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  1. Q

    No Jail For Virginia Craigslist Killer

    well, to be fair, from the article it sounds like it was a shooting in self defense which is probably why he's not doing jail time. If that's what happened or not, who really knows...
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    No Jail For Virginia Craigslist Killer

    WTF thats pretty messed up. That womans mugshot makes me sick, what a psychopath
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    Music Industry Wants Cut of Pirate Bay Sale

    I gotta say that I'm a little bit shocked over this. Not that I didn't see it coming but always just expected it to be a backdoor deal through another company. This makes me wonder what their plans for it are. Will they just buy it to let the name die, use their server records to try to go...
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    Good controller for ps2 emulation?

    I'll ask my buddy what he did, but I know he was able to use his ps3 controller on his PC somehow (maybe a custom driver?) or just go with a 360 pad, really can't go wrong with either :)
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    Killer Accessories for Your Guns

    hahaha well done, sir :D
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    Windows 95 On The iPhone

    yeah, checkout the video. it's slow as balls but it 'runs'
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    [FS]: Newegg paraphernalia!

    lol that t-shirt is awesome. wish it were a large glws
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    Windows 95 On The iPhone

    that's pretty rad. it was only a matter of time lol
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    How "overkill" is a GTX 260 or HD 4870 for 1680x1050 gaming?

    not at all overkill IMO With some games it might be more than enough @ 1680, but there are plenty of others that will stress that card no problem. With that said, a 260 is more than enough (in most titles) to run 1920x1200 maxed without aa enabled If you can find a more powerful card for not...
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    Beware the iSpud Conmen

    lol sucks to be them but I bet they learned a valuable lesson Scam artists used to do this with VCR's way back when. They'd throw a brick in a VCR box, tape it up and sell it to some sucker on the street for pennies on the dollar.
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    AnyDVD HD Questions

    yup, rip it to an iso image instead and mount it to a virtual drive. However, whatever blueray software you're using for playback should be able to read the files in the folder you ripped it to (like playing .vob files with dvd), however, the isos are much easier to manage imo
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    Oblivion compared to Fallout 3

    ok, I take it back. decided to re-install fallout and give it another shot. The bugs still annoy me, but I forgot how much fun this game can be as well lol Can't help but love the unnecessary violence.
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    lol same as far as rpg's go. I used to hate them with a passion until FF7 OP, play it on your computer :) it will look much better especially after applying screen filters and such.
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    Any hard drive cooling tips?

    I'd just use a standard fan. I've read that you may actually shorten it's lifespan if you run it too cool though (how true this is, I'm not sure)
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    GTX 280 for 130? Worth it?

    damn, thats one hell of a deal. If it works, thats a decent buy
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    Good controller for ps2 emulation?

    I use my 360 controller... it works very nice imo. I used to use a ps2 > usb converter which worked pretty well but without deadzone calibration (thanks M$) it was sort of flaky... I've also had this problem with several logitech gamepads over the years (since DX9/10 came out). The ms pads have...
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    Any good RPGs for the 360?

    fable, fable 2, last remnant, oblivion, lost odyssey all are outstanding rpgs
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    Twitter Suggested For a Nobel Prize&#63

    lol I was gonna say, that award lost all credibility when gore got it... so with that said, who cares if twitter gets it
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    Fallout LARP'ing

    lol touche
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    Fallout LARP'ing

    yes also cant forget the infamous dweeb
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    Windows Explorer error everytime I open one particular folder.

    have you checked event viewer to see if it can shed some light on the issue?
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    You’ve Got Blackmail: The AOL Account That Wouldn’t Die

    lol you aren't kidding man. A friend on mines mother (who's in her late 60's) was explaining a computer problem to me and was floored when she told me that she still pays to use AOL (while paying for dsl) I tried explaining to her that she didn't need it anymore but she just didn't understand...
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    3D monitor or not? That is the question.

    I've never used nvidias shutter glasses, nor have I used one of iz3d's monitors but if I had to guess I'd say that the iz3d solution would give a better experience due to using polarized glasses/screen. with that said, I'm not sure how much longer they'll (iz3d) be around in this economy so...
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    Pls help a dumb and lazy guy overclocking his Q6600

    you will, my HS is messed up from those crappy pushpins (one point doesn't lock). I would have replaced it already but my temps never reflected it. Next time I'll be going with a bolt thru setup
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    Oblivion compared to Fallout 3

    For the most part it's just minor annoyances. Character animations are horrible, the level cap was low which is perhaps my biggest gripe, once you beat the game you were done (this has been fixed in one of the DLC's), the environment is very bland (I understand their need to make it...
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    Homebrew Hidden-Passage Bookshelf

    thats pretty badass :) When I eventually buy a house, I want to build a secret passage lol
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    Pls help a dumb and lazy guy overclocking his Q6600

    good job, enjoy the extra speed :)
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    Oblivion compared to Fallout 3

    I liked Fallout 3 for the most part, but (in my opinion) oblivion is a much better game. There were a lot of things that irked me about fallout and pretty much stopped playing because of it. I may go back to it sometime in the future though
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    Pls help a dumb and lazy guy overclocking his Q6600

    What cpu cooler are you using? Honestly, just leave everything set to auto and give 333 fsb (x9 multi) a shot. You should be able to run it at 3.0 with no issues. I would highly recommend learning about it before doing it though. It's a bad idea messing with stuff like that without understanding...
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    Unallocated Space Issue

    try doing the process in the last link posted. Can you see the files on the drive when you go to "list"?
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    Unallocated Space Issue

    lol just went through this myself. I was able to convert it back to a FAT32 file system with a program called "testdisk". You might even be able to fully restore it also take a look at this, the very...
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    Installing Games Card and Workstation Card on the Same Computer

    I don't "think" that it would be an issue, but not sure how well the drivers will react to each other if the cards are the same brand since they'll essentially be the same drivers, but one optimized for a quadro/firegl Why not just use a gaming card full time? I don't think you'll see too much...
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    Pirate Bay Bought Out, Suddenly Respects Copyrights

    Wow. Wasn't expecting to read this today. Oh well, they go away and someone else fills the void
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    Recover deleted partition? Possible?

    thanks for the suggestions. I was able to recover most of it with a handy piece of software called testdisk. It found the old partition info and was able to restore most of it, then converted it back to fat32. I lost all the large files (over 4gb) but got a majority of 'em back. thanks again
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    How long before playing Crysis Warhead at 60fps constant at 1920x1200

    x2, farcry 2 looks ok, but no where near crysis
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    Recover deleted partition? Possible?

    Ok, first of all I'm an idiot. I made a rookie mistake and clicked a little too fast on a confirmation dialog and now my backup drive is lost. I was in mac OS 10.5.7 troubleshooting an issue and was going to try creating a boot disk from a 4gb flash drive but first wanted to wipe the partition...
  37. Q

    Do Ati cards support Physx?

    no you can use a secondary [nvidia] card as PPU in XP though or a real ageia physx card (out dated/old) as a PPU
  38. Q

    Is there anyway I can detect who is using my wireless network?

    what router are you using? most that I've seen, will show you a list of computers (by name or mac address) that are and/or have ever connected to it.
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    Why do you like Windows Mobile?

    well, multitasking is possible however it's not something officially supported by apple (you need a 3rd party workaround called "backgrounder"). And with the new push application support, you 'can' run am IM program, close and and still get notified the instant you recieve an IM but I've noticed...