Fallout LARP'ing

At the age of 14 I thought - haha yea I wont be playing video games when I am 23. I am now 23 and still playing plenty of video games. God I hope I am not LARP'ing, well, ever.
Hehe. I pissed off a friend of mine who is really into airsoft. He was going on and on about this weekend "re-creation" of a DEA Vs. Mexican drug smugglers scenario. Told him it sounded like a fun LARP and he got all defensive. Excuse me, but running around in costumes with fake weapons running a "scenario" where you are playing a character who is NOT you and doing a job that you DON'T do is the very definition of a LARP.
Hehe. I pissed off a friend of mine who is really into airsoft. He was going on and on about this weekend "re-creation" of a DEA Vs. Mexican drug smugglers scenario. Told him it sounded like a fun LARP and he got all defensive. Excuse me, but running around in costumes with fake weapons running a "scenario" where you are playing a character who is NOT you and doing a job that you DON'T do is the very definition of a LARP.

So any reenactor is a LARP?
So any reenactor is a LARP?

Indeed. If you are pretending, for example, to be a civil war soldier with the full getup and you go out on weekends to re-enact battles, you are a LARP-er. Live Action Role Play. They are alive, they are doing stuff (action) and they are playing a role (role play).

Besides, i personally think there is nothing wrong with LARP-ing or LARP-ers. I just take exception to people who think there is a difference between a guy in a robe yelling "fireball" over and over and someone who pretends to be a civil war hero. They are the same, just one has a social stigma, and one does not.

Personally, as long as you don't lose touch with reality, i think it's a great way to relieve stress and have a good time. I'd even consider most ren fairs to be LARPing.
Hehe. I pissed off a friend of mine who is really into airsoft. He was going on and on about this weekend "re-creation" of a DEA Vs. Mexican drug smugglers scenario. Told him it sounded like a fun LARP and he got all defensive. Excuse me, but running around in costumes with fake weapons running a "scenario" where you are playing a character who is NOT you and doing a job that you DON'T do is the very definition of a LARP.

Haha now thats funny.
lulz thats sweet... im 26 now, ive been playing video games since i was a little kid.

I larped when I was like 17 once with a friend more of like a WoW Larp, it was fun but we were also pretty high.
Well, I don't know what LARP stands for and I don't plan on trying to find out. That's how far away I intend to stay from this kind of...stuff.
larping should be a war crime and all larpers should be tried in the hague for crimes against humanity
It's all good if they do this in their own backyards, but when I take my wife and kid to the park at the lake and see some dude in leather armor with a battle axe reading a scroll out loud as two other's dual with plastic swords and all the normal people act like they don't exist... umm well yeah that's pretty funny.
It's all good if they do this in their own backyards, but when I take my wife and kid to the park at the lake and see some dude in leather armor with a battle axe reading a scroll out loud as two other's dual with plastic swords and all the normal people act like they don't exist... umm well yeah that's pretty funny.

Lol. Should've taped them and put it on youtube.