember this is a mainstream board its not a 680i and i dont have that many options. lol
i am sure it has pleanty of options, its was one of there top boards for 939, i believe it went
A8N32-SLI>A8N-SLI Premium>A8N-SLI Deluxe, its not gonna have as many options as a lanparty, but clockgen works for everyboard that has a supported pll
on the website it says it supports these nvidia pll's, nForce2, nForce3, nForce4, nForce4 SLI clockgenerators
Still cant OC.

Hey i just thought of this is your Pci locked to 66 and your PciE locked too i believe 100default setting, those two factors will also limit your Oc....

Also check that if you use Xfi or Audigy sound card that the Pci is locked and that the sound card works stable before any overclocking it can Bsod the Pc and prevent windows from loading if unstable...i usually Oc with out my sound in and if i get a stable Oc i then install the sound card making shure the PCI is locked to 66Mhz.....

Ok one last thing if you are using a SATA drive use(SATA Device channel 3 or 4) ,because on lots of 939 and 754 boards with( Nforce 3 and Nforce 4 chipsets) the Board will lock up at around 240-250Mhz on FSB if the SATA 1 or 2 is used ...If it is a SATA problem it usually dosnt affect the( 3or4 SATA channel) because the 1 and 2channel are linked to The Northbridge and the 3-4 is independant on most boards...

If you are using Eide that wont be your problem ...There are lots of Boards that are unable to Oc using the Factory SATA ,,From what i have seen you can install a SATA 1-2 or 3 card in empty PCI slot or use the Eide ...Thus allowing you to reach your Oc with stable results:D
Ok one last thing if you are using a SATA drive use(SATA Device channel 3 or 4) ,because on lots of 939 and 754 boards with( Nforce 3 and Nforce 4 chipsets) the Board will lock up at around 240-250Mhz on FSB if the SATA 1 or 2 is used ...If it is a SATA problem it usually dosnt affect the( 3or4 SATA channel) because the 1 and 2channel are linked to The Northbridge and the 3-4 is independant on most boards...

I had only found it at ~230 HTT, and only on NForce 3 motherboards, but good call. Could be something to try out.
Still cant OC.

Hey i just thought of this is your Pci locked to 66 and your PciE locked too i believe 100default setting, those two factors will also limit your Oc....

Also check that if you use Xfi or Audigy sound card that the Pci is locked and that the sound card works stable before any overclocking it can Bsod the Pc and prevent windows from loading if unstable...i usually Oc with out my sound in and if i get a stable Oc i then install the sound card making shure the PCI is locked to 66Mhz.....

Ok one last thing if you are using a SATA drive use(SATA Device channel 3 or 4) ,because on lots of 939 and 754 boards with( Nforce 3 and Nforce 4 chipsets) the Board will lock up at around 240-250Mhz on FSB if the SATA 1 or 2 is used ...If it is a SATA problem it usually dosnt affect the( 3or4 SATA channel) because the 1 and 2channel are linked to The Northbridge and the 3-4 is independant on most boards...

If you are using Eide that wont be your problem ...There are lots of Boards that are unable to Oc using the Factory SATA ,,From what i have seen you can install a SATA 1-2 or 3 card in empty PCI slot or use the Eide ...Thus allowing you to reach your Oc with stable results:D

Ps :lower your Ht as needed...........2.4Ghz.........@220x11=2400Hmz 5xHt=2200Mhz

................................................... 2.5Ghz.........@230x11=2500Hmz 4xHT=1840Mhz

....................................................2.6Ghz.........@240x11=2600Hmz 4xHT=1920Mhz

You do not want to go above 2000Mhz FSB it will be unstable with overclock ,right now your system is on the Redline with 2.4Ghz and FSB@2200Mhz...
Make shure your PCI is locked at 67Mhz not 66Mhz....;)

Sry i double posted but heres your Cpu and HT settings Ok..
Yes that is correct ....Use 5x HT for 2.4Ghz and Use 4X HT for Oc of 2.5Ghz and 2.6Ghz..I know this for a fact and it is well proven ...Id also check to see what SATA channel your HD is on ....You should use channel 3 or 4 just in case ,this was a Nvidia Nforce 3 problem but it carried over to several new Nforce 4 Boards when they came out !.......I know its not fun going thru all this ,but in the End it Really does matter when your Going for the Best Oc;)
Alright, just tried all of that stuff(running in 3rd SATA port) Bumped down HT and it restarted faster than usual.:(
Alright, just tried all of that stuff(running in 3rd SATA port) Bumped down HT and it restarted faster than usual.:(